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Design lessons: how to choose a combination of colors for the interior. Color combinations in the interior Harmonious combination of color tones in furniture

Few people attach importance to color, although it affects people quite well. Therefore, everyone needs to know the combination of colors in the interior, the table of which is given in the article. Indeed, with the help of color, it is possible to create beautiful visual effects that surprise others, as well as bring a special psychological atmosphere to your own home. Thanks to this, it will be much easier to arrange guests to yourself and charge them. positive emotions for a long time.

The psychology of color

Everyone on your own creates around himself the environment that will affect his psyche and health in general. In order to simplify the task, the experts made a clear formula, called the "table of color combinations in the interior" (photo can be seen below).

Proper use should be considered when choosing both the main tones of the room and additional ones. The colors that surround us should reflect the characteristics of a person’s character, since it is only thanks to this that living in own house will become much more comfortable.

People are able to perceive one or another color both with their eyes and with their whole body. As you know, tone determines our mood, has a good effect on health, and is also able to improve or worsen well-being. Even in ancient times, it was believed that the color, with its correct selection able to cure any ailment. Even in the country rising sun often used the healing properties of certain flowers.

Color options

Thus, the table of color combinations in the interior of the kitchen recommends using a purple tone, as it is extremely closely related to creativity and is able to make a person develop his own imagination. He is the first assistant in case of a pessimistic mood, in those moments when faith is lost and despair sets in.

White color has a connection with spirituality. Thanks to him, we can gain confidence, although we should not forget that with a long stay in a room of this color, a person can dramatically change self-esteem. He quickly begins to feel some kind of inferiority or, conversely, superiority over everyone else.

It can improve the circulatory system. It affects blood circulation, and also has a unique property, which is to activate the growth of red blood cells. This color makes it work. nervous system and promotes the production of adrenaline, increased pressure.

In a room decorated in yellow, all bad moments are instantly forgotten. Here you can get enough energy and gain a sense of protection. In addition, color improves the functioning of the digestive system, activates cognitive processes.

For the purpose of reconciliation, green tones can be used. This color calms and unites people. One of its main advantages is the fact that people suffering from claustrophobia will feel much better in a room with a predominance of green. In addition, it treats lung related diseases and flu faster than some medications.

The blue color allows our consciousness to leave the framework of reality and plunge into the world of dreams and thoughts about something distant. The tone allows us to relax, it perfectly helps those suffering from insomnia, frequent stress, migraines and so on.

Few people love brown, but its benefits are important to almost everyone. It makes more resolute and persistent people who succumb to public opinion, who do not have self-esteem. Thanks to him, a melancholic mood is created, joy appears, and all bad things are forgotten.

Color combination theories

The combination of colors in the interior, the table of which helps to clearly determine the correct formula for choosing the tone in a particular room, is determined by theories. They are combination methods, that is, formulas that have been carefully developed with the aim of finding colors. On the this moment There are several theories, but the most common of them are the color wheel, as well as its antipode, which are described below.

Color circle

As you know, the combination of colors in the interior (the table is provided below) is based on three primary colors:

  • red;
  • yellow;
  • blue.

They can be mixed, getting additional tones, for example:

  • purple (blue and red);
  • green (blue and yellow);
  • orange (yellow and red).

When connecting the main and you can get an auxiliary. Based on this, a color wheel is obtained, where the following colors are present:

  • adjacent - located next to each other (example: green, light green and yellow);
  • monochrome - are shades of only one color, located on a straight line, where light tones go closer to the center, and dark tones go to the edge;
  • complementary - colors that are clearly on the opposite side (example: blue and orange).

The main thing is to correctly orient yourself in this matter and choose perfect combination flowers in the interior. The table (green and other colors are also presented in it) will help to do this. You can choose according to the following formulas:

  1. triadic combination. For this, as a rule, three colors are taken, located in a circle at an equal distance from each other.
  2. Separated complementary scheme. There are also three colors, but they are selected according to a different formula. The main color is taken first, followed by its complementary color, which, in turn, is divided into two tones that are at an equal distance from it (to the right and to the left).
  3. Double split complementary scheme. There are already four colors in this color scheme. The first step is to select two main, and then two complementary to them.


Individual and overly bright personalities are ideally suited for a paired combination of colors in the interior. Of course, the table includes brown and tones close to it, but they are used extremely rarely. As a rule, businessmen or simply creative people decorate their own workplaces with such shades.

The antipode is a choice of a pair of primary colors, which must necessarily contrast with each other. These are the following combinations (in the circle they are all complementary):

  • pink - light green;
  • green - red;
  • black White;
  • lilac - yellow.

Now it’s clear how to use tables and what is a combination of colors in the interior. The table given above - the color wheel - undoubtedly helps in choosing a tone. But in addition to it, it is also necessary to take into account the recommendations of specialists, which guarantee an excellent result.

The best option to choose the perfect combination of colors in the interior is a table. Beige color, as an example, suits absolutely any room. Therefore, most people, not knowing which color to choose for a particular room, pay attention to it.

It is not always easy to choose a combination of colors in the interior. The table (the lilac tone is given separately below) contains many colors, among which there are also universal ones. But when a dilemma arises, one should not choose tones at random. In one room, it is recommended to use no more than four colors.

Incompatible colors

Colors that should never be used together are also included in the basic rules showing the correct combination of colors in the interior. A table (gray is always present there) of incompatible tones is also important.

Experts advise avoiding pairing cold light shades with warm dark ones. In addition, combinations of cold dark and warm light colors should not be allowed. Today they allow a combination of the incompatible, so creative lovers can combine any shades they like. But still, you should pay attention to the table of incompatible colors:

The principle of one-color selection

There are gamma options only within a single color. For this, a table is not required, since different shades of the same primary color are always combined with each other. For example, the ideal would be green tone which can be used in any room. After all, greenery can soothe and help organize a productive vacation.

Color Contrast vs. Harmony

The ideal combination is such an interior in any case will be advantageous, as these colors complement each other perfectly. Most often, this combination is used in children's rooms or living rooms. will be reminded of sunlight and warm, thanks to which the house will be filled with an atmosphere of hospitality and kindness. In the kitchen, it will be enough to adapt some accessories of such colors in order to awaken the desire to prepare delicious and creative dishes.

Color is a powerful tool in creating comfort. Beautiful interiors unthinkable without a harmonious combination of shades. How to choose a palette so that you feel comfortable, can relax after a busy day, and wake up in the morning, full of strength?

How to decide on a color?

There are many different theories as to which paints to use for certain rooms. At the same time, you yourself decide in which color scheme you feel better.

For example, there are people who love their houses decorated in black, red and white. And for some, this combination has a negative effect, because it increases blood pressure and provokes the release of adrenaline.

The first question a designer asks his clients is: “What is your favorite color?” And if family members can't come to consensus, the specialist tries to make friends with his favorite shades in a single combination and find compromises that suit customers.

How to understand which color you like more than many others? Just choose any image that is pleasing to your eyes. With the help of special services, for example, Bighugelabs, you can determine the palette of each image and photograph.

In this case, the program will mix the shades and give an average result of three or five tones. You can see the accents in the original picture and use these colors in the interior.

If you don't find anything suitable, you can use the color wheel. Online services like Colorscheme help you find harmonious combinations for monochrome, contrast and accent palettes. In this case, you can change the degree of lightness of the main tone, darkening or brightening it.

Important! In order for the interior to look professional, it is necessary that the main color occupy at least 65% of the entire space. The remaining 35% is distributed to additional shades. And about 5% of the space is allocated for accents.

For example, if your base color is chocolate and you want to use 5 various colors, then 65% will take the main tone.

In our case, it will be on the sofa, wardrobe and armchair. A companion to him will be gentle turquoise on the walls. And as an accent, use orange pillows and curtains. At the same time, a delicate toffee in the form of parquet will appear on the floor. And the cherry on the cake will be mint or mustard greens in the form of a discreet bouquet.

Style and color

Each style has its own palette, from which you should not deviate. By introducing, for example, neon colors into classic interior, you get kitsch on the verge of bad taste.

Physiologically, a person evaluates the environment as safe and stable when the darkest shade is under the feet, the middle tones are at eye level, and sky-white shades extend overhead.

At the same time, modern interiors show that designers love to play pranks and turn everything upside down. Therefore, we can meet chocolate and even black stretch ceiling over beige and white floors.

So, before you is a style sheet and color schemes.

Color Style Combination with other colors Suitable for: Peculiarities
White Modern, classic, modernAllAll roomsAdds airiness and space
Grey Provence, country, classicYellow, green, red, orange, black, white, purpleStudy room, living room, teen room, kitchenNeutral color. Suitable for relaxing
Black Art Deco, high-tech, modern, loft, minimalismPurple, white, gold, red, orangeLarge living roomVisually reduces space, associated with luxury
Red Modern, high-tech, minimalism, classic, art decoWhite, brown, purple, grey, orangeLiving room, kitchenActivates the optic nerve
Orange Modern, provence, minimalism, modernBeige, black, white, blue, green, redLiving room, kitchenStimulates appetite, associated with oranges
Yellow Modern, minimalism, ProvenceWhite, Grey, Purple, Brown, Black, Red, BlueSpacious living room, children's roomReminiscent of summer, the sun, uplifting. Often used for emphasis.
Green Classic, Country, ModernBeige, brown, white, grey, yellowKitchen living room, hall, nursery, kitchen, bathroomAdds freshness to the interior
Pink Modern, classic, shabby chic, countryBlack, red, purple, white, grayChildren's room for girls, living room, kitchenPastel pink is soothing, bright pink is tiring.
Blue Classic, high-tech, country, loftWhite, green, red, grey, brown, yellow, blackLarge living room, children's room, kitchen, bathroom, toilet, studio apartmentAdds solidity and at the same time calmness. Embodies originality and practicality.
Violet High tech, classic, loftWhite, pink, green, yellow, black, blueStudio apartment, bathroom, living room, kitchen, children's room, bedroomAssociated with lilac, spring shades
Brown Modern, country, provence, classicWhite, red, green, grey, purple, yellow, black, orange, beigeLiving room, kitchen, bedroom, corridor, bathroom, studyCreates a homely atmosphere, adds coziness and warmth

If you follow the recommendations of designers and use color palettes, according to style, you will always win. Use the color wheel in situations where you are in doubt about choosing one or another element of the interior. And better - entrust the creation of the project to the masters. In this case, your home is guaranteed to be decorated with taste and in full accordance with the chosen style.

Rules for choosing colors for floors, walls, furniture and ceilings

So, we figured out which color goes with which. Next, we will dwell on the objects that are present in each room, we will understand the principles of using certain shades.


There are a few unspoken rules to keep in mind when choosing color solution for the floor.

Light floor:

  1. Increases space.
  2. It is a reflective fabric.
  3. Can be used on light colored walls.
  4. Suitable for bedroom, bathroom, toilet, living room

Dark floor:

  1. Compatible with both light walls, ceiling, and dark. But it should be at least 1 tone darker.
  2. Suitable for any room.
  3. Against its background, bright accents look good, in the presence of good lighting.
  4. It does not go well with a dark door.


Walls can be done in absolutely any color. Depending on the purpose of the room used, it can be active, passive or neutral.

Active colors are an accent. Combined with either the opposite bright color, or less bright, calm.

Walls are a popular solution. pastel colors. They play the role of the background of the main view of the room. In this case, you can use any floor, furniture, ceiling. Since this is a universal option.


The ceiling is most often chosen white color or light colors. Since it is a universal color and can be combined with any furniture, ceiling, floor. May be matte or glossy. If you want to add contrasts, then it is better to add a rich color to the walls or interior items. Can be used in any room.

If the choice fell on a dark ceiling, then it is worth considering a few nuances:

  • A black ceiling can only be done in a large space with high ceilings. Minimum Height 3 meters.
  • It is combined only with white and light furniture and the milky color of walls, floors, furniture
  • Suitable minimalist style
  • Create the effect of high cost in a room with panoramic windows


When choosing the color of furniture, remember about 2 basic principles:

  1. It should be darker than the walls
  2. Lighter than the floor

9 successful color combinations in the interior of the apartment

When developing interior projects for their house or apartment, the owners will certainly face the issue of choosing colors and shades in which this or that will be finished. In many ways, it is this factor that becomes decisive in achieving harmony and creating a certain “mood” in the design of the room. And when choosing, of course, it is desirable to be guided not only by momentary impressions, but also by the experience gained by professionals in this field.

The combination of colors in the interior of the table and the options obtained in practice - all this will be presented in this publication. We hope that the information received will help the reader to decide on the choice not only of colors in the design of housing, but also of style directions, since these factors are closely interconnected.

It has been scientifically proven that a comfortable psychological atmosphere in the house and positive emotions living depends on the color direction of the interior, since it is it that affects the human condition. And the selection of color combinations is not so simple task, obeying certain rules developed by professional designers in collaboration with psychologists. Based on such developments, tables were compiled to help determine the choice of the appropriate option.

Interestingly, in the vast majority of cases, designers did not have to invent anything on their own when compiling such tables. The ideal harmony of combinations already exists in nature - you just need to be able to “open your eyes”, see and highlight desired shades that complement and even enrich each other.

Unfortunately, not all people have the art of choosing the right color scheme. Compiled tables and the so-called color circles allow you to visually evaluate this or that combination.

What is a color wheel and how to use it?

To begin with, let's deal with the structure of the color wheel shown in the illustration below. Three tiers are clearly distinguished on it in the direction from the center to the periphery.

The main or primary are three colors, since it is from them that all the rest are composed - these are blue, red and yellow. They are placed in the center in the form of triangles.

The result of their pairwise mixing is shown in the second tier:

  • Blue and red give purple hues.
  • Blue and yellow - green.
  • Red with yellow - orange.

The third level of the circle shows the tertiary colors, which are obtained by mixing the primary (red, blue and yellow) with the secondary (violet, green and orange). Those colors that are obtained as a result of such mixing in various proportions, just used in interior design, creating fabric patterns, painting pictures, etc.

Colors such as white, gray and black are not represented in the color wheel, since they simply do not exist in nature in their pure form. But when decorating interiors, they may well be used both as basic and to create additional shades.

In the interior, pure colors are rarely used in large quantities. They, as a rule, can only set the general color "mood" and serve as accents in the form individual elements- it can be an armchair, pillows, a bedspread on furniture, sometimes curtains. For the main design, complex shades are used, which are the result of mixing several primary and secondary colors. They are chosen for painting walls, floors, selecting furniture upholstery, etc. It is these interiors that most homeowners like to create in their possessions a cozy and psychologically comfortable atmosphere.

The presented diagram shows several options for the main combinations of various colors:

  • Analog Colors are shades created on the basis of two colors. In the example shown - red and blue, taken in different proportions. In a circle, they are located side by side and show the transition from warm to colder. Choosing shades according to this principle, you can take two to four different, but close to each other, tertiary colors.
  • Contrasting colors located in a circle opposite each other - this is a light and dark, warm and cold shade. In the case shown in the diagram, bright yellow and purple. Contrast is most often used to create accents in "adult" interiors, and in children's, this principle can even be used as the main one.
  • complementary triad . In this case, two cold and dark colors located in a circle also opposite it. The diagram shows that light yellow will go well with dark blue and purple.
  • Double split contrast option . The formation of this scheme is more complex and occurs in two ways:

- every third color of the outer circle;

- along a rectangle or rhombus inscribed in a circle.

In this case, colors are taken that will blend well with each other - red is harmonious with blue, yellow and green, blue goes well with yellow, and sometimes green.

  • Tricolor scheme (triad) . In this variant, two harmonizing shades are selected for one base color, located from it through three colors on both sides of the circle.

Based on these principles, dozens of different combinations of different shades are formed. There are also remote pairs, as well as four colors that can be combined with each other, which expands the selection options.

The colors in the circle change in saturation from light to dark. Therefore, choosing a sector with certain color, from it you can pick up several shades that differ in tone. This combination of shades in the interior is called monochrome. To enliven the design or emphasize certain elements in the design, universal colors are used - white, gray, black, and sometimes red, depending on the chosen style direction, creating a certain mood and purpose of the room.

Shade combination tables

Picking up shades of colors on your own is a rather difficult task. Therefore, it is easier to use ready-made tables created by professional designers. However, in order not to make a mistake in the selection of colors, you need to know how to use them correctly.

In the color selection tables, various shades are presented that are in harmony with each other and are used for interior decoration. As a rule, one block is made up of five or six colors. The first color in the block is the main color, the second and third are additional - they "support" the first one. The remaining shades are accent, that is, they are used to revitalize the interior.

An important role in the selection of colors is played by the chosen style of the interior. This factor will be discussed in more detail in a separate section of the publication.

Designers divide all colors into warm and cold, they are presented in the following table:

It should be noted that sometimes the line between warm and cold shades is barely perceptible.

If a decision is made to independently choose a color scheme when performing cosmetic repairs in an apartment or house, you must adhere to several recommendations for choosing warm and cold tones:

  • For rooms with large area and high ceilings, it is recommended to use warm shades. They will help make the room more comfortable.
  • If the room is small and it is desirable to expand it visually, then it is worth decorating it in light shades, close to cold ones. So the room will look more spacious.
  • For kitchens, do not use gloomy and cold tones. More suitable for them warm colors, increasing appetite - orange and herbal green. White color will suit for the kitchen as an extra. It is able to relieve tension from the eyes, and at the same time it will not become superfluous either for modern style hi-tech, not for the classic direction.
  • When decorating a bedroom, light, light colors should be used. pastel shades conducive to relaxation and relaxation. However, if the bedroom windows face the sunny south side, then it is better to choose cold colors for the room. If the sun in the bedroom is rare, then warm shades can give it comfort.

Those who do not have the desire to select the desired variant of the tint range by color blocks can use the hint that the following table gives. It presents the most used primary colors in interiors and options for additional shades that go well with the first, as well as those that harmonize poorly with them.

The table is easy to apply when choosing a color scheme for decorating a room. It is enough to take colored pencils or sit down to a computer with a graphics editor installed, and, looking at the recommendations, create your own color block. The first thing to do is to determine the main color, and then select shades that are in harmony with it - here you can already rely on your preferences to a certain extent (more precisely, within the recommended limits).

Color range of textiles and furniture

Do not forget that when creating colors interior, it involves all objects without exception and decorative elements. Therefore, not only the color of the walls, floor and ceiling is selected, but also furniture accessories, as well as textiles - furniture upholstery, curtains and decorative pillows, bedspreads and blankets. In this case, to help novice designers and those who decide to decorate their homes on their own, a table was compiled to help colors of furniture and accessories that harmonize well with each other. The last column in the table represents shades that are not recommended for use with a particular furniture color.

The effect of color on a person's mood

It has long been proven that colors affect mood and, in general, the entire psycho-emotional sphere of a person. Some of them are pleasing or soothing, while others, on the contrary, act depressingly, can irritate or cause inexplicable anxiety. Therefore, choosing one or another light direction in decoration, you should carefully study the recommendations of psychologists. This is especially important when it comes to decorating a child's room.

This table presents the most popular colors in interior design and their shades and describes the emotions that they can evoke.

Illustrations with examples of interiorsColor and its influence on the mood and psyche of a person.
Red color has an irritating effect on the human psyche, it can cause a feeling of anxiety. Therefore, in its pure form, it is most often used only to bring expression into the interior, in the form of contrasting accents.
If in boring, practically plain interior place a red pillow or blanket, it will immediately enliven the room. However, it is not recommended to oversaturate the design with red.
The traditional red color for the walls is for living rooms made in the English style.
Natural shades of yellow and green colors are able to cheer up, instill peace and tranquility. Green shades relieve fatigue from the eyes, and also dispose to relaxation and relaxation. Therefore, they are well suited for decorating bedrooms, kitchens and children's rooms.
These colors are also used in those rooms whose windows face the north side.
Pastel beiges and yellows help to create coziness in the room, lead to peace of mind and evoke a sense of peace.
Pastel colors are well suited for almost all rooms, especially if they are decorated in one of the classic styles.
Turquoise and blue color. These shades create a feeling of freshness and lightness, dispose to calmness and promote easy falling asleep.
These colors are good for bedrooms and children's rooms, especially if they are located on the sunny side of the house.
Orange and juicy yellow. Colors create a warm atmosphere and comfort, stimulate active areas of the brain, cheer up, tonic effect on the whole body, increase appetite.
Accordingly, colors can be used as primary or as bright accents in children's rooms, living rooms, and also in the kitchen.
Dark blue is used in combination with other close to it or, conversely, contrasting colors - gray, blue, yellow, etc.
Dark blue should not be used as the main color, as it will visually reduce the room, but at the same time will not add any coziness or warmth to it.
It can be applied along with the above colors and their shades in the living room or bedroom, if the color matches the chosen one. general style decoration of the premises.
Grey colour and its shades can be chosen as the main ones for the living room or bedroom. They balance the mood and do not cause irritation.
However, if you use only gray scale, then the room will look boring and uncomfortable.
Gray shades go well with almost all colors, so the choice of "revitalizing" additions will depend on the preferences of the owners of the apartment, as well as on the chosen style of interior design.
White color serves as an excellent backdrop for any design ideas the interior is always fresh, clean, neat and tidy.
However, the oversaturation of white brings a certain coldness into the interior and deprives it of comfort.
Black color is able to emphasize certain elements of the interior and serve as an accent in the design of the room, made in bright colors.
However, choosing this color as the main one is strongly not recommended. It may well make the room “gloomy” and will have a pressing effect on the psyche, causing fatigue and mental anxiety.

Having mastered the basic skills of combining colors, you can experiment using the main color and a few additional shades. To do this, you will have to use your imagination and your own taste preferences. The task is simplified by the fact that now the user has at his disposal a lot of graphical applications that allow, at the design stage, to weigh how successful the conceived option is.

It should be noted that, as such, the concept of “correct color combination” does not exist. It would be more correct to talk about successfully and unsuccessfully selected colors. The latter break the harmony, introducing into the interior a feeling of constant disorder and some kind of sloppiness.

Color options for interiors in various combinations of shades

Below are the selection options color design residential premises with an indication of the shades used in them. In the same way, you can draw up your own project for a specific interior. This takes into account the color of not only permanently installed or applied to the wall decorative design elements, but also the plants used for decoration.

First option

This interior design solution is made up of contrast. The main, dominant color in the project is deep dark blue, and it is supported by brown, in which some furniture accessories are made. In contrast with them, there is one of the shades of yellow - in this case, close to the natural color of mimosa. This color is obtained by adding to pure yellow not a large number brown tint.

In addition to the main ones, gray and pale turquoise, almost white tones are included in the color scheme, bringing freshness and lightness to the design.

Wall murals are fixed on the wall of dark blue color, the background on which are gray-turquoise shades. The mimosa branches stand out clearly in the background image, supported by a bouquet of branches in a vase set on the table. This combination is used to form a spatial effect. In contrast dark walls a light, voluminous carpet due to the high pile is laid on the floor, adding light and comfort to the room. Its light gray shade harmoniously echoes the background of the photo wallpaper.

The center of the composition is an armchair upholstered in mimosa color - it attracts the eye in the first place. The harmony would not be complete if the designer did not use such a simple element as a decorative pillow thrown on an armchair. In its design there are all the colors used in the interior. Thus, it would seem that an insignificant decorative element combined the entire color scheme. In addition, vases, a lamp and other decorative elements that complement the interior design are used as balancing color accents.

Second option

it decorative solution interior design is aimed at creating a homely cozy atmosphere. The main, dominant in this case, the white-blue color is chosen, in which the ceiling and walls are made. Thanks to this shade of white, the room visually expands its boundaries.

The rich gray color adds depth and coziness to the interior, it has a pouf-footrest installed between the sofas, which have white upholstery, adding a certain “weightlessness” to the massive furniture.

A light-colored carpet with a dark patterned pattern maintains the spatial direction intended by the designer.

Despite the small number of bright warm shades, they involuntarily come to the fore, enlivening restrained tones and making the room cozy.

The darkest of the colors used for decoration is red-brown. It is framing and used in furniture accessories, as well as cornices for curtains.

In general, this design solution cannot be called expressive. It rather encourages rest and relaxation.

Third option

Despite the fact that the main color in this interior is pale beige, the main role in it is played by a bold combination of quite bright shades of purple and grassy green.

This color scheme of the design cannot be called soothing or pacifying. Rather, this combination of shades will invigorate the owners of the bedroom in morning hours. However, bright shades are used only in non-stationary interior accessories - a bedspread on the bed and curtains on the window. That is, they can be easily replaced with other colors that will drastically change appearance interior. It is this solution that gives scope for color experiments.

So, this interior, if desired, can be completely changed to discreetly soothing, for example, using not a light purple bedspread, but its beige version, reviving the design only with bright decorative pillows.

Dark brown color, although not coming to the fore, is a balancing, giving weight to the design. So, it is mainly used for furniture accessories, and the only exception is framing a picture on the wall at the head of the bed.

Fourth option

This color solution is close to a style that is quite popular all over the world, able to make any room cozy and conducive to relaxation. No wonder it is used specifically for the design of the bedroom. However, this approach can be successfully used for the interior of the living room.

The main color in this color scheme is white. The second supporting shade is pastel beige, close to cold. The walls of the room are made in it, and it is also used in textiles. One of the revitalizing ones is the color "coffee with milk" - it is used in the design of curtains, for framing decorative pillows and paintings placed at the head of the bed.

The cold gray-blue color, although it occupies the penultimate place in the table, is one of the main ones in this interior, as it is intended to enliven it. It is used to decorate pillows, table lamp and paintings, which together form a composition resembling a carpet. Without the use of framed paintings, the interior would look, frankly, empty.

There is not much brown in the design, but it also plays its important role in it - it complements the composition with dark accents. Some furniture accessories are made in it, and it is also used in small quantities in the design of picture frames.

Fifth option

A surprisingly deep combination of shades close to each other is used in this interior. However, it is made in cold colors, more suitable for rooms whose windows face the sunny side at home, otherwise the selected shades will make the room gloomy and uncomfortable.

Gray-blue is chosen as the main color in this color scheme. pastel color- the walls of the room, a delicate patterned carpet and some furniture accessories are made in it. Supporting for the main color is its darker deep shade, it is used for individual elements of the interior. So, a knitted pouffe adds coziness to the room, without which the design would be incomplete.

The most important role in the color solution is the light blue color, which enlivens and ennobles the design. A darker blue, as well as black, are used in the interior to weight its individual areas, as well as framing elements. An unusual carpet with a knitted ornamental pattern, which is in perfect harmony with the pouffe, as well as a cover for a small stool, gives the room comfort.

Sixth option

This is a selection of summer light colors, well suited for decorating verandas, as well as rooms. country houses. The main one in this selection of colors is an almost white with a slight blue hue - the window frames are painted in it, which in this case are part of the interior design. This is due to the fact that for the presence of a large amount of natural light in the room there are no curtains. Similar option good if the windows of the veranda are in the shade of tree crowns, otherwise it will overheat on a hot summer day.

In this case, colors of different shades close to each other are used for decoration, thanks to which harmony reigns in the interior, echoing the atmosphere of the street. Although a delicate blue tint is chosen as the main one in this solution, green colors of various tones stand out at first glance at the decor of the room. Exactly green color Helps create a calming mood and rest the eyes.

The style chosen for decorating the veranda is also close to Provence, and proof of this is wooden plank, painted white, matched to the shades of decorative pillows, the shape of the backs of chairs, as well as window frames separated by numerous lintels.

The general mood of this interior is lightness, freshness and comfort. On such a veranda it is pleasant to spend free time reading your favorite book or drinking tea.

Seventh option

The choice of colors for decorating a living room can be called the most difficult, and it largely depends on the style in which the interior will be made. This project features a classic English style, in which a pastel brown shade is chosen as the main one - it is used to decorate the walls. For their decoration, wallpaper with an ornamental pattern traditional for this style was used.

Supporting colors for the main hue are selected colors close to it of a darker and lighter tone. The horizontal surfaces of the room are left light - the ceiling with a classic wide frame ceiling plinth and flooring. In addition, a light plain carpet with a long pile was chosen for the floor, which makes the room brighter. The dullness of shades close to each other is diluted with juicy green blotches, as well as a blue-violet color used for upholstery of armchairs and a floor lamp with a large lampshade. These items are placed in the room in such a way that they balance the distribution of colors throughout the room.

Refreshing interior factor is an English fireplace in white, which becomes the center of the composition, attracting the eye.

Green accents are also meant to dilute the dark deep tones. They are hardly noticeable, and yet they play an important role in the displayed interior.

Eighth option

The choice of colors for the design of the kitchen is also not an easy task. This is often caused by the fact that in such a room it is difficult to avoid various fumes, high humidity, and the appearance of greasy spots on the walls, especially in the work area. Therefore, for the kitchen, first of all, you should choose materials that are easy to clean, and the colors should be such that small dirt is still not immediately evident.

This color design project is made almost entirely in warm shades. True, with their dilution with a small amount of a chilly pastel turquoise color, which, at first glance, is almost invisible, but at the same time plays an important role in the interior.

The main color in this project is the white-gray color in which the ceiling and apron are made. working area imitating brickwork. Looks good against his backdrop. wall cabinets color close to coffee, but softer. Harmonizes with them and the peach shade used to decorate the cabinets located under the countertop. Thanks to him, the kitchen is filled with comfort and light.

The textile elements of the kitchen room, as well as the chairs, have the same light cold turquoise shade, which gives the interior a special “taste” of cleanliness and freshness.

Ninth option

Another version of the design of the kitchen, radically different from the previous one with its brightness.

Although the main color in this project is a white-blue hue, the main one is still juicy turquoise, in which the facade of the whole is painted kitchen set. It gives the room an invigorating mood and brings light notes to it. The apron and the rest of the wall, along which the tabletop is installed, have an interesting pattern made in white and turquoise tones. This ornamental design brings the right amount of comfort to the design solution.

The main color is used for floor and carpet making the room look brighter.

Yellow color is used to create accents in the interior, which are dishes, a table vase, as well as other decorative and functional elements kitchens.

Tenth option

This kitchen design project is made with high-tech elements and. They are given out not only by the "industrial" color scheme, but also by such details as imitation brick wall, metallized surfaces or shades close to them.

As you can see from the color scheme, it is the steel color that is put in the first place, in which the facade of the kitchen set is made, which stands out well against the background of a brick wall of a darker, but also steel shade.

The dining table is made of two materials corresponding to the styles mentioned above - metal and glass. The chairs shown in the project are deliberately configured differently and are made in different styles, which is typical for a "loft", for which dissimilar pieces of furniture are assembled.

The floor covering is made in black, against which the steel shades stand out well. In addition, this coloring makes the “lower tier” of the interior heavier, making it more solid.

The accent in the blue-gray metallic design is a bright crimson color, which makes the interior warmer and more interesting.

Not everyone will like this color scheme, as it looks a bit gloomy. However, it is quite possible to revive it by adding contrasting colors. Fortunately, the main shades go well with almost any bright splashes.

* * * * * * *

Now, knowing what to rely on when developing your own project, you can experiment by making several options, executed in different colors. With this approach, it will be easier to avoid mistakes and end up with exactly what both the developer and all members of his family will like.

The publication will be completed by a video selection of interiors, which demonstrates a lot of successful and not very good ones, but in any case - interesting options color combinations. Perhaps this will give the reader some ideas of their own.

Video: The combination of colors in interiors

The choice of colors is one of milestones in interior design. The color will influence your perception of the room and attitude towards it, your mood while you are in it. Color can also help shape a space, expand it or narrow it, raise ceilings or make it “invisible” large furniture. Let's talk about what colors can be combined with each other in the interior.

What colors are combined in the interior

I told about the basic rules for using color when creating an interior: I recommend starting with it in order to at least understand the terms. And now let's talk about the types of color harmonies - useful schemes for choosing colors that complement each other.

It is important to say here that any colors can be combined with each other in one space, but the greater the discrepancy with standard schemes, the more effort will have to be made to achieve harmony. The same scheme can look completely different depending on the choice of shades and the amount of color, so why complicate your life?

monochrome harmony

The easiest approach is to pick one color and use it to the fullest. Of course, in different shades (mixed with white, black or gray) and in combination with achromatic colors. Note that if you have white walls and a ceiling, a light wood floor and, for example, a blue sofa, this is no longer a monochrome harmony. Light wood is a bleached yellow or yellow-orange color. But if the sofa is brown, obtained by dimming yellow, the room will just be monochrome.

This harmony has a high risk of being boring, so it is mainly used in hallways and corridors or small rooms such as a toilet, bathroom, laundry room. It can also be found in very minimalist interiors. However, if you use a lot of shades, it can turn out quite interesting.

Caption for the picture

polar harmony

This harmony is made up of two colors opposite each other on the color wheel. These colors are also called contrasting. It is believed that the combination of contrasting colors is perceived by our eyes. the best way, we find it very harmonious. However, it is important to apply this harmony according to certain rules. Of the two colors, one should dominate, it can be used in a wide range of shades - from the lightest to almost black, including the brightest and purest color. The second color will be optional: take a limited range (light or dark shades) and apply them in doses.

There is an important rule here: be sure to use shades of a mixture of colors to build a connection between them. For example, in the polar harmony of blue and orange, mix these colors in different proportions. When mixed, for example, in a ratio of 1 to 1, you will get a dark brown color that you would not achieve by simply darkening the orange.

Mixing polar colors

In all the photos below, the polar harmony of blue and orange.

Harmony of related colors (related)

For related harmony, 4 colors are selected that are next to each other on the color wheel. The only exception is the segment from yellow to red-violet, here it is permissible to take all these 5 colors. Give each of the close colors a role: one will be dominant, the other will be secondary, and the remaining two will be complementary.

Just like in polar harmony, the dominant color can be used in the full spectrum from light to dark, the secondary color - excluding bright and pure shades and significantly less in number, and the additional ones are very limited. For example, in the harmony indicated below, for example, yellow can dominate, green can be secondary. Then, for example, we will see yellow-green as very light green, and yellow-orange as dark brown.

Classic triad

The triad is the most complex color scheme, but also the most commonly used: such interiors are both balanced and interesting to perceive. For the triad, three colors are taken, located equidistant from each other on the color wheel, as if at the corners of an equilateral triangle. The same approach: colors are ranked by importance, one always dominates, the rest are used to a limited extent.

As for mixing colors with each other - this is important point in a triad, but there are two approaches here:

Option 1. Use shades of a mixture of dominant and secondary and shades of a mixture of dominant and tertiary, but do not mix additional colors themselves.

Option 2. Mix complementary colors into one color and mix it with the dominant one. This mixed color can be lightened and darkened, diluted with gray, as well as the primary and secondary colors.

Pick up color harmony without fussing with paints you can use this program.

Below we have collected examples of how colors can be combined with each other. It doesn't matter what shade is your favorite in the interior - yellow, green, orange, purple - you can choose a good combination for any room.

Red and purple shades

Blue and cyan color

Green in combination with other colors

We renovate for decades and choose colors carefully. Therefore, more often you will find light, neutral interiors, where brown or gray are added to beige. But do not immediately say that this is a boring trio. They are universal. And by pairing them with one spectacular color, you get bright interior and you won't mope when nine months of bad weather is outside.

The combination of gray in the interior

It is considered a neutral color and means prudence. What feelings does it evoke in you? “Gloomy and dreary,” you say. Not at all. Thundercloud, river mother-of-pearl, morning harbor or wet stone are just a few shades that come to mind. Many designers and decorators consider gray to be the sleeker brother of white. It fits into any style and its undeniable dignity in a variety of shades. Choosing a shade of gray is not easy, but it will suit both the living room and the kitchen or bedroom, and is combined with a large number of colors and finishing materials.

With what to combine?

Gray and yellow. At first glance, different and contradictory colors, but they coexist perfectly. If gray is the main background in the room, adding yellow accents. Yellow will highlight the gray, and gray will balance the yellow without letting it overload the interior.

The combination of beige color in the interior

It is also neutral and belongs to the brown range. It expresses calmness, craving for comfort and is always associated with the classics.

With what to combine?

Beige and red. As in the previous pair, one color (red) will play an active and assertive role, while beige will be a calm and reserved background. Together they will create a welcoming and cozy atmosphere.

The combination of brown in the interior

This is tradition and conservatism. Brown is associated with confidence, nature, reliability, durability and will make the space noble. For example, chocolate shades contribute to psychological balance and tranquility. But brown visually reduces the area, so add white, milky and beige colors to it.

With what to combine?

Brown and lavender. Light lavender color will well emphasize warm brown shades. The main trick is to choose a not too active and bright lavender tone.

We put the living room like a puzzle and different parts: sofas and armchairs, coffee tables and lamps. But where to start if you don't know where to start? Start on the sofa. In addition to the bed and table in the kitchen, this is the most used thing in the house. And here gray as in any way by the way. Stylist and designer Emily Henderson in her book Style. Thousands of tricks and tricks for decorating any interior ”(take note of this book, you won’t regret it) advises choosing a gray sofa of a simple and convenient form if you are confused“ which one to take. And by rearranging or moving objects a little, you will get a completely new room.

Advice. Also note the gray wooden furniture. The calm gray shade of the cabinets will hide them if the walls match them. Traditionally, we choose white ceiling, but the gray in the living room will not reduce it at all, but will seem higher, as if going into the sky.

The art of hosting guests is to make them feel at home. Gray is the perfect color for both small and large kitchens. It can be both warm and cold, thanks to the many shades it can become both a background and a rich accent.

Advice. If you paint the walls gray, then choose warm shades for the floor and furniture. Beige is best avoided, more precisely a beige-yellow hue. If the kitchen has little light and a small meter, the color will appear dirty and give the impression of stuffiness. Look for shades close to yellow.

Noble brown shade is usually used in kitchen furniture. The undoubted advantage is that the kitchen will not go out of fashion for a long time, but keep in mind: massive dark cabinets will reduce the space, so make the walls in light colors. And if you chose brown for the walls, then reverse rule- furniture, textiles and household appliances it is better to do it in light shades.

The place where we spend the most time at home and, ironically, we don’t see it the most, because we sleep. But still, colors should create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere. The easiest and safest option is a light beige or brown gamma. But still look at the gray.

Gray, like black, suits almost all colors: blue, blue, green, yellow, brown, pink. Such bright accents will look great in a gray frame.

Advice. The gray color of the walls or textiles will pacify no less than the classic white or beige combinations.

But no matter what color you choose, there is no one most harmonious and right combination in the interior. As well as there is no law where forbidden or allowed colors would be painted. Of course, you can use the Luscher method or the “seasonal” approach (there is one) to choose colors, but only your inner craving or rejection of a certain shade will help you create your most harmonious palette.

Quartblog Digest

Bright walls: examples from real Russian apartments - Let's show Russian apartments, the owners of which were not afraid to experiment with color and did not fail.

Yellow is cheerful and positive. It is not surprising that many Muscovites choose it for their apartments: after all, the sun is never superfluous!

The beauty of turquoise color on examples from real Moscow apartments.

Green color paints the interior - see for yourself!

30 tender examples will set you in a romantic mood.

Photo: kdzjj.com, homester.com.ua, homestolove.com, tidsrominterior.no, livingroomideas.eu, decorfacil.com, pinterest.com, roomble.com

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Scheme No. 1. Complementary combination

Complementary, or additional, contrasting, are colors that are located on opposite sides of the Itten color wheel. Their combination looks very lively and energetic, especially with maximum color saturation.

Scheme number 2. Triad - a combination of 3 colors

The combination of 3 colors lying at the same distance from each other. Provides high contrast while maintaining harmony. Such a composition looks quite lively even when using pale and desaturated colors.

Scheme No. 3. A similar combination

A combination of 2 to 5 colors located next to each other on the color wheel (ideally 2-3 colors). Impression: calm, relaxing. An example of a combination of similar muted colors: yellow-orange, yellow, yellow-green, green, blue-green.

Scheme No. 4. Separate-complementary combination

A variant of a complementary combination of colors, only instead of the opposite color, the colors adjacent to it are used. The combination of the main color and two additional. This scheme looks almost as contrasting, but not so tense. If you are not sure that you can use complementary combinations correctly, use separate-complementary ones.

Scheme number 5. Tetrad - a combination of 4 colors

A color scheme where one color is the main one, two are complementary, and another highlights the accents. Example: blue-green, blue-violet, red-orange, yellow-orange.

Scheme number 6. Square

Combinations of individual colors

  • White: goes with everything. The best combination with blue, red and black.
  • Beige: with blue, brown, emerald, black, red, white.
  • Gray: with fuchsia, red, purple, pink, blue.
  • Pink: with brown, white, mint green, olive, gray, turquoise, baby blue.
  • Fuchsia (dark pink): with gray, tan, lime, mint green, brown.
  • Red: with yellow, white, brown, green, blue and black.
  • Tomato red: blue, mint green, sandy, creamy white, gray.
  • Cherry red: azure, gray, light orange, sandy, pale yellow, beige.
  • Raspberry red: white, black, damask rose.
  • Brown: bright blue, cream, pink, fawn, green, beige.
  • Light brown: pale yellow, creamy white, blue, green, purple, red.
  • Dark brown: lemon yellow, sky blue, mint green, purplish pink, lime.
  • Reddish brown: pink, dark brown, blue, green, purple.
  • Orange: blue, blue, purple, purple, white, black.
  • Light orange: gray, brown, olive.
  • Dark orange: pale yellow, olive, brown, cherry.
  • Yellow: blue, mauve, light blue, purple, grey, black.
  • Lemon yellow: cherry red, brown, blue, grey.
  • Pale yellow: fuchsia, gray, brown, shades of red, tan, blue, purple.
  • Golden yellow: gray, brown, azure, red, black.
  • Olive: orange, light brown, brown.
  • Green: golden brown, orange, lettuce, yellow, brown, grey, cream, black, creamy white.
  • Salad color: brown, tan, fawn, gray, dark blue, red, gray.
  • Turquoise: fuchsia, cherry red, yellow, brown, cream, dark purple.
  • Electrician is beautiful in combination with golden yellow, brown, light brown, gray or silver.
  • Blue: red, grey, brown, orange, pink, white, yellow.
  • Dark blue: light purple, sky blue, yellowish green, brown, gray, pale yellow, orange, green, red, white.
  • Lilac: orange, pink, dark purple, olive, grey, yellow, white.
  • Dark purple: golden brown, pale yellow, gray, turquoise, mint green, light orange.
  • Black is versatile, elegant, looks in all combinations, best with orange, pink, salad, white, red, lilac or yellow.

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