Encyclopedia of fire safety

How to properly assemble a house from sip panels. Frame houses from sip panels - new technologies in construction. Corner connection of wall elements

Sandwich panels were invented not so long ago, but very quickly occupied their niche in the construction field. Houses made of sip panels are gaining more and more popularity, and there are a great many reasons for this, starting with the fact that the material protects well from the cold, ending with the enormously short installation time. It is clear that everyone wants to move into their own housing as soon as possible, but developers sometimes announce unreasonably high prices for their services. The way out of this situation suggests itself - why not build a house from sip panels with your own hands?

What are sip panels: material characteristics

Sip panels, also known as sandwich panels, appeared in Europe about 50 years ago, but they entered the domestic market relatively recently. Their design is very simple: between two wooden slabs there is a layer of polystyrene foam. It performs the role of heat and sound insulation. The thickness of the "stuffing" varies depending on the purpose of the panels.

The main factors influencing the choice of panel thickness are the type of building (summer or winter), the type of wall (external or internal) and climatic conditions terrain. Styrofoam protected on both sides OSB boards made from pressed wood shavings.

The panels are attached to each other without gaps, which eliminates the occurrence of cold bridges and increases thermal insulation characteristics. Tight connections are provided by special grooves into which wooden dowels are inserted. Panels have standard width in 125 cm, 250 cm and 280 cm.

Advantages of sip panels

frame houses from sip panels have gained popularity all over the world for a reason. This building material has a lot of advantages and advantages compared to traditional products: bricks, reinforced concrete slabs, blocks, etc.

Unfortunately, it has not yet been possible to invent an impeccable building material that would not have a single drawback. Sip panels are no exception, but its shortcomings can be attributed to the features of operation rather than to serious blunders.

Opponents of sip panels (yes, there are some) argue that they are flammable and generally unsuitable for building houses. However, often fires occur inside, and there panel walls sheathed with non-combustible drywall, so the risk that such a building will flare up like a match is minimized.

There is also a legend that mice and other rodents like to settle in sip panels, but no one has yet provided actual confirmation of this. The issue of environmental friendliness is also particularly acute, but it also disappears if we remember that many products (meat, fish, poultry, sweets) are often packed in polystyrene foam containers.

Some argue that panel walls do not protect against noise, but if we take into account the fact that living in a private house excludes the existence of neighbors behind the walls, from above and below, then there is nowhere to come from much noise. In addition, external and interior decoration increase soundproofing characteristics.

The only truly justified nuance of using sandwich panels is the arrangement of ventilation. Since the elements are fitted close to each other, completely blank walls are obtained that do not allow air to pass through. For this reason, at the stage of creating a project for houses from sip panels, the laying of the ventilation system is immediately taken into account.

Foundation selection

As we have said, panel houses do not need a massive, expensive foundation, but mistakes in organizing this issue are quite common. This is because it is necessary to take into account not only the low weight of the box at home, but also the properties of the soil, the level of occurrence groundwater and climatic conditions in general.

The best options for foundations for houses made of sandwich panels are:

  • screw pile;
  • columnar;
  • tape shallow;
  • monolithic (reinforced concrete slab).

The main danger in the construction of such houses lies in the lateral tangential forces under the building - during the spring heaving of the soil, the foundation can simply come to the surface, and the house will tilt or crack because of this. Whatever foundation you choose, its cost will be about 20% of all construction costs, which is a lot. But saving at this stage is not worth it in any case, otherwise subsequent repairs and correction of errors will take even more money.

Screw piles

The vast majority of experts agree that frame houses according to Canadian technology it is best to build on a foundation of screw piles. It's comparatively new way arrangement of the base, which is economical, simple and fast installation compared to the rest. A screw pile foundation is 30-40% cheaper than any other foundation, even taking into account the fact that you need to hire a team of professional builders.

The screw pile is steel pipe, to which a blade of a special configuration is welded. She has a high bearing capacity, because in the process of screwing into the soil, the pile does not loosen the soil, but, on the contrary, compacts it with blades. It enters deep into the level below the freezing of the soil, which by itself prevents the deformation of the building from heaving.

The service life of such a foundation can be calculated in centuries (usually the manufacturer gives 100 years). But the main advantage is the ventilated underground, which is very useful when using sip panels. Also, if you ever want to build an extension to your house, all you have to do is install a nearby right amount piles, and the foundation will work as a whole, evenly distributing the total load.

shallow foundation

This type of foundation for houses made of sip panels is used less frequently and mainly on non-rocky and weakly rocky soils. In other cases, he will "go" in the first spring. For the arrangement, the fertile soil layer is removed (about 30-40 cm), formwork is arranged with reinforcement and everything is poured with cement mortar.

A shallow foundation can easily support the weight of sip panels. To minimize the risk of deformation from uneven heaving of the soil, experts recommend placing a gravel-sand cushion before pouring concrete.

To increase strength and durability, the foundation is reinforced with a reinforcing cage.

Concrete pouring should be done at a time, so for operational work you may need the help of 2-3 people. After pouring, the concrete must be treated with a vibrating plate or at least pierced with a stick in several places to prevent the formation of air voids.

The disadvantage of this method is the long period of concrete drying, which can last up to 4 weeks. Also, underground ventilation will not be as good as in the case of piles. For this, special holes are usually made. If you want to make an extension to the house in a few years, building up a shallow foundation will be quite problematic and troublesome. The laying of all communications (electricity, sewerage, water supply) must be organized before pouring concrete, which is also not very convenient.

Monolithic foundation

If your site is located on weak heaving soil, the arrangement of a monolithic foundation will be the only right decision. It is a solid reinforced concrete slab, which evenly distributes the load from the house to the ground and does not allow it to deform from seasonal movements.

Construction principle slab foundation quite simple: they remove the fertile layer of soil, make a drainage cushion of sand and gravel, fill everything with concrete and strengthen the screed with iron fittings.

The only disadvantage of this type of foundation is high price and difficulties with the construction of additional extensions in the future.

Column Foundation

Such a foundation can be considered a “relative” of a pile foundation, but the arrangement will take much more time and effort, although its cost is lower than that of a monolithic or tape one. The columnar foundation is suitable for non-rocky and slightly heaving soils.

It consists of pillars located at the intersection points of the walls, at the corners future construction, at the locations of massive load-bearing beams, piers and at points with heavy load (long walls, for example). columnar base eliminates the possibility of arranging a basement, but provides additional ventilation of the subfloor, as is the case with piles.

The shape of the pillars can be any, but most often they are made round, because such structures are easiest to place in holes made by a hand drill. They also use different materials: bricks, wood, concrete. Square pillars are made of brick, but they are inconvenient to place at a depth. Therefore, the best option is to build round concrete pillars reinforced with rebar.

Important: columnar foundation should not be laid in areas with a high level of groundwater, since in this case the foundation on which the pillars will rest will be fragile and may be washed away by water.

Panel mounting

We have mentioned more than once that sip panels are very light, so for installation you do not need a large construction machinery. In fact, the work is very simple and fast, and if it is better to enlist the support of specialists to build a foundation, then it is quite possible to build a house from sip panels on your own.

Important: before proceeding with the installation, you should carefully calculate the house from sip panels in order to stock up necessary materials, including finishing, fasteners, arrangement roofing cake. The drawing must show the thickness of the bearing and interior walls, laying communications, the location of windows and doors.

How is the installation of houses from sip panels:

Finishing with sip panels

The construction of houses from sip panels is pleasant not only for the quick installation time and ease of construction - it is a real pleasure to finish such structures! Since the surface of the panels is perfectly even and smooth, you don't have to spend money on plaster or screed and spend hours leveling walls, floors and ceilings to achieve the desired result for finishing cladding. Consider what can be improved frame house outside and how to carry out interior decoration.

Finishing inside

Before proceeding with the interior decoration, it is necessary to seal the joints with a paint grid, sand and polish them. Since the panels are monolithic, immediately think about where the communications will be located and make holes for them. In the bathroom, the preparation takes place according to a different scenario - the joints are closed not with a mesh, but with a sealant based on silicone or acrylic. The panels on the floor should be completely covered and overlapped on the walls by about 20 cm, so that if water spills, the wall materials do not get wet.

Any materials for finishing a house from sip panels can be used. It is recommended to pre-sheathe the walls with drywall. This is necessary not so much for aesthetics (the panels are already smooth), but to enhance the fire safety of the building (we wrote about this above).

Since the floors in such houses do not need leveling and insulation, you can cover them with even the most whimsical coatings - laminate, tile, parquet. In the bathroom and in the kitchen, it is better to make self-leveling acrylic floors to make additional waterproofing.

Finishing outside

Some owners prefer not to resort to outdoor decoration houses made of sandwich panels - they already look pretty nice. But in order to protect the material from dampness, it is recommended to cover it with something.

The most popular exterior finishes for panel houses:

As detailed in the video, sip panel houses are gaining more and more popularity every year. This is due not so much to fashion as to tangible savings - housing is constantly becoming more expensive, apartments in cities are becoming more expensive, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find your own housing.

Why spend crazy money on an apartment with a modest square footage, noisy neighbors and a smoky track outside the window, when you can build your own spacious and warm house from sip panels is much cheaper?

Houses from sip panels: photo

The construction industry is gaining momentum every day and improving. Through these processes, it is possible to minimal cost build a massive house of any number of storeys. Moreover, such a building will be of high quality. Besides high level You can evaluate the strength of the SIP video panel by watching the video in this article. In our article, we will get acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages of such a material, and how to build a house from sip panels.

The main advantages of SIP panels

Do-it-yourself construction of houses from sip panels is gaining momentum in popularity. Why is this happening? Sip panels in relation to other materials have the following advantages:

Attention! Such unique features make it possible to make almost any type of building out of Sip, from warehouses to country cottages.

The main disadvantages of buildings from Sip

In this section, we need to consider all the shortcomings of the material for building a house from vulture products passed without unforeseen problems:

  • Sip buildings are usually not oxygen-permeable, so they keep the air inside the building. The problem can be solved by regular airing of the rooms.
  • Construction work takes less than 7 days, during which the weather can change, so think about the drainage system in advance.
  • A low level of fire resistance requires high-quality electrical wiring and fire alarms.
  • In addition, the blind area should be made wider so that in winter period easily clear the path.

If you have already decided on the material, and this is Sip panels, then below we will consider how to build a house using Canadian technology with our own hands.

Building a house with your own hands

The construction of buildings from such material includes some stages of construction:

  • Preparatory stage;
  • Arrangement of flooring;
  • Wall installation;
  • Roof arrangement;
  • Finishing work.

Let's look at each stage of the work in more detail.

Preparatory work

Before proceeding with the construction of an object from SIP panels, it is necessary to perform the following series of actions:

  • The first thing we do is drafting a project. To do this, you can use a ready-made project or do it yourself: a video on how to do this can be viewed below;
  • To perform the work, you need to purchase a hacksaw and a screwdriver.
  • For the construction of this type, the usual type of foundation is suitable, for example, a screw foundation.
  • Next, we perform waterproofing. To do this, you can use a two-layer roofing material.
  • We lay the laying of the strapping beam, which will serve as the basis for the floor.

We equip the floor

Now we can start styling floor base. To do this, you need to use panels. We put them over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building, but before that, waterproofing should be performed. This will help us either bituminous mastic, or ruberoid. Each groove should be treated with a sealant - this is necessary for splicing the panels.

Attention! In order to fix the parts more strongly, you can use self-tapping screws, and then lubricate all the ends with a special agent.

We mount the walls

After the previous stages are completed, you can start building a frame house. To do this, follow these steps:

  • We mount the frame horizontally along the entire perimeter of the building. The lower strapping must be carried out in accordance with all existing standards.
  • Next, install the corner panels, from which different sides the following Sip products are attached.
  • In order to avoid distortions, it is necessary to use the building level.
  • The upper selections of panel elements must be treated with sealant.
  • After we proceed to the upper strapping.

Roof installation

With such a construction, there is no need to create roof structure, as the design is able to withstand heavy loads. Also, for this stage, it is not necessary to additionally perform steam and waterproofing. You can see in more detail on the video of building a house from sip panels. In general, the installation process of the roof is carried out in the same way as the installation of walls.

Finishing work

If the walls are made of Sip panels, then the building receives a large number of advantages over other types. So, they are characterized by smooth and Smooth surface. That is why finishing work is much easier than for other materials. To do this, you can use drywall, while not mounting the frame. You can also use clapboard, siding, tiles or stones. Join finishing products You can use construction adhesive.

Attention! Flooring can be created using parquet, tiles, linoleum and other options.

Having completed the construction of a building from sip panels, you can achieve a very stable and reliable result. Plus, the price will pleasantly please you.

Hello blog readers Traveler's diary. As I promised, we start the report about building a house from SIP / SIP panels. We will tell and show from our own experience what kind of technology it is, its pros and cons, how a house is assembled from SIP / SIP panels ... And of course we will share whether it is possible to build inexpensive house from SIP / SIP panels in just a month. We will try to meet the construction two-story house area of ​​180 sq.m with a foundation, a roof and windows in 2 million rubles... And in the next article we will leave a review about the company building our house - THERMOVILLE (TERMOVILLA).


But finished projects houses from SIP / SIP panels did not suit us on any site. Something always turned out to be wrong: area, layout, design, cost ... As a result, a schematic plan was drawn up independently and transferred to construction company to develop an individual, not a finished project.

The result was a project of a house measuring 10 by 9 meters with full two floors, with total area 180 sq.m and a living area sufficient for living big family with three children. On the ground floor there is a boiler room, an entrance hall, a bathroom, a kitchen, a living room and a bedroom. On the second floor there is a hall, a bathroom and three bedrooms. Plus an attic.

Before the start of construction of the house, electricity was supplied to the site, a building permit was obtained, a sewer septic tank was half-buried and a test screwing of the piles was carried out ... Construction is scheduled for the period from early April to early May.

Well? Are we starting to build a house from SIP / SIP panels?

1 day. pile foundation

A team arrived at the site with three-meter piles for the foundation and a small tractor to screw these piles. Piles are treated with a special anti-corrosion compound. From morning to afternoon, all 25 foundation piles were installed. The piles are cut to level at a height of 40-70 cm from the ground (depending on the unevenness of the site). Cement mortar was poured inside the piles, and head supports were welded on top, on which 200 mm foundation strapping beams will be attached. Several higher piles were additionally fastened together with metal corners welded to them.

A start.

Day 2 Sand

While waiting for the materials and the main team that will build the house from SIP / SIP panels, I started sanding. At the base of the piles under the entire area of ​​the foundation, a geotextile was laid and a layer of sand was covered. These activities have several goals: keeping the foundation dry, preventing plant growth, and protecting against mice and insects.

It took me a lot of time and effort on my own. Finished by lunchtime.

3-4 day. check in

In the morning, a change house, rented for a month, was brought and installed by a KAMAZ-manipulator. A team of three also arrived. "Amenities" are equipped near the change house)

In two days, two trucks were unloaded and placed on the site building materials: treated with antiseptic "Senezh" lumber and factory "house kit" from cut into construction project SIP / SIP panels. From the highway to the site, the materials were reloaded onto the manipulator and fumbled on it, since the trucks could not get to the site.

After unloading building materials, preparations began for tying the foundation with a bar. I dug a small trench under the foundation for sewer pipes so as not to squirm under the finished house ...

Day 5 Foundation strapping

The binding of the foundation consists in laying 200 mm beams on the pile heads and a roofing felt gasket, leveling and fastening the beams to each other and to the head beams with huge self-tapping screws - "grouse".

After completing the binding pile foundation"basement" SIP / SIP panels of zero overlap with a thickness of 224 mm are treated from below with a primer mastic for waterproofing.

6-7 day. Zero overlap assembly

During the sixth-seventh day, SIP / SIP panels of zero overlap (floor of the first floor) were laid. As I said, to connect with each other are used wooden bars, which are inserted into the grooves of the SIP / SIP panels on the mounting foam and fixed with self-tapping screws. The ends of all SIP / SIP panels along the perimeter were also closed with bars.

Guide bars are attached to the finished floor, which serve as the basis for the walls and partitions of the rooms on the first floor.

8-9 day. Assembly of the first floor

It took the team two days to build walls and partitions from SIP / SIP panels on the ground floor. External walls and almost all partitions (which are bearing walls) are made of SIP / SIP panels with a thickness of 174mm. Some non-load-bearing partitions are made of SIP / SIP panels with a thickness of 124mm.

By the evening of the ninth day, it was possible to walk through all the rooms on the first floor and peer through the finished window openings, but there was still sky overhead...

10-12 day. Interfloor assembly

If before that it rained, but occasionally, now, at the most inopportune moment, specific rather heavy rains have been charged every day ... (((We are worried about the dampness that has appeared in the house. The building materials are securely covered, but it is more difficult with the house ... Construction team tries, if possible, to cover the house with special "mats", but to do this, especially with walls standing without overlap, is difficult. We are trying to reassure ourselves that upon completion of the construction, we will thoroughly dry everything with a heat gun.

Because of the rains and mounting interfloor overlap dragged on for three whole days.

For interfloor overlap, as well as for zero overlap, SIP / SIP panels with a thickness of 224mm were used. This maximum thickness should provide floor rigidity as well as acceptable sound insulation.

By the end of the third day of work, the floor was completed. There was only a hole in the kitchen ceiling for the stairs to the second floor. A temporary technical ladder should appear here soon. This is what the house looks like from above:

And this is how our house under construction from SIP / SIP panels looked from the inside with an almost completed ceiling ... Watch the promised video:

Video on YouTube channel:

13-15 day. Assembly of the second floor

The rains continue, which slows down the construction a little... We are waiting attic floor to thoroughly cover the house with foil.

In three days, the brigade erected all the walls and partitions of the second floor. The son chose a bedroom for himself) And Lena, who came to the construction site of our house for the first time, chose a bedroom for us )

The construction of the house from SIP / SIP panels is half completed and the building is beginning to take on the look of the house we designed. And this can not but rejoice)

In the coming days, the house should have an attic, stairs, a roof, and windows. Very soon!

16-17 days. Attic floor assembly

The attic floor, which became the ceiling for the second floor, took two days.

Unlike the first and second floors, SIP / SIP panels were used for the attic floor, 174mm thick, not 224mm. For the attic, this is quite enough.

It remains only to close the ends of the attic floor panels with a beam around the entire perimeter ... The construction of our house from SIP / SIP panels is nearing completion!

Day 18 stairs

It has been raining almost every day for a week and a half. It was a real test for our nerves, and for the wet builders, and for the OSB Egger sheets from which the SIP / SIP panels are made.

On that day, it started to rain in the night and went on non-stop all day... In addition, there was no electricity until the evening. Hungry and wet builders had no choice but to drive water from the roof covered with foil, wipe puddles in the house and collect stairs ...

Temporary technical stairs turned out to be surprisingly high quality and strong - both interfloor and entrance on the porch.

19-21 days. Attic

In three days, an attic appeared in our house from SIP / SIP panels.

Mayerlats, beams and rafters for the roof were installed, as well as gables (triangular walls from the ends of the attic).

It remains to lay a vapor barrier, make a crate and cover the house with metal tiles. In addition, it is necessary to install ventilation outlets-pipes on the roof, which should arrive any day ... But the metal Entrance door and all 16 plastic windows already arrived at the construction site.

22-23 days. door and roof

Our house under construction from SIP / SIP panels now has a metal front door!

And the house now has a metal roof!

With the advent of the May holidays, the sun came, and the rains finally ended! We first came to the site with the whole family and arranged the first barbecues on our site. This turn of events made our builders very happy: kebabs for the May holidays are good! And to finish all the work with the onset of Easter is also right!

By the way, the name of the company building our house from SIP / SIP panels can already be read on the facade. It - .

24-25 day. Completion and windows

The last two days of building the SIP/SIP house were spent completing the roofing, cleaning the house and grounds, and installing the windows.

The installation of the ventilation outlets was postponed... We were let down by the store - the ordered ventilation outlets (pipes) were brought, and the through holes were successfully forgotten in the company's warehouse. Company team THERMOVILLE completed the installation of the roof and began cleaning the house and territory.

Plastic windows were ordered by us from a third-party company, so as not to carry them 400 km from Moscow. We settled on five-chamber VEKA profiles Softline with double-glazed windows and external lamination. The installation of plastic windows was also carried out by third-party craftsmen.

What is the result? House from SIP / SIP panels from the company was built in 25 days and cost us less than 2 million rubles. This amount included: project development, delivery of building materials, pile foundation, house box (walls, partitions and all three floors are assembled from SIP / SIP panels), a metal roof, a metal front door, plastic windows and technical stairs with all construction and installation works.

The house was created by individual project. The dimensions of the house are 9x10 meters. Two full floors and a "cold" attic. The area of ​​two floors - 180 sq.m. The total number of VEKA Softline plastic windows is 16 pieces. During the construction of the house, SIP / SIP panels were used from OSB-3 Egger sheets and 25F expanded polystyrene.

Our house, assembled according to the construction technology from SIP / SIP panels, is ready. Ahead - exterior and interior decoration, as well as installation of communications ...

No matter what anyone says, unification has always had a positive effect not only on the speed of production, but also on its cost. And the construction industry is no exception. Unification in frame housing construction led to the development of SIP panels and similar enlarged building materials.

The SIP panel itself was invented in 1935 in the USA, in 1952 insulation was first glued into it. Since the beginning of the 60s of the last century, it began to be mass-produced, which just affected the reduction in the construction time of houses and their price in America, and then in Canada. SIP-panel technologies came to Russia in the late 90s.

And this procession, in contrast to the United States, where tens of millions of square meters such housing has not yet become a triumph, and its cost is 30-40% higher than abroad. This is partly due to the mentality of our developer, partly due to the high cost of components imported from abroad, the prices of which are also guided by rare domestic manufacturers who have mastered the production of similar products. But once upon a time, before releasing our own lorry, we also bought a batch of Ford trucks.

What is a SIP panel made of and how is it made?

The design of the SIP panel is extremely simple, which means it is easily repeatable, but the copyright holders and patent holders will not miss their chance, so they put their interest in the cost of equipment for its production. And the essence of the technology consists in gluing between two sheets of OSB (oriented strand board - English OSB) a polystyrene block PSB-S-25, where C is self-extinguishing, and 25 is density (from 15 to 25 kg / m3). Its thickness ranges from 100 to 200 mm, depending on the type of construction and climate zone where it is being built. Also, thinner panels can be used in the construction of partitions inside a frame house from SIP panels. Along the contour of the panel, grooves are provided for connecting and fixing beams. It must be said that panels with 100 mm insulation in terms of thermal conductivity correspond to an approximately one and a half meter wall of solid fired clay bricks, but according to the current Russian standards for middle lane you need 120 mm of polystyrene foam. Therefore, most manufacturers of SIP panels offer standard products with 140 mm PSB-S-25 and an OSB thickness of 10 - 12 mm.

Making SIP panels with your own hands

It is best to cut the foam with a nichrome string, which you must apply D.C. from an adjustable transformer (the parameters are selected depending on the length and thickness of the wire). In its role can be a car charger or a welding machine.

In the manufacture of SIP panels, a one-component polyurethane adhesive is used. On standard equipment, its application is carried out by 4 dozen nozzles for greater uniformity of distribution. The bonding process itself is carried out under pressure. For this, either vacuum or mechanical presses are used. The number of blank panels in a stack and the number of stacks to be glued depends on the parameters of the press.

At home, it is not difficult to make a SIP panel with your own hands. From the entire chain of technology, it is necessary to single out for explanation only one process - the application of glue and suggest the pressing parameters. The rest is not difficult to perform, and a thinking person will also create a couple of devices for the relative positioning of the panel components.

So here's the glue. Choose almost any polyurethane balloon glue for polystyrene foam (better known), take a paint sprayer with an upper tank and a 2.5 mm nozzle. From an old professional foam gun, unscrew the assembly for attaching cylinders with a ball valve. Immediately make sure that it works properly or clean it with a special flushing fluid. Make a simple adapter with appropriate threads and connect together. Connect to a compressor and get a uniform layer of glue (or foam) adjustable in thickness

In fairness, it must be said that ordinary professional polyurethane foam will work no worse than glue, but it will require a little more skill from you. The grooves in SIP panels are made with a depth of 25 to 40 mm, while the lower and upper strapping boards will have exactly this thickness, and the connecting beams will be twice as thick.

Place the resulting sandwich under an evenly distributed load at the rate of 15 - 20 kg / m2 and leave for a couple of hours. In a standard panel, the area is 3.11 sq.m. The load may be several wooden beams. As the panels are made, add them to the stack, moving the weight to the top - newly made. The main thing when laying is not to shift the sheets. Hint: cut 6 pieces of board to the appropriate width and use them as templates during assembly, connecting with self-tapping screws.

It will be possible to fully use your SIP panels the next day.

On what foundations are assembled SIP-panel houses

Such houses can be mounted on any foundations, and here the main role should be played not by the type of frame formation (in this case, it is platform, American, Canadian, pallet), but by the state of the foundation - the soil. It is clear if you have swampy soil, the site has a difficult terrain or is high ground water we recommend screw piles with a powerful wooden bottom trim, or a platform immediately formed on its basis.

If you have soils that are prone to large frost heaving, make a well-insulated floating foundation. It will also play the role of a platform for you, on which you can directly install SIP panels, fixing the installation board with anchors, which partly acts as the bottom trim.

Under standard conditions, a grillage on poles is best suited for this type of frame.

Floor panels can be assembled directly on it, pre-treated with a primer. In addition to sufficient strength for such a foundation, there will be one requirement when choosing a SIP-panel construction technology: ensuring good ventilation of the underground space.

SIP panel assembly technology

The connection of SIP panels to each other is carried out by gluing a beam on the polyurethane mounting foam, evenly included in their grooves. The fastening of the panels to the platform of the floor or ceiling is also carried out according to the thorn-groove system, while the role of the thorn is played by the boards of the lower and top harness appropriate sizes.

The bottom board is also called the installation board. Its thickness can be from 25 mm to 40 mm. Corner joints are carried out according to the same principle, only the installation board is attached to the vertical panel.

As a rule, its thickness is half the thickness of the connecting beam. Fixing parts at the seams is most often done with wood screws, less often with a nail gun. Design SIP-panel house so strong that for the lower and upper trim, as well as corner joints, a board 25 mm thick is sufficient.

If you decide to make SIP panels with your own hands, and we tried to convey to you that it is not so difficult, then we hope that you will make panels of specific sizes and configurations, with ready-made connecting nodes and you will not need additional trimming on the site. But, if you consider it more profitable to buy ready-made panels from the manufacturer, we recommend ordering him to cut them for your project. Many firms sell house kits.

For independent cutting of standard SIP panels, you will need at least a large grinder with 230 mm discs, or the same manual Circular Saw, long thin sharp knife for cutting and a simple device for cutting foam with a nichrome string (see photo below). Expanded polystyrene is cut out a little more than half the thickness of the connecting beam.

Terms of assembly of a house from sip panels

Assembly one-story house 2-3 people can freely carry out SIP panels, it is better to make panels together. The weight of a standard SIP panel with dimensions of 2500 x 1250 x 160 is 43 - 44 kg, and with a thickness of 164 (OSB-12) - up to 50 kg. Floor and roof panels are often made longer and narrower for rigidity, or additional beams are glued into them during manufacture.

From practice, two strong men on the first floor cope with a panel with dimensions of 1250 x 5000. Above, helpers are needed. Attic or two-storey house they collect 4 people with the involvement of 2 helpers for a couple of days, if you do not use lifting and transport mechanisms.

And if you have a cozy place for the manufacture of SIP panels and a platform for their temporary storage, then from all systems frame housing construction, this one is the most optimal, believe experience. A hundred-square house without any special architectural frills, the team of the above composition will assemble in a maximum of a week with measured work in compliance with hourly norms labor law. And if it will be you personally and your Good friends or relatives, it will take even less time. And you can adjust to the weather.

Below is an accelerated video of the assembly of a house from sip panels - it is very interesting to see how it looks from the outside.

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Prefabricated houses from sip panels are gaining more and more popularity in do-it-yourself construction. Let's look at the main points of building a house using Canadian technology using sip panels.

Foundation for a frame sip house

Houses are quite light and durable. At the heart of the structure there will be enough pile foundation, the grillage can even be made from a bar of the appropriate diameter.
Watch the video story about Sip panels on Discovery, interesting experiences!

Construction technology

Sip construction is an assembly of finished factory panels according to the tongue-and-groove connection principle.
Most important point here is the quality of the source material, only with the proper execution of the panels themselves, the house will turn out without gaps at the joints, which will ensure good and strength of the structure.

When assembling sip at home seams and joints are processed mounting foam, which is not recommended to be cut off after hardening. The foam tends to break down under the influence of ultraviolet light, cutting off the edge only speeds up this process.

The construction of a vulture house can be carried out in any of the seasons, but the most favorable is winter time, because summer construction rush can delay you at some stages of construction, and in the off-season there is a chance of rain and bad weather.

Finishing a house from sip panels

Finishing sip panels (and exterior) can be chosen to your taste - any will do. There are no restrictions here, except for financial ones, since sip panels show themselves equally well when finishing. wooden materials, and when using tiles or , and in all other options.

Advantages and disadvantages of sip houses

Consider the main advantages of Canadian technology houses and the existing disadvantages of these buildings.

Sip panel pros- houses

  • Interest in vulture construction is explained by the low cost of such structures compared to other types of private construction, short terms construction of houses, a simplified system and.
  • A light structure made of sip panels can be erected on a simple screw or. Quick assembly of ready-made factory panels at the construction site significantly reduces the time for building a house with your own hands.
  • Finishing sip panels is extremely simple. smooth and smooth walls from panels do not need alignment or additional processing before the beginning finishing works. Which also has a beneficial effect on the cost of the finished home.

Cons of sip panel houses

  • However, despite the fact that sip panels have unconditional advantages, these houses are not environmentally friendly, although firms try to claim the opposite, do not believe it (when using sip panels, formaldehyde levels should be controlled); therefore good finish, defence from sun rays required!
  • despite the good thermal insulation properties, cannot boast of good, and their rate is rather low.
  • You should be extremely careful when installing electrical wiring and heating systems in sip houses.
  • Also, one of the features of sip houses is that they need constant airing, because. the materials used do not allow air to pass through.

Is it worth it to build a sip house? conclusions

Building a house using Canadian technology with your own hands is quite possible, but you should carefully consider the choice of materials and manufacturers. The strength, durability, beauty and reliability of a sip house directly depends on the quality of the materials used (panels).

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