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Do-it-yourself bathroom enamel restoration. Bath restoration: which method is better, people's reviews and expert opinion. Three options for restoration Covering the old bathtub with new enamel

It's nice when an inexpensive but neat repair is made at home, and especially when everything is done by one's own hands. Anyone who gets down to business first evaluates their capabilities, selects material, time and finances. But, it is one thing to change the tiles in the bathroom, and another to change the bathtub that has turned yellow from time to time.

However, you can not rush to change it, as you can restore the enamel coating. And how to make an inexpensive and high-quality restoration cast iron bath at home, see this article.

In spite of big choice different in shape, size and material for the manufacture of bathtubs, are also in demand on the market. After all, such a cast base is almost eternal and can last for several generations.

What does that require? Just a periodic restoration of the enamel coating of a cast-iron bath is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. To properly carry out restoration work, you need to learn a little more about the types of damage.

View # 1 - yellowness and plaque

Roughly speaking, these are the remains of metal oxides that are contained in water. Over the years, more and more oxides are deposited, they impregnate the top layer of paint. And there comes a moment when the yellowness is no longer washed off, the top layer becomes yellow.

Yellowness on the surface of the enamel occurs during prolonged contact with water. The most typical causes for this type of damage are a leaky faucet, drops of water from a shower head, incorrect installation plum

View # 2 - mechanical damage

Scratches or other damage to the factory enamel layer. The enamel coating is thermosetting components baked at a high temperature in several layers, which, when dried, become very hard, but brittle.

Any sharp blow to the surface with a hard object often leads to cracks and even chipping of part of the coating.

Gloss damage occurs when using products containing corundum or glass abrasives. The use of such pastes damages the gloss over time, which leads to the retention of moisture on the surface and the ingress of various contaminants into micropores.

Cover restoration options

To restore the inner surface of bathtubs, three types of restoration are common:

  • applying an enamel coating with a brush or spray gun;
  • processing the bathroom bowl with a polymer compound - acrylic;

Dye– the service life of the enamel coating largely depends on the experience of the master and the thoroughness of the preparation of the base of the bath / bowl. As a rule, even with a careful attitude to the restored coating, its service life does not exceed 1-1.5 years.

liquid acrylic used to restore bathtubs of non-standard shape. The technology allows you to update the bowl with your own hands, without involving a team of craftsmen. True, you need to buy a quality polymer from a trusted manufacturer.

Installing the liner- the option is rather problematic, since they are cast in a certain shape and pick up right size under your bath can be very difficult. And quite often it is impossible - if you have a custom-shaped bowl installed.

The choice of method for its restoration will depend on the shape and size of the bath. For example, in a situation with products of non-standard shapes, it is better to stay on an acrylic coating.

We will not give advice on which type of restoration is better - you will figure it out on your own, assessing the condition of your bath and your own strengths.

Step-by-step instructions for enamel restoration

Enamel, designed to restore the surface of a cast-iron bath, is a material that contains a base and a hardener.

Simply put, enamel is not exactly paint in the usual sense, but polymer composites meeting multiple requirements. Therefore, it must be treated as a complex chemical composition, which is produced and mixed using a special technology.

The main color is white, and various fillers and dyes are used to prepare color shades.

It’s worth mentioning right away that enameling does not pretend to be factory quality in any way, so the attitude towards it should be like current repairs. This is just a coating with a thin layer of a film that hardens in air without special ovens.

Bath enamel coating technology is divided into four stages:

  1. putty, or, as it can also be called, the alignment of all irregularities, if any.
  2. Foundation preparation for coating, which includes cleaning and removing the surface layer of existing enamel.
  3. Enamel preparation and application to the surface.
  4. Proper drying or drying.

All stages of work are very important, nothing can be missed here. Even a small inaccuracy can lead to a decrease in the life of the coating, but we will analyze everything in order. First of all, you need to remove chips or scratches.

Step #1 - Surface Preparation

To prepare well inner surface, it is best to remove a completely damaged layer of paint. For this the most the best option if the layer will be protected before priming.

Stripping can be done manually or using electrical apparatus: angle grinder (angular Grinder), drills, grinders.

Surface treatment is carried out manually by an abrasive method, for this two types of working material are used: sandpaper and metal grid, which is used for leveling plaster during construction and repair.

The abrasive cloth has a paper or fabric basis. Fabric are available in moisture resistant and ordinary. The grain size is measured in microns, so the larger the number, the finer the grain. Abrasive cloth can be used for handmade in holders or with power tools

When using sandpaper, you need to choose the base to which it will be attached. For this, there are special graters with screw or spring clips along the edges. Also, the base can be made independently from a bar of wood.

Sandpaper There are several types: on a paper and fabric basis. Fabric ones are more durable and can be washed, paper-based ones are not. More resistant to abrasion fabric, impregnated with a special composition. For work will do grain size R120-R180.

Metal grid more practical, because it does not wear out and does not lose grain, and if it becomes clogged with dust, you can rinse and continue working. The mesh is attached to the holders.

A standard abrasive mesh or sandpaper holder should have a flat and hard surface. Clips for a cloth happen screw or spring.

When buying, you must definitely pay attention to the handle, which must be cast with a base. If the handle is attached to the glue, then there is a chance that it will break in the midst of work. Professional nets can be made from tungsten filaments, but they are much more expensive.

Mesh marking is the same as sandpaper. Brands are widespread: R-120, R-150, R-180, R-240. To remove the surface layer of paint from the bath better fit P120 - P180.

Surface preparation is carried out until all defects are completely removed, or until the primer layer.

Step #2 - Composite preparation and application

If there are bumps, chips, deep scratches on the surface, then it is better to use special putties to level the surface.

For putty cracks, chips, deep scratches, putty is selected, which contains fiberglass in its structure. Such composites are best suited for repairing chips and irregularities.

In order to prepare a place for sealing a chip, you must:

  • thoroughly degrease the defect with whiteness, denatured alcohol or acetone;
  • wash the place running water and dry with a hair dryer;
  • clean up thoroughly sandpaper;
  • rinse again clean water and dry with a hair dryer;
  • prepare a composite.

According to practicing craftsmen, putty containing fiberglass in its composition is better suited - such a composition is the most durable.

So, from suitable putties, we can recommend a polyester company Novovol or Body. These materials, after hardening, have high plasticity, which is important in conditions of constantly changing temperature during the operation of the bathroom.

Finishing putty can not be used to repair chips in bathtubs. Since it has a large linear thermal expansion.

First you need to determine the volume required material. You need a little putty, so it's best to purchase a small jar. High-quality putties are two-component, one of which is a hardener.

The ratio of the components to be mixed is determined according to the instructions for use, but if it is not, then general standard 1:10. After connecting the 2 components, it is necessary to mix them thoroughly and quickly until a homogeneous mass, the hardening start time is 2 minutes.

After the components are ready, you can start embedding. It is best to repair irregularities with a soft nylon spatula. This will clearly repeat the shape of the curves of the bath body. Yes, and then it’s not a pity to throw away such a spatula, saving precious time for work

After the composite is ready, all defects are sealed with a plastic spatula. After finishing the patching of irregularities, it is necessary to clean all the working tools, because after 10-15 minutes the putty will turn into a “stone”.

Step #3 - Paint the Cast Iron Bowl

The accessible part of the surface is painted manually using a velor roller, inaccessible places - with a brush.

For applying paint with a roller, the prepared paint is poured into a special ditch. After immersing the roller in the paint, it must be rolled one or two turns along the ribbed edge of the cuvette.

Then paint with intensive movements from the bottom of the bath to the edge of the top, while the movements should be directed from the bottom up. Inaccessible places for the roller are finished with a flute brush.

Step #4 - drying after painting

Drying after painting occurs only in vivo: drying of one coat of paint should last at least 3 days. Each repeated layer adds another day. Thus, drying with a three-layer coating will be at least 6 days.

It is not recommended to accelerate this process with artificial ventilation, because. uneven drying is possible, which will cause internal tension of the film, and as a result, its subsequent delamination.

With drying enamel or acrylic coating baths should not be rushed, because this can lead to a lot of trouble, ranging from a decrease in the service life of the coating and ending with its peeling

Having decided on an independent one, it is important to adhere to a number of rules and perform all actions consistently. Only in this case can a positive result be guaranteed.

If the shower is not dismantled, it must be removed to exclude even the theoretical possibility of falling water drops during the drying of the paint.

Secondly, degrease the prepared surface. The best solution for degreasing - this is denatured alcohol, solvent 646, in extreme cases - acetone.

Solvents work well, but do not remove corundum particles or debris, so after cleaning, it is best to rinse and vacuum the surface.

Thirdly, you should properly prepare the paint. It must be mixed according to the attached instructions. It is worth remembering that the time for painting after mixing the components is 15-20 minutes.

The viscosity of the paint should not be too thick, otherwise it will be very difficult to apply it, but not liquid, so that streaks do not form.

Almost all paints are diluted with 646 solvent or acetone. The acrylic-based composition is incompatible with domestic solvents.

Fourth, you need to take the time to prepare the flutes of the brush. Which consists in combing loose hairs with a small comb so that they do not fall out during the coloring process.

Then you need to run it several times over large sandpaper to give the villi a pointed look.

Fifth To speed up the surface preparation process, you can use a power tool. If you don’t find what you need, you can borrow it from a good-natured neighbor or friend.

At home master, independently engaged in repairs, in the arsenal there must be electrical devices: drill, screwdriver

A number of surface grinders is a belt of sandpaper that moves along a conveyor. The width of the tape can be very different. And the machines themselves - of various capacities and speeds of the tape

Also, to prepare the surface, you can use a screwdriver, holding the substrate under the grinding material in the chuck instead of the drill. Or use special nozzles on angle grinder typewriter.

Using electrical appliances for painting surfaces, you should pay attention to some of their features:

  • Not all power tools have dust protection in the vents, to prevent paint particles from getting inside the device, you can close the vents with several layers of gauze.
  • Electrical appliances with collector motors during operation create a spark between the electric brush and the collector plates. With their continuous use, paint accumulates inside, which threatens to ignite.

Using power tools in work, it is better to give preference to devices with rechargeable batteries - they are more mobile and safer.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

This is how the puttying of bathroom chips is carried out:

Most common mistakes when resurfacing:

Detailed instructions for the restoration of the bath cover:

As you can see, it is not so difficult to make at home, the main thing is to clearly understand the sequence of operations and do everything without errors. But if you doubt own forces- entrust this work to professionals.

Have you ever refurbished a bathtub yourself? Please tell the visitors of our site which method you used and why you chose it. Leave your comments in the box below. There you can also ask questions about the topic of the article.

No matter how carefully you treat plumbing, time will still leave an imprint on once new products. Abrasive properties detergents and mechanical impact on the surface of the baths, adversely affect the factory enamel, and make it visually unattractive. Two options come to mind - replacement or restoration of the bath. Which method is better, reviews and the financial component of the issue are described in our article.

Cast iron bath restoration

The appearance of indelible rusty stains on the bathroom indicates that the service life of the factory enamel has come to an end. Complete bathtub replacement? But this procedure is technically difficult and expensive. New materials and technologies will allow refresh the surface of plumbing for the maximum a short time , and this:

  • Financial savings. Modern plumbing will cost a new owner a lot of money. Let's add to this list: dismantling of the old bathroom, transportation, installation of new plumbing.
  • Minimum terms. The practicing master will hand over the work in a time not exceeding the mark of 5 hours, and after 48 hours you can use the updated equipment.
  • Quality. The durability of the product, and this depends on the material used and the method of restoration, is 10-15 years.
  • Color variation. Acrylic enamel is often produced white color. At the request of the client, by adding color paste, you can get a shade of the bathroom for every taste.

And of course it is worth mentioning the most main feature cast iron bath - ability keep warm for a long time. All of the above reasons point to one thing - " No" replacement, " Yes" restoration.

What methods of restoration of cast-iron bathtubs exist

So we found out that complete replacement plumbing in the bathroom will cost us a considerable amount, besides it is a waste of personal time.

Let's consider three options for restoration, which, for the optimal price, will give us excellent result:

  1. acrylic coating. New way, with the help of which a liquid solution of acrylic is applied (filling method) on the surface of the bath. Obtained layer characteristics:
  • Lifetime. Depending on the thickness of the layer, it is cured from 8 to 15 years.
  • Perfect coverage. The composition spreads well, filling all cracks and irregularities.
  • Odor free and hygienic. The bath can be taken by both children and allergy sufferers.
  1. New layer of enamel. Applying special enamel to the surface of the bath will remind many of the painting process. Cheapness and simplicity of fashion, lower physical properties updated product:
  • Durability. New enamel will last no more than 5 years.
  • Coating. The resulting hard coating is sensitive to impacts.
  • Appearance. With time , the enamel will definitely turn yellow.
  1. Acrylic liner. On the old surface an acrylic liner is laid, which completely repeats its contours. Advantages:
  • Life time. The strength of acrylic gives the product a service life of up to 15 years.
  • Surface. The "bath-to-bath" design completely hides all defects.
  • Aesthetic look. Acrylic will never turn yellow, and the plasticity of the material allows you to add new design elements to the bathroom.

Restoration of bathtubs with liquid acrylic

When using liquid acrylic, you can even in the most advanced cases get an excellent result, and the surface of the bath will become smooth and glossy. In addition to acrylic, the composition of the mixture includes: epoxy resin, hardener and chemical additives which increase the characteristics of the new surface.

Restoration stages:

  1. Surface preparation. Scratches are polished with sandpaper, rust and chips are removed with a grinder. Debris is removed, the surface is treated with baking soda - degreasing.
  2. Enamelling. Bath tub is washable hot water. A thin layer of the mixture is poured in a small layer onto the side of the structure. Acrylic flows freely along the walls of the bath and joins at the bottom. The resulting voids at the bottom are also filled with liquid until the circle closes.

Do not try to deal with streaks and influxes - this can only damage. When dry (hardening process lasts up to 24 hours), all errors will disappear.

In this video, specialist restorer Artem Babenko will tell and show how he restores a bathtub using liquid acrylic:

Restoration of bathtubs by applying a new layer of enamel

Ideally, enameling takes place in industrial environment, but appearing in recent times special formulations allow you to do this at home. As a result, you can get a new protective covering, without dismantling the bath.

  1. Preparatory work. Contaminants that have settled on the surface of the bath must be removed. The container of the restored structure must be thoroughly washed and dried.
  2. Enamel application. Enamel tools are chosen to your taste. It can be a roller, brush, etc. During operation, the solution should be carefully rubbed to prevent the appearance of streaks.

After at least two days, the enamel will completely harden, and the bath will be ready for use.

Restoration of bathtubs with acrylic liner

The two restoration methods described above are labor intensive. What to do if you need to get the result for short time? To do this, there is a "bath to bath" method - installation acrylic liner on the old surface will allow you to enjoy the updated plumbing in two hours.

  1. Preparatory work. The dimensions of the old bathroom are carefully carried out, the appropriate frame is selected. The enamel of the old coating is carefully protected with sandpaper - the roughness allows the liner to adhere as accurately as possible to the old bathroom.
  2. Installation. A sealant is applied around the perimeter of the bathroom (protection from moisture), the rest is filled with special foam. An acrylic tab is installed, and with it a siphon and screws.

For thorough gluing, water should be drawn into the bath - under the influence of the load, the foam will not be able to lift the liner up. Everything is ready, and after two hours you can take water procedures.

Do-it-yourself bath restoration at home

All the methods described in our article do not require the installation of a bathroom, and the work is done at home. Doing the restoration yourself, or inviting a specialist is everyone's business.

Consider important points to pay attention to when restoring bathtubs at home:

Foreign objects.

No matter what the work is in vain, it is necessary to completely secure any possibility of foreign objects getting on the drying surface of the bath: washcloths, creams, soaps, shampoos should be hidden. Remember - even a hair falling on the enamel can spoil the work done.

Proper surface preparation.

An improperly prepared surface of an old bathtub can cause the new layer to swell or chip away. Only conscientious cleaning (grinder, drill, sandpaper) and degreasing (baking soda) will achieve an excellent result.

Preparation of liquid acrylic.

After adding the hardener to the main components, stir the mixture with a whisk for at least 7-9 minutes. Then give the acrylic about 4-5 minutes to polymerize, and for another 5 minutes, mix the resulting solution manually. If the acrylic is not properly prepared, the enamel may not harden or turn yellow in places.

The best way to get rid of the waste of personal time and considerable financial investments to replace the unattractive appearance of the enamel of sanitary ware is to restore the bathtub. Which way is better, reviews and a great opportunity save the old cast iron bathroom, let you make the right choice.

Video lesson: restoring the coating in the bath

In this video, master Evgeny Pogrebnoy will tell you how to restore an old, rusty bathroom coating with self-leveling acrylic:

Changing a cast iron bath is a rather laborious and cost-intensive process. Therefore, it is better to use the services of specialists who will restore the product, extending its life. The company is engaged in the restoration of bathtubs using effective methods.

We offer a cast-iron bathtub restoration service at the best price in Moscow

We have been repairing old cast iron bathtubs since 2003. Our company fulfills orders quickly and with high quality. A cast iron bowl can be upgraded in several ways. We offer services:

Acrylic liner;

Bulk bath;


Each of them has its own specific advantages. For the repair of a cast-iron bathtub, the most suitable coating is liquid acrylic, which is also called a “irrigation bathtub”. This technology consists in applying special means on the surface of the bowl. It dries evenly and forms a glossy snow-white surface with a service life of more than 10 years.

Each product has its own service life, which ends sooner or later. Any thing once becomes unusable, and cast-iron bathtubs are no exception. Time and water have had on her Negative influence and lead to the destruction of the enamel coating.

Agree, changing the bath is expensive and time consuming. A more practical solution is to restore the plumbing yourself.

We will tell you how and with what you can paint cast iron bath, give recommendations on the choice of method, and also give step by step instructions for product updates.

The enamel coating of the bath becomes thinner over time, rust appears on it under the influence of water, and if measures are not taken in time, the process can become irreversible. The bottom can simply rust to holes, and then the bath can no longer be saved.

Bathtub covered in rust and limescale, looks, to put it mildly, not aesthetically pleasing. Undoubtedly, putting a new bathtub will be the only right decision if you plan to do overhaul, change tiles and plumbing. However, if the repair is still far away, then the purchase new bath will bring more problems than joy.

Modern cast-iron bathtubs are not cheap, you will also have to pay a rather large amount for delivery. Due to the large weight of the product, it is unlikely that it will be possible to dismantle the old one on your own. You need to either ask friends and neighbors, or hire people, which again costs.

Most likely, you will have to make repairs, even if it was not planned.

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If there are chips and cracks on the surface, they must be puttied, and then treated with sandpaper, after which the resulting dust must be removed again. This completes the preparation process, you can start staining.

Bath restoration with enamel

Enameling a cast iron bath is an old time-tested method that has been used for a very long time. But one should distinguish between professional enameling, which the bath is subjected to during the production process, and home enamel painting.

In the first case, use professional squads requiring preheating of cast iron to certain temperature. It is impossible, and not necessary, to paint a cast-iron bath in this way at home, since today there are easy-to-use and inexpensive enamel dyes for self-application.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Among the advantages of this method of painting are:

  • inexpensive cost;
  • lack of installation work;
  • Can be used on both cast iron and steel surfaces.

However, this method also has disadvantages:

  • the coating is quite thin and fragile, the enamel is very sensitive to household cleaners and shocks. Therefore, the bathroom will have to be handled very carefully so as not to inadvertently damage it;
  • the coating does not allow to eliminate severe defects: chips, dents, cracks;
  • over time, yellowness forms on the surface;
  • the enamel dries for a long time, the bath can not be used for about a week.

The service life of the coating is from 5 to 9 years. Although for those who are going to make repairs in the future and change the cast-iron bathtub to a new one, such a service life will certainly suit.

Overview of enamels for painting the bath

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Restoring a cast-iron bath with special enamels:

Bathtub coating with liquid acrylic:

Restoration of a bathtub with an acrylic liner:

Restoration is optimal way updates appearance baths, because it allows you to quickly, simply and inexpensively give new life old cast iron bath. Each method has its pros and cons, so it's up to you which one to use.

Do you have experience with a cast iron bathtub? Please share information with our readers, suggest your own way to solve the problem. You can leave comments in the form below.

The need for enameling arises if the sanitary ware has lost its original appearance, the old enamel has peeled off, and the surface of the product is more like emery than smooth surface. In this situation, enameling cast iron bathtubs will be an excellent solution.

We enamel the bath

Before you update the enamel of a cast-iron bath, you need to give a clear assessment of the condition plumbing equipment:

  • If chips and large cracks appear on the surface, and the color turns from snow-white to gray, it is simply necessary to enamel the old cast-iron bath;
  • If the body of the bathtub has significant deformations that lead to equipment leakage, enameling the cast-iron bathtub in this case will no longer save. Will have to buy new plumbing.

Features of the process at the enterprise

It is much more cost-effective to enamel a cast-iron bathtub than to buy a new one. Especially if you intend to restore it yourself, without the help of professionals. However, coating a cast-iron bathtub with enamel is a difficult process and definitely requires preliminary preparation.

Do-it-yourself enameling of cast-iron bathtubs is significantly different from industrial technology, this must be taken into account:

  • In factories, plumbing fixtures are preheated to high temperatures;
  • The inner walls of the baths are sprayed with a special powder;
  • Under the action of high temperatures, this powder melts and turns into an enamel layer.

At home, this process cannot be repeated, but if your bath with inside not very badly damaged during operation, it can be given a chance for a second life. Enameling cast iron baths consists of several very important steps.

  • To begin with, the surface of the cast-iron product must be cleaned with a grinder with a special flat metal nozzle;
  • After complete withdrawal old enamel, the surface should be degreased (gasoline, acetone or alcohol can be used);
  • The degreasing agent is removed;
  • Enamel for a cast-iron bath is applied evenly on the inner surface of the product. This layer in this embodiment will serve as a primer;
  • After the primer has completely dried, carefully apply the top coat of enamel on top.

Thanks to this technique, the thickness of the cast-iron bath enamel will be approximately five to six millimeters. At right technology applying the composition of the enamel, the updated bath can last another good ten years.

Choosing a material for covering the bath

So how to cover a cast-iron bath? Judging by the numerous reviews of people who carried out the restoration of sanitary equipment on their own, the most popular are the following types of enamels:

  • epoxy (applied with a brush or roller);
  • bulk enamel coating;
  • aerosol spray;
  • epoxy resin.

As practice shows, the most durable coating will be two-component enamel compositions, which include the first three types of material.

Enameling at home

The main stages of coating cast iron products with enamel composition in all three cases include:

  1. Complete removal of the old coating from the surface of the product:
    • using hard brushes apply aggressive cleaners that do not contain chlorine;
    • using an abrasive stone, perform a scrupulous cleaning of the surface;
    • soap scum and abrasive powder are thoroughly washed off;
  2. All irregularities and rusty smudges are cleaned, after which the surface is degreased;
  3. Plumbing is filled with water high temperature and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then the surface is very carefully wiped until completely dry;
  4. The working composition is prepared for application by mixing the enamel with a hardener;
  5. First, the surface of the plumbing is primed;
  6. After the primer dries, apply an even layer of the enamel composition on the inner surface of the equipment.

The restoration process should not take more than three hours. Depending on the manufacturer, the enamel diluted with a hardener after some time becomes unusable (it hardens). This fact must be taken into account when carrying out work.

The process of restoring the coating of a sanitary ware may seem quite easy, but if all technological conditions are not met, the enamel coating will not last long. The details of the process include:

  • In order for the enamel layer to fit well, perfect adhesion to the surface is necessary. This is possible if the surface is completely degreased and freed from the remnants of the old layer of enamel;
  • To check the quality of degreasing, you can moisten the bath with water. If water collects in drops on its walls, it means that the degreasing was performed poorly;
  • If you apply the enamel coating with a roller or brush, make smooth movements so as not to leave streaks and smudges of enamel on the surface;
  • When applying the first layer of primer, only half of the enamel composition should go to the surface to be treated;
  • When diluting enamel with a hardener, keep the exact proportions and do not do anything offhand. The life of the plumbing will also depend on the quality of the coating.

If you want more long years to use an old bathroom, it is better to purchase two-component enamel compositions, as a rule, their coating is more durable and durable. But if you are not sure that you can sufficiently master such a tool as a brush, use aerosol types of enamel, they are very easy to apply from spray cans, penetrating even into the most inaccessible places.


Enameling a bath with your own hands is a feasible task that requires careful completion of all stages of restoration. This process will save serious amounts of money not only on the purchase of new plumbing equipment, but also on the dismantling of the old, as well as repairing the bathroom.

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