Encyclopedia of fire safety

Feed the cucumbers with slurry. Fertilizer for cucumbers: mullein. cow dung as fertilizer

Without a doubt, mullein or cow dung is the most common and available fertilizer. It is also used by large agricultural enterprises and gardeners who have their favorite six acres.

Article outline

Composition of mullein

This type of fertilizer contains almost all the nutrients that plants need for growth, development and fruiting. These include the following macronutrients:

  1. nitrogen;
  2. phosphorus;
  3. potassium;
  4. calcium;
  5. magnesium;
  6. sulfur.

Also, microelements were found in the mullein: cobalt, iron, copper, molybdenum, boron and zinc. One ton of manure applied to the soil enriches it by 4.5-5 kg ​​of nitrogen, 2-2.5 kg of phosphorus and 5-6 kg of potassium.

Mullein is especially attractive due to the fact that nitrogen in it is in organic form. You should definitely know that one third of the nitrogen is released quite quickly during decomposition, but the rest is stable and has its effect on plants for a long time.

Half of the phosphorus in mullein is also associated with organic matter, but the rest of it quickly becomes available to plants. Potassium, which is part of this organic fertilizer, is almost completely soluble in water and can be absorbed by various crops almost immediately after application.

The use of mullein as a fertilizer helps the intensive reproduction of microorganisms in the soil, since organic matter contained in it is a source of energy and food for them.

cow dung improves physical and physiochemical properties soil, makes it possible to convert insoluble soil compounds into easily digestible ones.

And it also helps to create a structure of the earth from small lumps, which is considered the best for growing any crops, since lumps of soil soaked in humus are not washed away by water and become strong.

For example, after introducing mullein into heavy soil with a lot of clay, it becomes looser, easier to work, warms up better and faster. All this helps with the growth and development of plants, as well as for obtaining good yields.

Fertilizing with mullein can be carried out for all types of ornamental and fruit trees and shrubs, on various perennial, biennial and annual flower plants, as well as vegetable and agricultural crops. You can also use cow dung as fertilizer for indoor plants.

But before you start using this species, let's get acquainted with its varieties and methods of preparing mullein before bringing it into the ground.

What are the types of cow dung

Depending on the way cows are kept (with or without bedding of straw, sawdust and other materials), the mullein can be:

  • litter
  • or liquid.

Solid straw manure, which is obtained by bedding animals, rots during storage and eventually becomes humus.

The liquid form of mullein is used to prepare humus in compost pits, where it is mixed with earth, sawdust, fallen leaves, weeds, vegetable tops or straw. Moreover, usually two parts of straw, tops, foliage or sawdust are taken, and five parts of liquid manure. Also, wood ash or lime is added to the compost (from 2 to 4% of the total mass).

Straw, sawdust or foliage is poured in a layer and spilled with liquid manure, then the next layer and again - manure, and this happens until the pit is completely filled to the brim.

Cow dung as a fertilizer can be used in any form: fresh, half-rotted and completely rotted (humus).

But it must be remembered that fresh mullein can easily damage roots and stems different cultures(causes severe burns and death).

Fresh mullein can be brought into the ground only in autumn for digging, so that before spring it has time to burn out (rot) and no longer burn the roots of plants or seedlings. in spring and summer time mostly half-rotted or completely rotted mullein (humus) is used.

cow dung as fertilizer

Mullein can be bought

For those who are gardening for the soul and do not have their own cows, there is an option to buy ready-made mullein fertilizer. Quite popular is the organic fertilizer Compost BIUD KRS, which is available in 5 liter bottles, or the Radogor fertilizer in 1 liter bottles. According to manufacturers, such fertilizers replace half a ton of fresh cow manure (we are talking about 5l bottles) or 5 buckets of mullein (we are talking about a liter Radogor).

Such ready-made dressings are sold in most garden stores. There are also many options to buy dry mullein in bags from 50g to 5kg. It all depends on the range of country stores in your city.

For villagers, of course, it will be more profitable to use their own mullein, or buy manure from neighbors at a cheap price.

How to use mullein as a top dressing

For the preparation of liquid top dressing, cow dung is taken in any form. It is diluted in water in certain proportions, and then allowed to ferment for 5-15 days. Ready infusion is diluted in the right amount water (for different crops it is different) and water plants, trees and shrubs.

Completely rotted mullein or humus is perfect for feeding any crop. Often it is used as a mulching material (layer height varies from 4 to 8 cm), which retains moisture in the ground, looseness of the soil and at the same time is top dressing.

Mullein can also be used for foliar top dressing. To do this, take 10 liters of water and dissolve half a liter of liquid mullein in it, then mix thoroughly and filter. Strengthen the effect of this foliar feeding It is possible due to microfertilizers, which can be added in a small amount.

Let's get acquainted with how you can use mullein when feeding various crops.

Cow manure for fruit trees

Fertilizing fruit trees with mullein is best done in the fall for digging, so that deep-lying roots receive nutrients. But you can also feed at other times. When fertilizing in the autumn, it is necessary to evenly scatter the rotted mullein over the trunk circles, which should be larger diameter crowns, and close it to a depth of 30 to 35 cm.

Attention! It is worth remembering that on permeable light soils (with a lot of sand), manure is applied in two periods: when the buds open and immediately after flowering ends. And where the earth contains a large number of clay, mullein are introduced in several steps. The first time they feed in the fall, then in early spring, and then after flowering in equal shares.

Recipes for the best summer tree dressings with mullein


Top dressing of strawberries with mullein is carried out before the start of blooming flowers and during flowering. For the preparation of fertilizer, half-rotted manure is taken, poured with water in a ratio of 1 to 10 and infused for about a week in barrels, stirring several times a day (from 3 to 5 times).

The infusion is poured along the aisles, making sure that it does not get on the leaves and flowers.

The queen of flowers, the rose, cannot do without fertilizing with cow dung. Feeding rose bushes with mullein for the first time is carried out immediately after pruning in early spring. Completely rotted manure is distributed in a small layer (from 2 to 4 cm) around the bush, but at the same time, 10-15 cm must be retreated from the root neck. Fertilizer must be embedded in the ground with a chopper or small rake.

It is advisable to give the next top dressing to rose bushes just before flowering. To do this, prepare an infusion, for which they take one bucket of rotted manure and ten buckets of water. It is advisable to add a little ash to the barrel with infusion. From 2 to 4 plants are watered with one bucket of such fertilizer (depending on the age and size of the bush).

In order for roses to bloom well, during repeated flowering, one more top dressing with manure solution is carried out in the first ten days of August.

Attention! After such top dressing, a rather strong crust usually forms on the surface of the earth, which prevents the roots from breathing. It must be destroyed with a chopper and loosen the soil under it.

When growing white cabbage, it is best to use a mullein solution for dressing, prepared at the rate of 1 to 10 (one part manure and ten parts water).

  • It is desirable to combine the first dressing with hilling.
  • The next time the plants are fed after three weeks.
  • The third feeding is carried out only for late varieties cabbage. At the same time, 10 grams for every 10 liters of water must be added to the manure solution (from 20 to 30 grams). The third feeding is carried out 10-15 days after the second.

Mullein for ornamental plants

top dressing ornamental trees mullein is carried out several times per season:

  1. During the period of intensive growth;
  2. Before and during flowering;
  3. During the period when the trees are preparing for rest.

And for this it is best to use a completely rotted loose mullein. They mulch (cover) the soil near the trunk with a layer of about 4-6 cm. You can also use an infusion of cow dung with the addition of superphosphate and wood ash, which is prepared from 7 to 10 days.

It is worth remembering that before each top dressing, a good watering is necessarily carried out, and after it loosening.

apple trees

Fertilizing the apple tree with mullein is carried out several times a year. best time autumn is the time to apply this organic fertilizer.

Half-rotted cow dung is scattered around the trunks of apple trees and buried to a depth of 20 to 30 cm. In this case, it is imperative to ensure that the root system is not damaged during these works.

For good growth and big harvest apple trees are fed even during bud break and just before flowering (for better fruit set).

Attention! If the harvest is expected to be small, then it is good to feed in June before shedding the ovary. And if the harvest is large, then top dressing is best done after shedding the ovary.

Fertilizing flowers with mullein is carried out at different times and a different number of times, depending on the growing technology and the nutritional requirements of the crop. For example, peonies are fed for the whole season only two or three times in early spring, when the mass of leaves grows intensively and buds form.

It is best to cook the mullein in a certain way for this:

  1. One bucket of fresh cow dung is poured with 5-6 buckets of water, and left to ferment for a week and a half.
  2. Before feeding, the cooked mullein is diluted with water, and one bucket of infusion is taken, and two buckets of water are taken.
  3. To feed the peony, make a circular hole at a distance of 20 cm from the base of the bush. Its depth should be from 8 to 10 cm.
  4. Top dressing is poured into this hole, after it is absorbed, watered, and after a while they are covered with earth.

Mullein is also used for top dressing when growing delphinium.
. For this they take fresh manure and dissolve it in water (1:10), then leave for several days (from 7 to 10 days). Top dressing is carried out at the rate of one bucket liquid fertilizer for 5 adult plants or 10 young bushes.

And such a perennial ornamental shrub as cinquefoil, too, can not do without top dressing with mullein. Moreover, to prepare the infusion, completely rotted manure is taken, which is diluted with water (1:10), and then supplemented with a small amount of wood ash. Before top dressing, the soil around the bush must be loosened to a depth of about 5 cm and watered with plenty of water.

Since the mullein is environmentally pure fertilizers, then it is good to use it when growing cucumbers for top dressing. Fertilizer can be prepared in several ways.

In the first case, fresh cow dung is taken and filled with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and infused for a week. The finished infusion is diluted with water, and 10 parts of water are taken for one part of the mullein. Cucumbers are fed along the aisles at the rate of 10 liters of diluted fertilizer per 1 square meter.

In the second option, for the preparation of top dressing, they take slurry and mix it with water (1: 4) and leave it in a warm place for a week. The resulting fertilizer is again diluted with water (1:3 or 1:4) and top dressing is carried out.

Attention! Feeding cucumbers with mullein must be combined with good watering.

It is desirable to feed cucumbers throughout the season every 10 or 12 days, but at the same time it is necessary to alternate organic and mineral fertilizers.

Natural liquid organic mullein fertilizer - how to prepare


Tomatoes, like cucumbers, are best fed with organic fertilizers such as mullein. After planting the seedlings and rooting them (15-20 days), you can start feeding with an interval of two weeks.

To do this, take completely rotted manure and fill it with water (1: 6), then add superphosphate (about 20 grams) and ash (20 grams). The infusion will be ready in 5-7 days. Plants are fed along the aisles at the rate of half a liter of infusion per one tomato bush.

It is worth remembering that it is desirable to alternate organic and mineral fertilizers when fertilizing. It is especially desirable to carry out top dressing so that they fall on the blooming of the second and third brushes. But then top dressing is best done after two weeks.

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During fruiting, 3 top dressings are required. First: for 10 liters of water - 1 cup of mushy chicken manure and 1 tbsp. spoon of nitroammophoska, per 1 m2 - 5 l.

First root dressing (20 days after planting seedlings). For 10 liters of water, 1 tablespoon of nitrophoska and 1 tablespoon of Ideal fertilizer. Based on 1 liter per plant.​

When the cucumbers are ripe, the application of fungicides is unacceptable, as the vegetables are meant to be eaten. During this period, you can use drugs that are safe for health. You can use a 0.3% suspension of colloidal sulfur, but with the condition that spraying is carried out immediately after picking the fruit, and the next picking will be no earlier than a day later. Also, at the time of fruiting, you can use an infusion of hay dust or manure with the addition of 10 g blue vitriol on a bucket of infusion.

​Most effective remedy protection of cucumbers from powdery mildew - "Topaz". Plant treatment is carried out twice. The first time, when 8-10 leaves are formed on the stems, and again - during the beginning of flowering, but no later than 2 weeks after the first treatment.

Top dressing is applied to the grooves, which are made either on both sides along the beds or around the plants. It is best to apply the mullein in dry soil - pour into the grooves as much as they can absorb. Remember to fill the grooves with earth after the liquid has been absorbed.​

. Top dressing with dry bird droppings will be effective if it is insisted in advance in water. The consumption rate is two times less.​

Bird "waste" has another indisputable advantage - the litter can be used fresh.

To feed the trees, take a bucket of mullein for one square meter trunk circle. Most often, a groove is dug around the tree up to 10 cm deep and located along a circle equal to the perimeter of the crown. A dilute solution of mullein is poured into it, after which it is leveled. Instead of a groove, you can make a series of small holes around the tree, pour top dressing into them, let it soak and bury.

Mullein is one of the best organic fertilizers used for top dressing. horticultural crops. Once in the soil, it, like other organic matter, gradually mineralizes in it and provides plant nutrition throughout the season.

Feeding cucumbers - soak dried bread (leftovers)


Feeding with chicken manure, mullein and horse manure - which is more effective?

Top dressing with chicken manure - for rapid growth

The second - 10-12 days after the first feeding: for 10 liters of water - 0.5 liters of mullein and 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate (or for 10 liters of water - 1 tablespoon of Fertility). For 1 m2 - 5-6 liters.​

Second root dressing (10 days after the first). For 10 liters of water, 1 tablespoon of superphosphate, 1 teaspoon of potassium nitrate or potassium sulfate. At the rate of 5 liters per 1 m2. An alternative to wet processing is dusting the beds with finely ground gray. It is necessary to sew a bag of loose fabric or gauze folded in three layers, and pour sulfur into it. Dusting is carried out in dry sunny weather wearing gloves and a protective mask. Holding a bag of sulfur in one hand, the second should be patted on it, spraying sulfur over cucumber leaves. The drug is dissolved at the rate of 1 ampoule (2 ml) per 10 liters of settled warm water, and sprayed on cucumbers from a sprayer with a fine spray. For work, you need to choose a dry, calm morning or evening. If there is a slight breeze, spraying is carried out from the leeward side.​

Compared to bird droppings and mullein, horse manure is a rarity these days. But it is this manure that is best suited as a biofuel for greenhouses - it is laid fresh in a layer of 20-30 cm under the soil layer. In the process of decomposition, it creates temperatures up to 80 ° C! Seedlings of cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, white cabbage it’s just perfect to grow on horse manure.​

Very often mullein is confused with slurry, but these are two different fertilizers. In fact, slurry is the raw material for mullein. Yes, it is also suitable for application to the soil, however, there is a risk of introducing pathogens that are dangerous for plants, as well as weed seeds, into the garden. Mullein is a fermented slurry. The maximum that is required is to dissolve it in a certain amount liquids.​ But when feeding perennials, especially trees, one must be careful enough. When making mullein in the second half of summer and, especially, in autumn, the nitrogen component of this fertilizer will contribute to the rapid growth of wood and green mass of the whole plant. As a result, the natural aging and fall of the leaves is delayed - this phenomenon causes great harm all perennials. The fast-growing wood of both decorative and fruit trees does not have time to mature and prepare for wintering. This means the inevitable freezing of young branches in the cold season. Of course, the tree will not die completely, but it will be long and hard to recover for the next season.

Cooking mullein for feeding - safe organic

Plants that are strong and medium consumers respond especially well to feeding with mullein. nutrients: cauliflower, white and red cabbage, broccoli, Beijing cabbage, onion, celery, chard, cucumbers, tomatoes. Most of all love mullein pumpkin: zucchini, pumpkins, zucchini, squash. It will also be useful for red table beets, head lettuce, spinach, peppers and eggplant.

Often mullein is called liquid cow dung without a straw or sawdust base - slurry. Actually it's not exactly the same thing. Slurry is a widespread organic fertilizer, which contains almost all the main nutrients and most trace elements. Mullein is a fermented aqueous solution of cow dung. The biggest disadvantage of fresh slurry is that it can contain pathogens of various plant diseases. During fermentation, they die, so mullein is a much safer, but no less useful fertilizer.

Insist for a day, two, stir

The third - 12 days after the second: for 10 liters of water - 0.5 liters of mullein or 1 cup of mushy chicken manure, 1 tbsp. spoon of nitroammophoska (or 1 tbsp Bogatyr). For 1 m2 - 5-10 liters. Mullein and chicken manure can be replaced with sodium humate, Ideal, Breadwinner, Fertility, Giant - 1 tbsp each. spoon.

Third root dressing (12 days after the second). For 10 liters of water, 1 liter of mushy mullein or chicken manure or 1 tablespoon of sodium humate. Based on 6-8 liters per 1 m2.​

Top dressing with horse manure - a rarity in the garden

​In between spraying plants with fungicides and mullein, signs may appear on the leaves of plants powdery mildew. They should be plucked immediately, without waiting for the focus of the disease to spread further.

Treatment of plants with TOPAZ is carried out at the first signs of the disease, as well as for prevention purposes.


Powdery mildew on cucumbers - Plant Magic

Fresh manure is brought in only in the fall, for digging. In the spring, it is permissible to introduce a small amount of this organic matter under potatoes, zucchini, cucumbers. For other crops, it is better to apply rotted manure, at the rate of 5-6 kg per square meter. For liquid dressings, you can prepare an infusion by diluting a liter of manure in 10 liters of water.

How to protect cucumbers from powdery mildew?

During fermentation, most dangerous pathogens die, and weed seeds settle to the bottom along with other heavy particles. Therefore, feeding with mullein is much safer. To prepare this fertilizer, you need fresh cow dung, which is placed in a suitable container and filled with water, at a ratio of 1:5. The components must be mixed, the container must be closed with a lid and wait about two weeks. Every 3 days it is desirable to stir the "mash".

Treatment of cucumbers with fungicides

Speaking of bird droppings, summer residents generalize all birds, be it ducks, geese, turkeys. Only chicken is singled out separately - it is easiest to find it in poultry farms, and even in household hens usually live all year round, producing a fresh batch of fertilizer every day. It also surpasses other species in the content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

​Mullein is a very good environmentally friendly organic fertilizer whose importance is difficult to overestimate. But it must be applied, like all other means, in a timely manner and in moderation, otherwise the results obtained may be very far from expected.

On radishes, peas, radishes, beans and kohlrabi, top dressing from mullein has little effect. Therefore, the expediency of its use for these crops is very doubtful.

The use of mullein with urea

Mullein is prepared from cow dung. To do this, one part of fresh manure is placed in a sufficiently large container and poured with five parts of water. Mix well, close the lid and leave to ferment for 1 - 2 weeks. Every 2-3 days the mixture should be opened and stirred. The beginning of fermentation is signaled by bubbles appearing on the surface of the mixture. After a week, the color of the solution changes - it becomes noticeably lighter, and solid particles begin to settle to the bottom.

can ferment

Processing during fruiting cucumbers

For root rot: 2 tbsp. tablespoons of copper sulfate - for 10 liters of water, 1 glass per plant. If cucumber leaves become prickly and rough after fruiting: 1 tbsp. dilute a spoonful of urea in 10 liters of water, spray on the leaves. cheat sheet for the summer Here about all the plants. What and what to feed.

Dry processing

The third and fourth feeding with an interval of 8-10 days is done with a solution of "Signor Tomato" fertilizer (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water) or pour 1 full teaspoon of "Feeder" dry fertilizer around the plant before watering.

At the end of the fruiting season of cucumbers, plant residues should be removed from the beds, as spores of the pathogen remain on them, which infect plants again in the spring.

In 10 liters of water, 1 liter of liquid mullein and 10 g of urea crystals are mixed and infused for about a day. It turns out a mass with undissolved particles of mullein, so it must be filtered twice through a thick sieve or a loose cloth. Spraying is carried out in the morning or evening on dry tops. You should try to process not only the upper part of the sheet plate, but also the lower one.


how to feed cucumbers and tov = mats in the flowering phase?

Solovieva (Fedotenko) Albina

Powdery mildew can affect cucumbers planted as in open field, as well as in the greenhouse. The disease is defined by white bloom on the leaves of plants - it seems that they were sprinkled with flour. The disease spreads rapidly, the leaves on the plantings of cucumbers dry up, and then the rest of the plant also dies. After collecting the remains of the tops, the soil remains infected with spores of the powdery mildew pathogen, so it is recommended to change the bed for cucumbers every year.

The readiness of the fertilizer is indicated by the settling of solid particles and a noticeable change in color to a lighter one.

Application standards, however, are the same for all types of raw manure. No more than half a kilogram per square meter of garden should be applied to the soil.

​If a poultry farm has settled near your village, you can completely forget about buying mineral fertilizers for the garden. Even if the litter is sold for money at the poultry farm, its cost will still be much lower. It's bird droppings experienced gardeners considered the fastest acting fertilizer - it contains half of the periodic table. Nitrogen, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium are present in compounds that are easily absorbed by the root system of plants.

Cucumbers can be fed with mullein every ten days. To do this, 10 liters of water are taken per liter of mullein, and with the onset of flowering, superphosphate and potassium sulfate are added there.

Before use, the fertilizer must be diluted at least twice. And to enrich with phosphorus and potassium, you can add superphosphate - 100 grams per 10 liters of solution, and wood ash - 500 grams.
1 liter per bucket and water
There is such a rigmarole called "FLORA-S"
During the flowering of the second and third flower brushes, the plants are sprayed with a solution boric acid(1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water). For cucumbers Top dressing. At the beginning of flowering: for 10 liters of water - 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate, urea, superphosphate and 1 cup of mushy mullein (or 1 tablespoon of sodium humate).
Feeding tomatoes. During the growing season, it is necessary to do three to four root dressings.


This method is environmentally cleaner than fungicide treatment, so it can be applied on a young ovary.


When a whitish coating appears on the leaves, measures must be taken to eliminate the lesion. This can be done quickly and effectively by treating the entire garden at once with fungicides or one of the organic agents.

young woman

Ready mullein must be diluted again in water, at least twice. This is done immediately before its use. Since mullein contains a lot of nitrogen and potassium, but little phosphorus, you can enrich the solution with superphosphate at the rate of 100 grams of fertilizer per 10 liters of solution. For the same amount of mullein, it does not hurt to add 500 grams of wood ash.
If you would like to contribute natural top dressing for individual plants, then for convenience and quick delivery of nutrients, we recommend diluting the fertilizer in water by adding 1 part of manure to 10 parts of liquid.
​If we compare bird droppings with other types of organic fertilizers and manure, then in addition to much greater efficiency
For tomatoes, mullein is best used in the initial period of development, when there is a rapid increase in green mass, as well as flowering and ovary formation. Approximately half a liter of diluted mullein is consumed per plant.

The chemical composition of the mullein is highly dependent on the feed that was given to the animals. But in any case, it is a fertilizer that contains the most nitrogen and potassium. Phosphorus is much less in it. Nutrients of mullein are easily absorbed by plants. Under the action of microorganisms, the urea contained in the mullein turns into ammonium carbonate, ammonia gas is easily released from it and evaporates into the surrounding air. Therefore, during the manufacture of mullein and subsequent storage, it must be kept in a container tightly closed with a lid.

Mullein in the horticultural circle is called cow dung. This is one of the most affordable types of organic fertilizers, which can be easily purchased in any region. Moreover, in last years agricultural enterprises have mastered the technology for the production of ready-made fertilizers from mullein, which are convenient for use in small areas. About how to prepare healthy plant nutrition from cow dung and how to apply them correctly, tells given material.

Mullein as fertilizer: general characteristics

Our distant ancestors knew about the benefits of mullein for plants at the time when they plowed the land on oxen. Noticing that in the places where the "cakes" fell, the seedlings were thicker and greener, people began to scatter manure over the fields in order to get a good harvest.

From a modern point of view, cow dung is traditionally considered an organic nitrogen fertilizer, but it also contains other basic plant nutrients:

Looking at these figures, you can slightly correct the prevailing idea of ​​​​mullein and call it a complete complex organic fertilizer.

Types of mullein: which one to choose?

Having decided to purchase cow dung for fertilizing your plot, first of all you need to think about what it will be used for. Mullein is different, and much depends on the purpose of its use.

There are two main types of cow dung:

  • Bedding. This is all the mass that is cleaned from the floor of the cowsheds. Manure in it is mixed with straw or sawdust - the main materials that are used for bedding.
  • Bedless. It is obtained at large complexes, where it is predominantly practiced to keep cows without bedding. If the barn is cleaned manually, with shovels, the mullein has a thick consistency. If the excrement is washed off with water into gravity-fed manure removal systems, the output is slurry.

These types of mullein differ from each other not only appearance but also composition. In particular, litterless mullein has more ammonia nitrogen and less carbon. Therefore, as a fertilizer different types mullein can perform different tasks:

Comparison of mullein with similar fertilizers

Of all types of manure, mullein is the most accessible. But it is not the most valuable product in terms of nutrient content:

Origin of manure Nitrogen content, % Phosphorus content, % Potassium content, %
Pork 0,72 0,47 0,2
Sheep 0,95 0,2 0,75
0,5-1 0,28-0,7 0,63-0,8

From this table it can be seen that horse manure is superior to mullein in terms of nitrogen content. In addition, it has lower humidity, which does not allow putrefactive flora to develop in this material, and the rate of decomposition is much higher.

It follows from this that mullein is not a panacea, it can be found a worthy replacement among organic fertilizers of animal origin. However, being an accessible and widespread material, it very often helps summer residents.

Advantages and disadvantages of mullein

The advantages of mullein as a fertilizer are obvious:

  • rich composition of mineral elements;
  • finding mineral elements in the form of oxides available to plants;
  • high efficiency;
  • availability;
  • application variability.

However, this material is not without significant shortcomings. First and foremost, it takes a lot to replenish the reserves of mineral elements in the actively used mullein soil. For clarity, the following example can be used.

During one growing season, 1 hectare of potatoes removes from the soil at least 1.2 kg of nitrogen, 400 g of phosphorus and 1.8 kg of potassium. To make up for this loss, about 300 kg of mullein will need to be added to a hundred square meters of land.

Many sources say that mullein is a prolonged fertilizer, and it is necessary to fill the soil with it no more than 1 time in 3 years. But plants are grown on the site every year, continuing to consume mineral elements from the soil. In this case, simple logic suggests that in order to avoid soil depletion, 3 times more manure will be required - already about a ton per 1 weave or 1 bucket per 1 m 2. And this is almost twice the recommended application rates - 4-5 kg ​​per 1 m 2. If you follow them, the soil will still be depleted.

All the disadvantages of mullein as a fertilizer can be summarized as follows:

  • high consumption during use;
  • high complexity of use;
  • lengthy preparation for use;
  • the risk of infection of the site with weed seeds;
  • the risk of introducing pathogenic microorganisms into the soil.

But, despite these shortcomings, cow dung continues to be a priority fertilizer in many summer cottages.

Cultures responsive to the introduction of mullein

The adherence of summer residents to mullein is explained by that high efficiency which he is showing. Pumpkin crops especially love this fertilizer. There is even a practice of planting zucchini, squash and pumpkins directly into dunghills. And under cucumbers often do warm beds with this material.

Almost all other plants will gratefully respond to the introduction of manure humus into the soil ( see →). In a completely rotted form, the mullein becomes a completely safe and useful fertilizer for the soil and plants.

Tip #1. In no case should bulbous crops and root crops be fertilized with undecayed fresh manure. Such top dressing will provoke rotting of the bulbs, the appearance of many twisted, rough and spoiled root crops.

The use of mullein to fertilize the soil

The above calculations prove that the mullein cannot be the only source of replenishment of losses. soil elements with constant growth of plants. And yet this material is great for improving the structure of the soil and its general condition.

Partially rotted cow dung is most often used to fertilize the soil. The fact is that the fertility of lands depends not only on the content in them of a standard set of nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium. Modern research show that carbon plays an important role.

“Increasing carbon content is actually a key component of soil fertility, as carbon feeds microbes and helps retain moisture for better crop growth.”

Dr. Joseph Mercola, physician,
promoter of "carbon farming"

Most summer residents involved in self-manufacturing composts, the following effect is observed with their own eyes: if in compost heap too little coarse organic matter, it will start to ferment, rot and smell bad ( find out →). This phenomenon is associated with the ratio of carbon and nitrogen in the organic mass.

For fast and efficient decomposition of organic matter, there must be more carbon in it than nitrogen. The ideal ratio is 25:1. In bedding mullein it is 19:1, and in bedless mullein it is 10:1. Therefore, if manure is introduced into the soil without bedding, it will sour in it for a long time, increasing the pH of the soil. The litter will quickly start working.

It is better to introduce bedding mullein into the ground in autumn, based on the norm of 4-5 kg ​​per 1 m 2. The standard method is embedding for digging.

Preparation of liquid feeding from mullein

For the preparation of dressings from mullein, it is more convenient to use bedless manure. You can do this in two ways:

  1. Fast feeding. A bucket of mullein is poured with three buckets of water, stirred well and left for 4-5 hours.
  2. Concentrated feed. A bucket of mullein is poured with five buckets of water, stirred well. A half-liter jar of wood ash and a tablespoon of the Baikal EM-1 preparation are added to the solution. The container is covered and left for about a week. Find out → .

Quick top dressing helps out when you need to urgently feed the plants. The concentrate takes longer to cook, but the content of nutrients in it is much higher.

The use of liquid dressings: timing and methods

Before direct use, both types liquid feed once again diluted with water: fast - 5 times, concentrated - 10 times. After that, crops are irrigated:

  • tomatoes, peppers, eggplants - 0.5 liters each. under the root;
  • cucumbers, zucchini, squash - 1 liter each. under the root;
  • cabbage - 0.5 l each. under the root;
  • fruit bushes - 3 liters each. under the root;
  • fruit trees - 5 liters each. under the root.

The term of application of such dressings is limited to the middle of summer. From the end of July, no plants are fertilized with manure.

Material prepared by: Nadezhda Zimina, gardener with 24 years of experience, process engineer

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Mullein fertilizer is used by many gardeners and gardeners. It is universal and suitable for almost all plants - flowers, vegetables, and fruit trees. Mullein increases the content of humus in the soil, and is a substance intended by nature itself for the natural enrichment of the earth with nutrients.

Mullein can be called a complete fertilizer, as it contains all the necessary macro- and microelements.

  • Nitrogen. It is most abundant in bedding manure, enriched with rotting remains of hay and straw. it essential element nutrition for plants.
  • Phosphorus - has the properties of a beneficial effect on the formation of ovaries.
  • Potassium is very useful for tomatoes, which need it during flowering and berry setting.
  • Calcium. Most of this element, obtained by plants from the soil, is not alienated, but enters the bedding manure, and together with it returns to the soil.
  • Magnesium. This element is not found in all types of mullein. It is necessary for plants to organize the process of photosynthesis, as it is part of the chlorophyll molecule.

In small quantities, this includes elements such as boron, molybdenum, magnesium, copper, zinc and cobalt.

Varieties of mullein

Mullein is of three types:


A mixture of large excrement cattle, both solid and liquid, together with particles of hay, straw or used as bedding. Peat manure contains more ammonium nitrogen, which is better absorbed by plants.

The straw substrate contains a higher percentage of phosphorus and potassium. It also contains magnesium, which is not found in peat manure at all. This type of mullein is used to fertilize the soil in the fall, as well as to create compost.


fluid suspension, medium density. Contains all necessary nutrients. This mullein solution has a lot of ammonia nitrogen, about 50% - 70%, fertilizer can provide plants with nitrogen 2-3 times better than the same amount of bedding manure. It is used to prepare liquid mullein, which is watered with garden plants and fruit trees.


Liquid fertilizer, which contains a large amount of nitrogen and potassium. Its use is possible only in a well-fermented state. Definitely breed.

factory mullein

This organic compound is produced and industrial way. Ready-made fertilizer from mullein Compost BIUD KRS, sold in bottles of 5 liters, and replacing, according to the manufacturer, 500 kg of fresh manure, as well as Radogor, in a compact bottle of 1 liter, which is equivalent to 5 buckets, is widely popular among summer residents. mullein. You can buy this liquid manure at any garden store, at a price of 50 rubles. per litre.

On sale there is also dry mullein, packaged in bags of 50 gr. The cost of such a bag is from 59 rubles. This is a very convenient solution, since this dry manure can be bought on the way to the dacha, for little money, and even a pensioner can handle its transportation.

How to use fresh mullein?

This fertilizer must be used correctly. His can not be applied to the soil before planting. Manure can burn the roots of seedlings, as it has a high decomposition temperature.

The optimal time for feeding with mullein is autumn, immediately after harvesting. It is evenly scattered around the garden, at the rate of 30-40 kg per 10 sq.m. The soil is then cultivated to mix the manure with the soil to speed up the processing of this organic fertilizer.

To save more nutrients, you need to scatter and close up the mullein, immediately after it enters the garden plot. During long-term storage, this substrate evaporates such the most useful element like nitrogen, and in large quantities. It is necessary to repeat the cultivation of the soil with this type of organic matter at least once every 2-3 years, otherwise its depletion and depletion is inevitable.

Fresh mullein is ideal for creating cucumber beds. The one heat internal reactions occurring in this substrate, which harms seedlings, here, on the contrary, is useful. Not rotted manure will “warm up” the bed for the inside, creating comfortable growth conditions for them.

It is very easy to make it. In a rectangular frame made of boards, enclosing the perimeter of the beds, manure is poured, with a layer of 1m. Every 1.5 m, holes are made in it, 30-40 cm deep, and about 50 cm in diameter, into which soil for cucumbers is poured. 5-7 seeds are planted in each, and after germination, weak plants are pinched, leaving 2-3 roots in the hole.

If there is not enough mullein, then you can make this bed in another way, more economical. "Heating" in this case, will provide biofuels, both animal and vegetable origin.

A layer of earth, about 30 cm high, is poured into the base of the pile, chopped weeds and last year's foliage are tightly laid on it. Then they wait a couple of days for the pile to compact, and only after that they lay the top layer of manure.

Another way to use this fertilizer right away is to make a mullein solution. They can be fed to plants in the middle of the growing season, and before harvesting. Prepare it like this. 4 buckets of water are taken for 1 bucket of manure, mixed well and left in a warm place for several days. liquid mullein must ferment well so that thermonuclear uric acid comes out of the solution, which burns the roots of plants. For one bucket of working solution take 3-4 buckets of water. The beds are watered with this liquid, adhering to the ratio - 10 liters per 1 sq.m.

Use of rotted mullein

This organic matter can be applied at any time, but the most best result obtained during its spring use. Heaps with dry mullein are opened in the garden just before plowing, so that useful substances do not have time to evaporate from them. If there is a large amount of this animal organic matter, then it is simply scattered over the surface of the soil, and the tractor mixes this dry substrate with the ground.

The proportions when applying dry mullein are much more modest than when using fresh manure, only 4-5 kg ​​per 10 sq.m.

Humus can be used not only for continuous application. For example, it is very popular as a mulching nutrient shelter. They get sleepy trunk circles fruit trees, aisles, the space around the roots of a garden rose.

It is also used for foliar feeding of the queen of the garden. To do this, it is necessary to dilute the mullein with water in a ratio of 1:10, and insist one day. Then add (1 part to 10 parts of the working solution), and in the evening spend foliar on the sheet. After the procedure, abundant watering is necessary.

Mullein fertilizer in a rotted form can be safely fed to almost all plants. The release of nutrients from it occurs gradually, so this is a "long-playing" top dressing.

Mullein is considered one of the best organic fertilizers as it contains all the essential nutrients. After its introduction, according to the observations of agronomists, there is an increase in productivity, cereals, berry crops by 30-50% of the average annual rate.

Mullein can be used in any form - fresh, dry, and even make liquid mash from it to feed plants.

This is a universal fertilizer, and if it is possible to use it in order to feed your garden and vegetable garden, it must be used, because organic matter is traditionally preferable to mineral fertilizers.

Video: an example of the preparation of liquid organic fertilizer

Kira Stoletova

For the rapid growth of cucumbers and other crops, it is necessary to fertilize the soil: good nutrition will protect the root system of the plant from diseases. Fertilizing cucumbers with manure is carried out in the fall before harvesting and in the spring after planting seedlings.

Valuable organic fertilizer contains nutrients that improve crop fruiting. With the help of a natural additive, the quality of the soil is improved: feeding contributes to the reproduction of microflora and the restoration of the correct balance of minerals in the soil.

The benefits of feeding

To feed cucumbers, fresh manure collected from domestic animals or fermented on the ground is used. Economical additives do not harm the soil and are absolutely safe for crops. The composition of manure includes such useful substances:

  • nitrogen;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • trace elements.

By using natural ingredients the amount of salt in the soil decreases and its acidity decreases - in such conditions the root system grows faster: the active growth of the bush affects the quality of the harvested crop. In earth-enriched soil, cucumber roots absorb radioactive and toxic substances less.

Fertilizer in period active growth, flowering and fruiting of the bush ensures the growth of healthy fruits, which are useful to eat raw or pickled. The amount of a useful additive for top dressing is normalized (to maintain the correct acidity of the soil).

Natural substance improves throughput mineral additives, as a result - the root system quickly absorbs useful mineral supplements. Excess ground is harmful to all varieties of cucumbers: leaves wither from it, weeds grow, roots of bushes rot.

How is feeding

Cucumbers grow on bushes that are unpretentious in care, which can be fed with fresh manure. Plant nutrition occurs due to the release of a large amount of nitrogen, which helps the seedlings grow. A good option feeding cucumbers fresh fertilizer(the variety grows in cold regions or in alkaline soil). The bed on which cucumbers grow is fed 4 times:

  1. At the beginning of flowering. If the bed was fertilized during planting seedlings, only watering is carried out until the ovaries appear. Urea and superphosphates are added to the mullein (1 teaspoon each).
  2. During the fruiting period. As soon as small cucumbers appear on the bushes, watering is diluted with watering with the help of mullein or other soil. The bed is abundantly covered with bird droppings diluted in water or organic fertilizer with the addition of wood ash. Ash is added only to steamed rotted manure.
  3. Two weeks later, the third dressing of the bushes is carried out. It is better to fertilize the soil with mullein diluted with 2 parts of water and potassium sulfate. Urea and superphosphate are added 1 teaspoon each.
  4. After 2 weeks, make the last recharge. You need chicken manure and 1 tablespoon of mineral supplements.

If you plant seedlings in non-fertilized soil, fertilizing occurs 5 times: the last feeding is applied a week before harvest.

Cucumbers love nitrogen-containing additives, which in large quantities harm other crops - cabbage or carrots. Neighborhood in the garden must be taken into account when feeding is made.


The question that interests novice gardeners is how to harvest manure? Feeding is being prepared for each plant separately: nitrogenous additives are suitable for cucumbers, so you can easily bring fresh manure or litter to the garden. It is useful to feed the bushes with a diluted mixture with nettles and fresh comfrey.

It is good to fertilize the soil before planting with compost, which contains at least 30% humus. Before watering, you can fertilize the soil with a mixture of manure, peat, straw and dry leaves.

Variety of organic fertilizers

The rotted mixture is a useful fertilizer for garden and greenhouse crops. Use land obtained directly from the farm. Experienced gardeners use horse and sheep ground, which contains dozens of useful substances. Cow manure and humus from cattle pens feeds the soil well.

You can not use waste after a pig for feeding - there are few useful substances in such a mixture. If you make the wrong top dressing, the soil will become unsuitable for planting cucumbers or tomatoes.

The calculation of the amount of the prepared additive depends on quality characteristics humus: for one hundred square meters of land, 300 kg of horse or 450 kg of cow soil are added. Alternative option bird droppings (pigeon or chicken), which are easy to collect in a large farm. Such an additive is diluted with additional useful substances (it is dangerous to apply concentrated droppings).


Mullein must be rotted before being added to the soil. If horse manure can be fresh, then things are different with mullein - if it does not stand, there will be no sense in such feeding. Suitable mullein for beds and greenhouses: temperature environment for the quality indicators of recharge does not matter.

For the preparation of recharge, 10 liters of purified water are used: the ground should settle for about a day. Dilute the additive with water in a ratio of 1:2. Planting a plant with the addition of soil follows a simple pattern: fertilizing the soil, loosening the topsoil, mulching and planting seedlings directly.

sheep ground

Organic fertilizer, which decomposes quickly, is used to feed the growing seedlings. With a fresh substance fertilize the soil in a greenhouse or on open ground - it is important that the sheep soil supplement is not old or rotten.

Fresh ground feed the soil before harvesting. Planting seedlings occurs with the addition of sheep waste to loosened soil: humus does not need to be diluted with water or reduce the concentration of substances that make up its composition.

bird droppings

Chicken manure is used in early spring: at this time, the diet of the chicken consists of greens, which are useful for crops planted in the open field. Chicken or pigeon droppings are useful only in limited quantities. It is better to dilute such an additive minerals or rotten vegetables (pumpkin, root crops).

Litter is infused for at least 2 weeks, and then diluted with purified water (in equal parts). Only the root system of plants is poured with the prepared solution, if the recharge falls on the foliage, it quickly fades. If you use bird droppings too often, a large amount of nitrogen accumulates in the soil.

rabbit ground

Rabbit humus is a free and effective homemade feed.

Use feed in the form of a liquid: the collected humus is diluted with water. Better to contribute rabbit dung in the spring, when the root system of seedlings needs additional feeding of nutrients. The additive is infused for a week, and then the concentration of constituent substances decreases due to water: 10 parts of water are added to 1 part of the ground.

In winter, a natural additive is used instead of mulch. It is laid out on the upper layers of the soil: such a heater will protect the plant and preserve the root system during temperature changes. In the spring, manure can be applied before planting seedlings in the garden. After rains, top dressing is activated, so in summer it is ineffective to feed plants with rabbit ground.

Horse dung

One of the best views manure - horse, used to fertilize cucumber bushes, especially hybrids. These are resistant varieties that require minimal care: horse manure is used when planting cucumbers and before harvesting.


Manure - preparation before application

Basics about manure - humus for beginner gardeners!

There is a recharge for almost a month, and analogues on a natural basis horse manure no. Microorganisms contained in the additive contribute to the production of humus - beneficial substance for plant growth.

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