Encyclopedia of fire safety

Is it possible to cut the stretch ceiling. Do-it-yourself repair of stretch ceilings after a cut. Ways to repair tensile structures

The most unpleasant arguments against installation stretch ceilings are their cost and possible damage. But we are ready to pay for beauty and quality. And possible damage will spoil the pleasure for a long time. But, as practice and folk ingenuity show, it is quite possible to eliminate these troubles.

Which ceiling is the most durable

To prevent similar problems in the future, you need to be patient and begin to carefully study all the materials, as well as their features.

Types of ceiling tiles

By type of material tension ceilings are of two types:

  • fabric,
  • film.

Cloths of fabric are a material made of synthetic or natural fibers., have a porous surface that allows the ceiling to "breathe".

When choosing a canvas, consider the risks of its possible damage.

Advantages of fabric fabric:

  • passes air well. Ideal for bedroom and nursery;
  • perfectly tolerates low and high temperatures;
  • resistant to mechanical damage;
  • its color can be changed with acrylic paint;
  • you can choose seamless execution;
  • easier to remove minor damage.

Unfortunately, there are cons of such structures:

  • do not withstand external pressure, they will not be saved from flooding;
  • insufficient plasticity;
  • dust gets clogged, harder to care for;
  • limitation colors and only the matte surface of the canvas.

The second option is a film sheet made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Its surface is smooth. The texture of the ceiling can be glossy and satin. The film has become very popular "among the people", thanks to its advantages:

The main disadvantages associated with the fragility of the material:

  • dependence on high and low temperatures;
  • poor resistance to tears, punctures and cuts;
  • difficult to repair even minor damage.

When considering all the strengths and weaknesses, it becomes clear that stretch film is not very suitable for installation in places where children often play (nursery, living room). At the same time, it will save rooms with a high probability of flooding (bathroom).

Possible damages and their causes

To know in advance how to save the ceiling in case of defects, you first need to consider all possible reasons occurrences and their types. This must be known in advance, because some damage may occur through no fault of the owner.

The following types of damage to film and fabric webs are distinguished:

  • cuts arising from objects with sharp edges;
  • film breaks can quickly spread along the ceiling;
  • sagging ceiling;
  • break at the seam of the film;
  • punctures;
  • disconnect profile.

The causes of damage can vary from incorrect installation until careless treatment of the owners.

The material of the stretch ceiling can withstand very high tensile loads, but has a weak contact strength from a concentrated load.

The main causes of cuts can be: installation of a cornice, rearrangement of furniture, during the replacement of pipes, etc.

Children's toys with sharp edges, thrown up, unsuccessfully opened bottle of champagne are often the cause of punctures.

There are also consequences of poor-quality work: detaching the ceiling from the wall due to poor installed profile, gaps along the seam, sagging of the newly installed ceiling.

Repair: technology and materials

What to do if a hole still appears on the canvas? And is it possible to eliminate it without involving specialists? The answers to these questions depend on the nature and size of the damage, as well as the type of tension coating.

First of all, you need provide first aid to the canvas - seal the edges of the damage with masking tape. This is necessary to prevent the defect from spreading along the ceiling. Next, stock up necessary materials and proceed with the repair, or call specialists.

Do-it-yourself repair of cuts and punctures

There are several options for self-eliminating the disadvantage, which depend on the type of stretch ceiling.

If you have a fabric ceiling installed, consider yourself incredibly lucky. Repair of small defects is quite simple.

Option 1. You need to buy nylon threads that are as close as possible in color to the fabric and carefully sew up the hole. Then, if necessary, paint over the seam with paint.

Option 2. You can make a payment. To do this, you need a piece of fabric or glass wallpaper and any colorless glue. Attach patch with reverse side canvases, pressing their edges tightly. Then, using a spray gun, treat the entire surface of the ceiling with a water-based emulsion.

With the repair of the PVC film ceiling, the repair will be more difficult. In this case, the location and size of the cut play an important role.

In the event of a puncture, repairs can take place without special efforts. You just need to buy a special glue in hardware store or a ceiling installation company. The puncture is sealed, and the ceiling looks like new again.

Stretch ceiling cut repair is a more complicated procedure, it requires more accuracy. There is another limitation - self-repair is possible if the length of the damage does not exceed 2 cm. It is practically impossible to solve a big problem on your own, it is possible even to make it worse.

Weigh all the "pros" and "cons" of self-repair, so as not to lose the warranty and not to pay later for errors

Option 1. It is possible in case of cutting the ceiling near the wall (maximum 20 cm). First you need to remove a piece of the damaged ceiling, cut off a piece. Then take a small piece of the antenna cable and glue the edges of the canvas to it. After the glue has hardened, heat the film with a hair dryer and carefully install the ceiling into the profile groove.

Option 2. If the gap is far from the wall, you can put a patch on it. This is, as a rule, the same piece of film that is specially left after installation for this purpose. It is cut to the size of the cut, then glue is applied. The patch is pressed, after which the excess glue is removed with a cloth.

This option is suitable for places where the patch will be invisible. If the cut is in a prominent place, then it can be masked with decorative elements (butterflies, stars).

Option 3. Happening big gap next to the chandelier. Cuts next to the chandelier can be masked with a mirror, a polyurethane decorative plate, an additional level covered with the same film as the ceiling. The color can be either the same or contrasting.

Additional ceiling level suitable for cuts big size in other places. It will not only mask the damage, but will also look like an additional decorative element.

Option 4. Fake lamp or ventilation grill. In some cases, small cuts are decorated with these elements. A plastic ring is glued around the cut, the film inside is cut out and a false light is installed. The lattice is glued in the same way.

Cases requiring professional intervention

There are also situations where specialists are indispensable.. Let's consider them in more detail.

Profile tear (baguette) - the result, as a rule, of poor fasteners or too strong web tension. In the first case, the profile is reinstalled and the panel is stretched, in the second, it will need to be redrawn and reinstalled. Work in both cases is free of charge.

If there is a rupture along the seam, the stretch ceiling must be replaced, also free.

Ceiling sagging requires re-tightening. The cost depends on the cause of the occurrence:

  • ceiling aging;
  • high temperatures;
  • incorrect tension of the canvas.

A complete replacement of the panel will also be required if it is used in unheated rooms. Negative temperature leads to the destruction of the film structure.

If the size of the damage is more than 20 cm, the specialists will not carry out repairs.In this situation, you will also need to replace the canvas.

Carefully read the contract and guarantees of the company with which you are going to cooperate.

The rest of the repair services are no different from those that you can do yourself. With only one difference: if specialists do not only installation for you, but also repairs, warranty obligations for ceiling structures are saved.

Repair cost

In some situations, damage occurs due to the fault of the installation organizations. Such defects are covered by the warranty, so the call of specialists will be free. Therefore, look for these clauses in the contract. If they are not there, insist on including them in the contract, or contact other specialists. Choose the companies with the longest installation warranties.

Repair of a stretch ceiling after a cut that occurred through your fault will cost from about 1,000 to 3,000 rubles, depending on the nature and size of the damage, as well as its distance from the wall. With more significant gaps and cuts, even specialists will not be able to reanimate the ceiling. The fabric will have to be changed new material you will have to pay. Fasteners will remain the same, i.e. you don't have to pay for them.

Do-it-yourself repair of a stretch ceiling after a cut is shown in this video:

Like any finish, stretch fabrics are not eternal. They, like other materials, are subject to a number of factors that cause wear and, as a result, destruction. The effect of these factors can be long-term or short-term, one-time. Long-term effects include, for example, elevated temperatures, which eventually lead to sagging of the web. And an example of a short-term factor could be an unforeseen mechanical damage - a cut, tear, etc. A circumstance aggravating the situation with both factors is a constant tensile load, which begins to act on the material from the moment the shell is installed.

Based on the foregoing, decorative stretch ceiling shells, despite the apparent safety of the location, are subject to damage no less than the cladding of other building envelopes. Therefore, given the cost of this finishing material, the desire to repair the stretch ceiling on your own quite natural and understandable.

Consider ways to restore the integrity of the vinyl ceiling cladding with reference to the assessment of the feasibility of repair and the effectiveness of the technology used.

Types of stretch ceilings

Decorative stretch PVC films for ceiling decoration can be classified according to many criteria, but only the structure of the material of manufacture and its thickness matters to assess the possibility of repairing them.

Stretch ceilings are made of film and fabric.

Film casings have a uniform structure over the entire thickness and are an elastic, durable PVC sheet with a thickness of 0.12 to 0.2 mm.

The fabric lining is a carrier canvas made of polyester impregnated with the same polymer - PVC, but with less elasticity due to the presence of a reinforcing base.

Thus, both types of stretch ceilings are made of polymers, but the difference in the structure of the sheets causes differences in the methods of fastening to the baguette and the characteristics of the shells, the repair technologies of which, accordingly, will also differ.

Common damage to decorative shells and how to repair them

The ceiling is the base, physical contact with which occurs less frequently than with other enclosing structures. Therefore, there are few types of possible damage to tension fabrics, they will differ in origin, location and, most importantly, the scale, which determines the possibility of repair.

Consider how it is made from film and fabric in specific situations.

Closing a hole in the canvas

A small hole in the stretch ceiling may appear as a result of an accidental puncture with an electrical tool (screwdriver, tester) when installing fixtures.

It is possible to repair a shell with such damage, regardless of the material of manufacture of the web.

Important! Before starting the repair, it is necessary to fix the edges of the damaged area with adhesive tape in order to prevent its increase in size under the influence of tensile force.

Repairing a punctured PVC ceiling cladding

If the damage is not in a visible place, then on the film trim, you can simply seal the hole with a circle cut out of identical material - this will prevent further enlargement of the hole and restore the tightness of the vinyl lining. Such a patch, if it matches the color of the repaired area, is invisible from a distance of more than three meters. If the puncture is located on a closely located section of the ceiling, then when repairing by gluing over the repair patch, it is better to glue a beautiful application of PVC film, which will not only hide the defective place, but also add artistry to the ceiling surface finish. Often, such a design of the repair site requires, for visual completeness, the addition of a few more similar ones to the stretch ceiling. decorative elements.

Important! Before gluing the ceiling patches, the repair sections of the film must be degreased, but not with the help of solvents, but using household detergents mild action or a special spray for caring for stretch ceilings.

Adhesive for fixing damage to vinyl sheets is available from a wide range, as in a stretch ceiling on one's own plug a hole large sizes is quite real.

Instructions for use adhesive composition is on the packaging and must be observed exactly. These adhesives are fast-fixing materials, that is, they set within a few seconds, therefore, if the patch is inaccurately placed on the hole or there is a delay in sticking after applying the composition, the repair procedure will have to be performed again, possibly with the manufacture of a new patch.

Gluing the patch is carried out without dismantling the shell, directly on the installed film. After setting, the adhesive layer hardens and forms a solid reinforcing layer, which prevents a further increase in the size of the damage under the influence of pretension forces.

Repair of a puncture in a fabric stretch ceiling

High strength with low elasticity of polymer fabrics, due to the presence of a polyester base in them, ensures the localization of such minor damage and simplifies repairs.

If the puncture of the shell did not cause damage to the polyester canvas, then the hole can simply be filled with silicone sealant suitable color.

In case of damage to the base, the canvas is sewn up manually with a sewing needle and synthetic thread, matched in color and thickness. On white fabrics, you can use nylon thread white color, dissolved into fibers.

If traces of repair are still noticeable, since the repair area is in a prominent place, then it is possible to perform a full painting of a stretch ceiling made of fabric or, with a multi-level or zoning structure, only a fabric area.

If it is undesirable to perform painting works you can mask the repaired area by manually applying an artistic drawing on top of it or, as mentioned above, an application - flat or voluminous.

Stretch ceiling cut repair

Such damage to the vinyl shell is also not uncommon, and can be caused by careless transfer of a stepladder, moving large objects with sharp edges, and so on.

The possibility of repairing stretch ceilings with your own hands after random cut

in this case is determined by the scale of damage and material stretch fabric.

Important! It is necessary to decide on the purpose of the repair and be aware of the possibility that the restoration of the integrity of the shell may be possible, but the damage caused by this to the aesthetics of the finish will be unacceptable for the status of the room.

Sealing a cut in a PVC ceiling film

The dimensions of such damage are always larger than the puncture hole, but if we are talking about a cut up to 15 centimeters long, the canvas can be repaired by applying a patch, as described above. Manufacturers also offer decorative 3D patches that are glued over the repair patch and, due to high level artistic performance, from a repair material turn into a decorative element.

If in this place the presence of a patch of this size, as well as applications, is unacceptable, then the possibility of installing an additional lamp (or several) should be considered. The essence of the method is that a sealing thermal ring is glued to the cut site, then the film is cut out along the inner edge of the ring, and a light source is mounted on the base. This ring, also called a tread ring, takes the tensile stress experienced by the film through the adhesive and prevents further tearing of the vinyl.

If the diameter of the ring allows you to put your hand into the shell, then the lamp suspensions can be mounted on concrete base without dismantling the stretch ceiling, but installation will have to be carried out without a universal platform, the dimensions of which must always be larger than the opening of the thermal ring.

To connect an additional lamp to the lighting system, it is necessary to partially dismantle the nearest lighting element under the shell. The new section of the wiring should not lie on the film, so it is arranged in an interference fit between the lamps.

The solution to the problem can be simplified if the lamp is given only a decorative role, and the device is not connected to the lighting system. It is even easier, if the location of the damage allows, to mount a false ventilation grill inside the thermal ring.

In cases of a significant cut length of the film stretch ceiling (more than 15 cm), the possibility of production cosmetic repairs depends on the location of the damage and the timeliness of applying temporary adhesive tape fixators, which localize the destruction of the film.

The location of a single patch of large size, even decorated decoratively, not in the central part of the ceiling, for aesthetic reasons, is rarely acceptable to homeowners, and the device for the symmetry of several additional decorative elements of significant size will make the shell heavier and may cause it to sag. If, nevertheless, it is decided to eliminate such damage by gluing, then the patch device larger area it also requires more skill - the performer has no more than 20 seconds to apply the adhesive on the patch and install the fragment on the film. Then a decorative self-adhesive 3D sticker is placed over the repair patch.

Important! When using adhesives of the “Moment” type, there is more time for repair, but the adhesive layer is not transparent after drying, and the glued element will stand out against the general background in a darker color.

This is just the case when the tightness of the stretch ceiling will be restored, but full recovery the aesthetics of the canvas after the repair will be difficult to achieve

Restoration of the tissue shell after a cut

The polyester base of fabric stretch ceilings makes it easier to repair the canvas in case of a cut. The edges of the damage are tightened by manually applying a seam using a strong synthetic thread of a suitable color, the distance from the wall and the orientation of the cut do not matter. Punctures with a needle, depending on the degree of sheath tension, are performed at a distance of at least 3 mm from the edge of the cut. We close the scar of the seam with acrylic sealant, the surfaces of which are given a fabric texture by pressing the flap to the fresh layer suitable material. After the sealant has dried, the fabric is dyed over the entire area, or a pattern is applied to the canvas with a brush or airbrush.

The structure of fabric stretch ceilings does not preclude the use of the methods used to repair PVC films during the repair of cuts - the installation of thermal rings with the subsequent installation of a lamp or a ventilation grill, if the installation of these elements at the sites of damage to the canvas does not contradict the rules of their operation or common sense. For example, single small lamp or a ventilation grid in the central part of the ceiling next to the chandelier will look ridiculous.

Vinyl trim tear repair

The PVC film experiences the maximum tensile load along the edge of the baguette, so the fatigue rupture of the material of the sheet along the wall is not a rare phenomenon. If the method of fastening the stretch ceiling is bead, and the distance from the edge of the gap to the wall is within 15 cm, then the repair of such damage can be done independently without traces.

The indicated 15 cm define the limit of the possibility to additionally stretch and refill the film into a baguette, this is the maximum amount of damage commensurate with the elasticity of vinyl in this design.

The stretch ceiling is released from the baguette along the entire length of the damage with a margin of 25-30 cm in both directions, after which the cut is continued with scissors along the gap, smoothly approaching the edge of the canvas.

The vinyl shell is heated with an electric hair dryer in the area of ​​​​the repaired area and, pulling the middle of the resulting semi-oval to the frame, the film is filled into a baguette. The same is done with the resulting two smaller semi-ovals. In the end, the inner edge of the pre-existing gap is fixed in the frame along the entire length. If folds have formed in neighboring areas after the end of this procedure, then they are eliminated in the same way - they are released from the baguette and, having pulled up the slack, they are refilled.

With the harpoon method of fastening the stretch ceiling, the canvas is dismantled, a narrow strip of the film along the gap is removed with scissors according to the principle described above. Then the shell is handed over to the manufacturer, which welds the harpoon along the new contour of the side to be repaired, after which the tension lining is re-assembled into the baguette.

Removing traces of heating lamp

If the rules for limiting the power of lamps used in lamps are not followed, the stretch ceiling around the lighting fixtures may darken and even break. Regardless of the type of stretch ceiling, such damage can be eliminated by installing thermal rings larger diameter, which is produced according to the technology described above.

If the difference in the diameters of the old and new rings is not too great, then the enlarged opening will be filled by universal platforms located under the shell around the luminaires.

Important! During the repair process, lamps of permissible power should be installed in the lamps:

  • for fabric fabrics - incandescent lamps up to 60 W, halogen - up to 35 W;
  • for PVC film - incandescent lamps up to 40 W, halogen - up to 20 W.

The feasibility of repairing damage to stretch ceiling cladding

There are theoretically no damage to shells that cannot be repaired - modern technologies allow you to restore both the integrity and the aesthetic component of any stretch ceiling. But this can be done only in the conditions of the enterprise that produces this finishing material, while the cost of restoration will exceed the price of a new shell several times.

Therefore, when choosing a method for repairing a stretch ceiling, it is necessary to objectively assess the degree of damage and the feasibility of restoration.

As a rule, tears or cuts in PVC film sheets, located in the central part and exceeding 15 cm in length, can only be restored in terms of tightness, causing damage to the aesthetics of the cladding is inevitable, and its degree may be unexpectedly high.

Fabric ceilings, due to the presence of a polyester base, are more resistant to the use of mechanical operations and allow masking traces of repair by painting. This also determines their price - 1.5-2 times higher than film sheets. But tissue shells also have a certain limit of suitability for restoration. This limit depends not only on the size and configuration of the damage, but also on the class of artistic design of the canvas, which makes it difficult to restore images.

Thus, it is better to repair tension shells after consultation with a specialist who will evaluate the feasibility of performing these works and the likelihood of achieving the desired result.


Accidental damage to the stretch ceiling does not always lead to a complete replacement of the cladding. In most cases, punctures and cuts in the shells are not significant in size and do not entail significant repair costs, since sticking a stretch ceiling such damage can with your own hands.

If the damage to the vinyl finish is significant, then you should not rush to make repairs. At the same time, seeking advice from the seller of the material is not the best way out, since it may not be objective. It is better to consult with those homeowners who have had to deal with installation and repair vinyl sheets at home. When they also express doubts about the expediency of restoring the stretch ceiling due to the severity of the damage, it is better to purchase a new shell.

The main gist of the article:

  1. Stretch ceilings, as well as finishing of other enclosing structures, are not guaranteed against mechanical or thermal damage, but in most cases repair of vinyl shells is possible, including with your own hands. So that the result of the restoration does not disappoint, it is necessary to navigate the methods of repair.
  2. Tension fabrics are produced in two types, film and fabric. The material for the manufacture of all shells is the same - polyvinyl chloride, but the structure of the fabric is different - homogeneous for films, and using a base - for fabric ones. The difference in structure causes the difference in characteristics and, as a result, in the methods of restoration.
  3. The complexity and volume of restoration work depends on the material of manufacture of the stretch ceiling, the class of its artistic performance, the significance and location of the damage. Knowledge of the technologies for repairing stretch fabrics will ensure that the desired result is obtained both in restoring the integrity of the cladding and in the artistic concealment of traces of the repair.
  4. A correct assessment of the situation, if it is possible to restore the finish to an acceptable state, will save you from unnecessary expenses. Repair of a stretch ceiling should not be carried out at any cost, since, in addition to small and medium-sized ones, there are damages that cannot be repaired. The best adviser on the feasibility of restoring the canvas will be the owner of the home, who has already installed or repaired stretch ceilings.

Repairing a stretch ceiling with your own hands makes it possible to eliminate various cuts and punctures that form on the coating as a result of careless handling during operation.

By themselves, they are quite durable and reliable in use. But their improper operation can cause various defects to appear on the surface of the coating. Most often they occur in the following cases:

  • With poor installation metal profiles, which move away from the attachment points and cause breaks tension structures.
  • During the installation of cornices. The sharp edges of these products often tear the ceiling material. When installing cornices, you should without fail place between the edges of the product to be mounted and the web of a gasket made of some soft material.
  • When thrown up various items. A hole in the ceiling may well be formed when the coating comes into contact with sharply thrown children's toys - pistols, arrows, dolls, darts, as well as books, shoes, and so on.
  • When installing lighting fixtures and their operation (a powerful lamp may well lead to melting of the tension structure).

Defects on the surface of the tension coating

The need to repair ceilings, in addition, often arises from the careless opening of bottles of champagne. Also, holes in the coating can also form during unprofessional installation (excessive film constriction, poor quality seam).

If a defect has formed on the ceiling covering not far (no more than 15 cm) from the wall, professionals recommend dismantling the material from the side where the gap appeared. Then you need to cut off the damaged piece of material and install the updated product in the guide.

When the hole is more than 15 cm from the wall, the described repair method is not suitable - there is a high probability of damage to the entire ceiling. In such situations, you can try to hide the place of damage with a ventilation grill or a lighting fixture. Just install an additional luminaire or the indicated grid on the defective area.

At the same time, remember that you will need to reinforce the hole that you make for a new accessory. For these purposes, a plastic thermal ring is usually used.

Thermo rings made of plastic

It is attached to the ceiling material with a special adhesive. And then they make a hole in the ring required sizes under the lamp.

Large cuts can be sealed with applications or multi-colored film. Such creativity to repair will allow you to get rid of the defect and bring an original touch to the decor of the room. If the cut area is large, applications, unfortunately, will not help, you will have to completely replace the coating.

The installation of a new coating is also carried out when the film is torn along the seam. It is unrealistic to seal such an impulse. It is due to unprofessional installation of the ceiling or the poor quality of the material used.

Small holes in such ceiling coverings are eliminated in several ways. You can:

  1. Seal the hole with a patch from the remnants of the material that was used to mount the ceiling. You need to take a patch of slightly larger geometric parameters than the defect itself, smear it well with glue (it is best to use paint adhesive, not) and press it to the cut. Perform this operation with extreme caution. You can not strongly press the patch into the ceiling, as there is a risk of glue droplets spreading over the material and the appearance of so-called assemblies on the surface. After installing the patch, do not forget to carefully and gently smooth the repaired area with your hands.
  2. Seal the cut with tape. Small holes are repaired in this way very simply - clean the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe canvas from dirt and dust, cut off a piece of adhesive tape and attach it to the ceiling. You can try to restore the integrity of the ceiling and with more serious damage. Prepare a piece of canvas that matches the texture and color of the existing coating, attach it to the gap, and then glue the patch with tape on all sides. If there is no suitable material, try experimenting and sealing the defect with an appliqué or insert from another fabric. By the way, instead of adhesive tape it is allowed to use glass wallpaper, the effect will be the same.

Fabric stretch ceiling repair

Small holes are allowed not to be sealed, but simply stitched together. In this case, you need to use kapron threads. Subsequently, it is desirable to mask the stitched area with paint that merges with the ceiling coating.

Let's talk a little more about installing any kind of canvas in place of the cut. decorative ornaments, chandeliers, grilles for ventilation, lamps. You can eliminate a ceiling defect, for example, very original way. Take an ordinary plastic plate, cover it with paint of the desired shade and glue this decoration on the defective area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe coating. Such an accessory will look very unusual!

Installation in place of the cut of the chandelier canvas

It is also allowed to mount small lamps on damaged areas of the coating. Wherein lighting fixture it is allowed not to connect to the mains if there is no electrical wiring at the cut site. Just install a beautiful ceiling or sconce - the gap will not be visible.

If you want the mounted lamp to fulfill its function - to illuminate the room, use the thermal ring, which we have already talked about. Note! Hanging a massive chandelier or lamp is carried out exclusively on a special hook, which is attached to the base ceiling surface.

Good luck with your self-repair of stretch ceilings!

Stretch ceilings appeared relatively recently, but they immediately managed to gain great popularity and demand.

Today, such designs are one of the most popular ways of interior design.

This is not surprising at all, because they:

  • Durable and reliable;
  • Very easy to install;
  • They have a beautiful view.

However, despite all their advantages, there are certain disadvantages, because they are very sensitive to temperature changes and to sharp objects. In addition, they can sag for no apparent reason.

Stretch ceiling is a film fixed on a metal frame. A small gap of just a few centimeters remains between it and the main ceiling, which is why the surface of the stretch ceiling is vulnerable to damage both inside and out.

In some cases, with minor damage, it is quite possible to eliminate defects quickly with your own hands, but there are situations when only the master can determine the extent of the damage and offer the most optimal way to carry out repairs.

Many people wonder whether it is possible to repair a stretch ceiling quickly and easily with their own hands and how exactly such work is carried out. There are the most various reasons for which the stretch ceiling may need urgent repairs.

The main reasons for the need to repair a stretch ceiling

The main reasons are:

  • Puncture;
  • Cut with a sharp object;
  • Gap;
  • material melting;
  • Ingress of water;
  • Sagging.

Puncture, cut or rupture of the web mainly occurs in the very first days after the installation, when it is still very tightly stretched. The cause of damage may be if the cat pierced the canvas, a toy was thrown that touched the ceiling, the corner of the cabinet was damaged, careless handling of tools occurred during the installation of fixtures. If a small hole appears as a result of a puncture with a sharp object, then it can be sealed with glue and the canvas will not diverge further.

It is very easy to repair the ceiling if there is a cut on a seamless canvas made on a fabric basis. If the length of the cut is not more than 10 cm, then it can be sealed with double-sided masking tape, and it will not spread further.

Depending on the scale of the damage, it can be eliminated or masked with the help of special decorative elements, having previously made a neat seam with a nylon thread at the cut site.

How to close a hole in a stretch ceiling without a trace

Over time, many owners of stretch ceilings are faced with the problem of how to close a hole in a stretch ceiling.

Even with careful handling of the structure, no one is immune from accidental punctures.

  1. A hole in the stretch ceiling may appear as a result of its improper operation, as well as the unsuccessful creation of holes for various communications.
  2. Sometimes there may be a gap along the seam, which occurs in the event of a strong tension of the web during installation.
  3. It is worth noting that such a defect is a warranty case and it must be fixed by the master free of charge.

In addition, with poor-quality installation, the canvas may break at the very edge. In this case, the damaged part is cut off very carefully, a harpoon is glued to the film, the canvas is heated, stretched and tucked into the profile again. This method leaves absolutely no traces. In the place of the cut, you can additionally install a lamp, ventilation or a system fire safety. However, the cut must first be strengthened, because otherwise the canvas will continue to tear.

If the ceiling is torn very much, then nothing can be done and a new canvas will have to be changed.

If the stretch ceiling canvas is damaged, you should immediately call the masters who will be able to assess the violations and help eliminate them in the best way.

The stretch ceiling is torn: what to do to fix the problem

If the stretch ceiling is torn, it is very important to know what to do and how to remove the cut or hole in the canvas. Damage can occur as a result of mechanical impact on it. Depending on the size of the damage, a variety of repair methods are used.

If the room is not heated and the temperature in it is less than 20 degrees, then the PVC film may burst from the cold. Such a defect requires mandatory replacement of the canvas.

Even in the event of a small defect, it must be immediately eliminated, because the canvas is in a highly stretched state and the gap can quickly increase. To stop further damage to the canvas, it is necessary to stick adhesive tape in the place of damage and call the master.

Damage to the ceiling by furniture or cornices may have torn edges. In the case of a fabric canvas, it can be sewn up with a nylon thread of a suitable color, and then painted over. The most difficult thing to sew up is a round hole, which is why in some cases an additional piece of fabric will need to be sewn to the ceiling, which is then painted over. When tightening a hole, it is important to ensure that there are no wrinkles.

How to repair a stretch ceiling when it breaks near a wall or lamp

Stretch ceiling is reliable and quality coating, which, with careful handling, can last for a dozen years. However, there are unforeseen circumstances that lead to damage to the canvas and then it will definitely need to be repaired.

If the canvas is damaged near the wall or near the chandelier, you need to carefully remove the damaged part and install an additional patch that will help eliminate the defect. This type of repair should only be carried out experienced craftsmen because it's almost impossible to do it on your own. When conducting repair work it is very important to ensure that there are no bumps and folds.

To avoid damage to the stretch ceiling and its further repair, you need to follow some specific rules.

Rules for the operation of a stretch ceiling

  • The device of a stretch ceiling should always be the final stage in the repair or construction;
  • It is necessary to avoid punctures with sharp objects;
  • You can not install the ceiling in unheated rooms;
  • Luminaires built into the ceiling must have a power of no more than 40 watts;
  • Must be able to clean properly.
  • For washing, use only neutral products.

How to repair a stretch ceiling with a cut (video)

So, in order to do without repairing the stretch ceiling, you need to carefully treat the entire structure. To maintain the structure in good and attractive condition, you need to periodically wipe it with a damp sponge.

Any stretch ceiling is valued for its beauty and functionality, but even minor defects on the surface are very conspicuous and reduce the aesthetic characteristics of the coating. Cuts, punctures and holes especially spoil the attractiveness of the stretch fabric. But repairing stretch ceilings after a cut, which you can do yourself, will help solve the problem. The choice of repair method depends on the type of tension panel. In difficult cases, it is better to turn to professionals to restore the ceiling surface.

Causes of cuts

Before you repair a cut on a stretch ceiling, you need to understand the reasons for its appearance in order to avoid such a situation in the future if possible.

Such a defect appears for the following reasons:

  1. Most often, the repair of a stretch ceiling cut is performed after the installation of cornices over window openings. Sharp cornice elements can easily damage the thin stretch film, especially if handled carelessly. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to wrap the edges of the pipes with a soft cloth.
  2. Film ceilings are called seam, because the width of the canvas does not allow them to be installed in large rooms without weld. Sometimes this seam diverges, as a result, the defect in shape and size is very similar to a cut. The seam may open under the tension of the coating or due to the impressive volume of water that has accumulated after flooding. In any case, the cause of the defect is a poor-quality seam.
  3. Too active children's games can also cause damage to the tension surface, especially if they play with swords, bows and arrows and other toys with sharp edges. It is for this reason that in the nursery it is advised to mount fabric sheets that are more resistant to mechanical damage than film ones.
  4. A similar defect, similar to a cut, appears if the harpoon comes off on the film web. In such a situation, the canvas simply bursts from the edge against the wall in the place where the harpoon is welded. At first, such a defect resembles a situation when a harpoon simply jumps out of a baguette, but if you look better, you can see a torn cloth.

Non-repairable cases

When a cut appears on the stretch ceiling, only the master can tell for sure what to do. Sometimes you can deal with the problem yourself, but this only applies to situations where the coating can be repaired. Unfortunately, there are times when no method will help solve the problem. In such a situation, it remains only to completely change the tension coating.

Before sticking a stretch ceiling after a cut, make sure that your case does not fall into the category of non-repairable defects:

  1. If the size of the defect is significant, then it will not be possible to repair or disguise it.
  2. If the location of the site is not suitable for any of the repair methods. That is, it is impossible to stretch the edge of the canvas to fill the hole in the baguette, or there is no way to install ceiling lamp or another device.
  3. In the event of a divergence of the weld, it will be necessary to completely dismantle the tension coating, because the seam can only be re-welded using special factory equipment.

Repair of cuts on stretch panels

If you are interested in the prices for the repair of stretch ceilings, then they depend on the complexity of the work, its location and dimensions, therefore, they are in the range of $ 40-50 (2600-3250 rubles). However, sometimes you can repair stretch ceilings after a cut with your own hands. We have provided some instructions below. Important to choose suitable option taking into account the material from which the stretch ceiling is made.

The sequence of repair of PVC film coating

To choose suitable way repairing a stretch ceiling with a cut with your own hands, you need to decide on the localization of the hole.

Depending on its location, there are the following repair methods:

  • If the hole is located at a small distance from the wall (no more than 15 cm), then the panel can be pulled tighter to fill the defect into a baguette. To do this, the coating on a small segment is released from the baguette. Scissors cut off part of it to the problem area. After that, you get a new edge, on which you need to attach the cord, wrap the fabric allowance around it and glue it. Thus, you get a homemade harpoon that needs to be filled into a baguette. For refueling, you will need a spatula with rounded edges, as well as heat gun, which will increase the elasticity of the material.

On a note! If the defect is located far from the wall, do not try to drag the canvas. So you ruin it completely. In this case, even preheating the material with a heat gun will not help.

  • A problematic area in the central part of the room can be hidden by installing a ceiling lamp or a ventilation diffuser or grille in this place. Before installing the device, the hole must be cut according to its dimensions; for this, the film is protected from spreading by gluing a thermal ring. This method suitable only if the length of the hole does not exceed the dimensions of the built-in appliance.
  • If a hole of considerable size has appeared in the central part of the room, then there is only one way to hide it - by gluing an application from a colored film. So you not only hide the problem area, but also embellish the ceiling surface, as well as diversify the interior of the room.
  • Sometimes a hole, similar to a cut cloth, is formed due to the fact that the harpoon simply pops out of the mounting profile. Solving the problem is very simple - you need to fill the panel back with a special spatula. If the harpoon edge of the film is very thin, this place can be sealed with a cord. Otherwise, you will have to replace the wall baguette.

If the ceiling was installed recently and it is still under warranty, then you should not even repair it yourself. simple cases, because in the event of unauthorized intervention in the ceiling structures, the installer's guarantees are no longer valid.

On a note! While waiting for the master, carefully tape the problem area with tape so that the hole cannot expand.

Fabric repair

Now let's talk about how to glue a stretch ceiling from a fabric panel.

To repair polyester fabrics, you can use the following methods:

  1. A small hole can simply be sewn up. For work, nylon threads are used, matched to the color of the coating. After that, it is recommended to paint the ceiling surface with a water-based emulsion to further hide the problem area. Please note that you can re-paint the surface of the fabric ceiling about 5-7 times.
  2. If the damage is significant, then a patch is used to repair it. After installation fabric cover there are always trimmings of material, because after filling in the profile, allowances are cut off along the edge of the web. If you didn't throw away these scraps, then you can make a patch for repairing the ceiling from them. It will be the same color and texture as the coating, so it will hide the defect well. The patch should be a couple of centimeters larger than the hole. It is glued to the coating from the back. For gluing use cyanoacrylic glue. After that, the patch is well smoothed and straightened.

On a note! If you don’t have any scraps of the canvas, you can pick up a patch from another fabric that is suitable in color and structure. After such repairs, the ceiling is recommended to be painted to hide the difference in tone of the materials used.

Tools for the job

The following tools may be needed to repair polyester fabric and PVC film coverings:

  • ladder;
  • sewing needle;
  • scissors;
  • a building hair dryer is needed only if the PVC film needs to be made more elastic in order to stretch it well;
  • roller on a long handle;
  • special spatula for refueling tension coatings in a baguette;
  • paint tray;
  • ruler or tape measure.

Materials and adhesive to eliminate cuts

Apart from necessary tools the following materials and adhesive mixtures will be needed in the work:

  • fabric patch (offcuts of stretch woven cover or suitable material);
  • glue for stretch ceilings (special glue is suitable for working with film sheets);
  • nylon threads of suitable colors (only for fabric coverings);
  • dense cord for strengthening the harpoon edge of the PVC cloth;
  • glue based on cyanoacrylic for gluing a patch to a woven panel;
  • water-based paint.

Repair video

To figure out how to repair a stretch ceiling with a cut, the video will help.

Methods for decorating a damaged area

Sometimes you can not repair, but mask the place of the defect. This applies only to the ceiling, torn or cut in a place where you can hide the flaw or install a lamp, appliqué or ventilation grill. In this case, you don’t even have to use a hair dryer for repairs, because after decorating the surface will not sag and deform.

But if the installation of a luminaire or grille is considered more radical method, then various decorating techniques allow you to hide defects without interfering with ceiling structures.

There are the following ways to decorate the cut section of the stretch ceiling:

  1. If the defect is located near the base of the chandelier, this area can be hidden behind a ceiling molding or other base under a hanging lighting fixture. Just do not use stucco made of heavy materials, it is better to give preference to light foam elements.
  2. Coloring is also considered a decorating technique. But this method is only suitable for stretch ceilings made of polyester fabric. It is forbidden to paint PVC film.
  3. Small holes can be sealed with colored film appliqué. A scattering of butterflies or flowers on the ceiling will not only hide the defect, but also give originality to the entire ceiling surface.

Exist different ways repair of cut stretch ceilings. Depending on the dimensions of the defect, its location and the coating material, a decision is made to choose one or another repair method or to completely replace the ceiling finish.

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