Encyclopedia of fire safety

What is a frame house? What is the technology of building a frame house: step by step and with pictures What is a frame house made of

In the market of private housing construction, prefabricated frame houses stand out for their low cost of construction and energy efficiency of operation. This technology of building cottages has been used in the world for more than a century. She has a variety of pros and cons that need to be studied before choosing a similar project for building your own home.

What is a frame house?

Half-timbered buildings, which are one of the options frame houses, in Germany they began to massively erect as early as the 12th century. Today, slightly different wall fillers are used, but general principle construction remained the same. First erected Basic structure from racks and beams, and then it is filled with various materials.

technology scheme

The basic principle of frame technology is solid foundation and inexpensive but low thermal conductivity aggregates. This design is made of wood (timber, boards) or metal (galvanized steel profile). For wall cladding, OSB or DSP is taken.

As a heat insulator is used:

    Basalt mineral wool.

    Ecowool from cellulose.

    Wood fiber wool.


    Polyurethane foam.

The most popular option for insulation among builders of private cottages in Russia is stone mineral wool made of basalt fibers. She has a lot of pluses. It is non-flammable, has a service life of up to half a century, is hydrophobic (practically does not absorb moisture) and isolates noise well.

The second most popular place is expanded polystyrene, which is used in the manufacture of SIP panels for the construction of frame-panel houses using Canadian technology. And on the third - environmentally friendly cellulose ecowool.

There are three technologies for the construction of low-rise buildings:

    Canadian SiP. The factory produces standard shields of the same size from two sheets of OSB and expanded polystyrene between them. Their cutting is carried out at the construction site of the house.

    Canadian frame-panel. OSB boards are sawn right size immediately at the factory, and then already on the spot sewn on assembled frame and warm up.

    german. The building is assembled from ready-made factory-made insulated panels, which often come to the construction site already with glazing.

The first and second options allow you to do without lifting equipment. A couple of people can handle the installation of SIP and OSB on the frame. But for assembling a building from heavy shields on the foundation big size you have to use a crane.

The device of the walls of the frame house

By internal device walls frame houses are panel (panel) and frame. The first building is a constructor of factory-made elements that only need to be assembled together. And the second method of erecting walls involves installing it on the spot from wood (or metal profiles) and sheathing and heat-insulating materials.

The use of frame technology allows all assembly processes and the quality of materials used in construction to be kept under constant control. All stages of the frame, wood processing, cladding and insulation can be observed by the owner with his own eyes. But frame-panel houses are built a little faster. It is only necessary to purchase shields from a trusted manufacturer.

The walls of typical cottages according to the device are a multilayer cake of:

    Facade cladding;

    OSB boards (DSP);

    A counter-lattice that forms a ventilation gap;

    External vapor-permeable membrane;

    Insulation between racks;

    Internal vapor barrier;

    Another OSB (DSP);

    Interior decoration.

Wall arrangement example

The frame with insulation inside can be single or double. In regions with a warm climate and for country house for non-year-round living, the first option with a wall thickness of up to 100 mm is suitable. And in areas with severe cold in winter, it is better to install buildings of the second type with thick outer walls of 120–150 mm or more.

In SIP panels, expanded polystyrene is placed between the wood boards, and a beam is laid in the ends. The presence of the latter in them allows during construction frame house get by with a less powerful base. Part of the load is taken over by a shield made of SiP.

The main feature of the walls in houses built using such technologies is the laying of a heat insulator inside the building envelope, and not on them. Traditional timber or brick housing construction involves the installation of insulating material on top of external partitions.

In a frame panel building, it is laid inside, and only then the OSB is closed from above. And then you don’t have to think about how to insulate the walls of the house from the outside or from the inside. This greatly simplifies and speeds up the construction of housing.

Advantages and disadvantages

Frame house has mass positive sides, among which are:

    Possibility of laying part of engineering communications in the walls;

    High construction speed of this option;

    The low thermal conductivity of the walls - the frame cottage in terms of "warmth" inside is second only to wooden building from a thick log;

    The readiness of the walls in the house for interior decoration immediately after the installation of the roof;

    Light weight - the foundation can be made lightweight;

    No shrinkage of the structure;

    Cheapness construction workspanel house it will cost two to three times cheaper than a brick or profiled timber analogue;

    Lack of seasonality among builders - construction from SIP or OSB with mineral wool can be done throughout the year.

Outwardly, such a structure is indistinguishable from any other - this is a plus

The main advantage of the design of such a structure is the lightness of the entire building. This allows in most cases construction to be carried out without the involvement of special equipment. Plus, the foundation under such a house may not be as deep as under a brick building. In this regard, only aerated concrete blocks can be compared with a wooden frame sheathed with insulated panels.

Among the disadvantages of a frame house, it is worth noting:

    The complexity of the design - the project must be prepared by a qualified specialist, otherwise you can forget about the strength and durability of the frame;

    Stuffiness, if it is not equipped with forced ventilation;

    Non-environmental friendliness of expanded polystyrene and sprayed polyurethane foam;

    The general flammability of the lumber used in such construction.

Cons - after opening the 10-year-old house, the foam was eaten by ants, and the walls turned into sawdust

Regarding the fire hazard of wood, this applies only to raw frame structures. If the tree is impregnated with flame retardants, then the fire is not so terrible for him. The disadvantages are mostly attributed to such houses due to the mistakes of the builders or due to ignorance in technology issues. And many of them are completely imaginary.

The main problem mentioned in the reviews of the owners of the “skeletons” is that it turns out to be very stuffy. The walls of such a cottage really almost do not let air and steam through. On the one hand, this allows you to save on heating, and on the other hand, it requires the installation of a forced ventilation system.

The use of frame modern technology in the construction of houses

Frame construction technology allows you to build a house in the shortest possible time and with a small estimate. If housing is made of brick, concrete or timber, then for the money its square will come out obviously more expensive. Such a cottage is capable of serving up to a century. But much here depends on the quality of materials and humidity in the building area. The main danger for such a structure is moisture. By definition, it is impossible to completely protect the wood of the base and wall cladding from it.

The process of building a frame cottage

The base is ready


Photo of the walls from the inside

Frame construction

Closing with OSB panels

When looking for affordable housing, you can find a lot of offers to build or buy a ready-made frame house.

Not everyone has an idea of ​​what it is, and also why its purchase is much cheaper than buildings made of blocks, bricks of other materials. About what a frame house is, what its construction technology is, what pluses and minuses it has is described in detail below.

Frame house: history and construction

The first construction of frame houses was started a little over 100 years ago. Buildings that were assembled not bit by bit on sites, but from parts coming off the assembly line, were invented by Henry Ford. He designed such buildings in order to spend a minimum of time on their construction and at the same time comfortably accommodate his workers who worked in his automobile factory. These buildings were immediately adopted by many. They made permanent dwellings out of them.

Represented by elements connected very tightly with each other. They are made in factories. Manufacturers use beams with different sections from 50 * 100 mm to 100 * 100 mm to create braces, strappings and frame racks. Subsequently, all these elements are connected at the construction site of the house with staples, nails and spikes. The distance between them is determined by the dimensions of the sheathing material and the requirements for stiffness conditions. At the same time, the technology by which the construction of a frame dwelling takes place is strictly prescribed. Only if it is observed can a reliable house be built. For example, when creating an attic and a basement, it is necessary to maintain a certain distance, it must be equal to the gap formed between the main racks of the frame. Then the load on the bearing elements in the future will be distributed evenly.

When creating a frame structure, a prerequisite is the use of weatherproof outer skin. She must provide reliable protection from moisture and wind. And in order for the finished frame to have maximum rigidity, during its construction it is required to use plank struts. The walls of such a house themselves consist of the following elements:

  • wooden racks;
  • insulation;
  • finishing layer;
  • strapping.

Despite the fact that the design of a frame dwelling is quite simple, it turns out to be reliable: a house built using this technology can stand for more than 50 years.

And if its operation takes place in a region with climatic conditions that provide for low humidity, then the service life will be from 70 years and more.

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Advantages of frame houses

Structures based on the frame simply amaze with an abundance of advantages. They should definitely be considered to make sure that building or buying such a house will be an excellent decision. Their list looks like this:

Frame houses have other advantages as well. It would take a lot of time to list them all. But even after studying the main ones, it is clear that the advantages of such dwellings are very significant. They must be taken into account when considering whether to build a frame house or not.

Turnkey frame houses are offered by many construction organizations, but what is a prefabricated structure? The future owner of a low-rise building would like to know in more detail the pros and cons of a frame house. We will try to gradually determine the effectiveness of the construction and identify shortcomings. We will understand the applied heat-insulating materials and construction technology.

IN last years residential building called frame house" is becoming more and more popular. Installation organizations have in their arsenal standard projects frame houses, as well as offer individual development. At present, there is no perfect construction technology that would be superior to others and would not itself have obvious shortcomings.

However, according to statistics, most often they build houses from a frame. In the domestic (and not only) construction market, the obvious advantages could ensure demand for frame houses, even despite some minor drawbacks.

Quickly built houses are attracted by the fact that on a ready-made basis it is possible to build in record time. Only two people, having a frame house project in their arsenal, are able to independently build a frame house in about a month. Given the fact that it will be built by inexperienced builders.

Do-it-yourself frame house without lifting mechanisms

And all thanks step by step assembly- repetition simple actions. Only one thing is important - to know how to properly assemble each of the nodes. With instructions and an understanding of the principle of construction, anyone can assemble a house from a frame.

Construction frame house also attracts with its cheapness. The specific amount depends on the size of the house and the building materials used (types of wood and finishes). One way or another, this option is rightfully considered one of the affordable and financially budgetary ones.

What are frame houses?

Frame houses are a special type of construction, where all load-bearing parts are closely interconnected. This kind of construction of low-rise buildings has gained great popularity in America, Germany and the countries of the East.

It is noteworthy that in the cities of Germany, frame buildings began to be built nine centuries ago. To date, some details have undergone many changes, but the basic principle of operation has remained the same as centuries ago.

At the very beginning, the main structure is built from a bar, which is gradually filled with heat-insulating materials and sheathed with protective elements.

Technology and construction of frame houses

The basic principle of the technology for the construction of frame buildings is a stable frame and fillers with a low price and thermal conductivity. Basically, such a structure is made of wood or metal.

Accordingly, beams, boards or zinc-coated steel are used for this. And to sheathe the walls, they usually take oriented or

Used thermal insulation components:

  • wood fiber wool;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • Cellulose ecowool.

Typical, multilayer scheme for the insulation of frame houses

The most common option for builders of private houses in the Russian Federation is basalt. It has a lot of advantages, including:

  • Long service life;
  • incombustibility;
  • Excellent sound insulation;
  • Moisture repellency.

"Silver medal" honestly deserved. It is used for the production of sandwich panels, for the construction of frame-panel houses using Western technology. The top three is closed by eco-friendly cotton wool made from cellulose.

There are only three methods for the construction of low-rise buildings:

  • . The plant produces the same type of boards, consisting of a pair of sheets of oriented strand boards and a layer of expanded polystyrene between these boards. Shields are cut out already at the site of the proposed construction. Houses made of sip panels often become an alternative, displacing frame-panel houses.
  • . OSB cut into panels required size still in production. Already at the place of construction, they are sewn onto the frame and insulation is carried out.
  • German. Frame-panel houses are made up of panels prepared at the factory. They are brought to the construction site already with glazed window frames and finished door panels.

The first couple of options may well do without extra equipment- several people will manage them. As for the assembly of the building from huge shields, here you will already have to involve a crane.

Panel house on a screw foundation

Frame house insulation

As for internal arrangement walls, frame houses are panel or frame. The first type is a kind of constructor, made up of parts made up in production, which you just need to assemble into a single whole. Frame frame houses involve the installation of a skeleton made of metal or wooden profiles as well as cladding and insulation.

Frame houses are subject to mandatory insulation

Using the latest technology allows you to fully control the quality of materials and the entire assembly process. Each of the stages. In contrast, the construction of panel houses takes much less time. The only thing worth carefully monitoring is the quality of the purchased shields.

The walls of typical private houses consist of many layers, including:

  • OSB or DSP boards on both sides;
  • A special lattice that forms;

The frame with internal insulation can be single or paired. In areas with a mild climate or for a summer residence that is not intended for permanent residence, the first option is quite suitable.

The thickness of such walls is up to ten centimeters. In areas with cold winters, it will be better to get thick walls - fifteen centimeters or thicker.

SIPs are filled with polystyrene foam, and at the ends - bars. Their presence will allow in the construction process to do without such a powerful foundation. Partially, the load is taken by SIP shields.

The main advantages and disadvantages of low-rise frame houses

Currently, frame buildings are very popular, and all thanks to the short construction period, reliable construction and relatively low costs for building materials. Nevertheless, frame houses include the pros and cons of which the owners' reviews tell.

frame house on stilts - photo of staged construction

Such a house, great desire and the presence of the necessary skills, you can even build it yourself. Of course, all these undeniable advantages inspire many enthusiasts to lean towards this particular option of a private house.

But we must not forget that frame buildings, for all their quality, have some disadvantages that should not be ignored. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of this building in more detail.

Frame houses pluses:

1. An excellent prospect to hide and lay electrical and plumbing communications right in the walls;

2. Great pace of building construction;

3. Low level of thermal conductivity - frame houses are very warm and lose, perhaps, to a log house;

4. Finishing can be started immediately after roofing;

5. Small weight of the structure, p the building does not shrink;

6. Cheap construction work. Panel cladding of the frame will cost several times cheaper than brick walls.

7. Lack of seasonality. Frame houses can be built all year round.

8. Improved wall insulation. The cavity between the wooden studs provides enough space for insulation.

9. Speed ​​and budget construction. Wooden frame walls are built much faster and, in the case of complex buildings and window configurations, they will cost much less. Among other things, lay engineering Communication through the wall is much easier.

The basic advantage of this design lies in the overall lightness of the whole house. This, in turn, allows in most cases to carry out construction work without the availability of special equipment.

the frame house is indistinguishable from ordinary buildings and is suitable for year-round use

Frame houses do not require a massive foundation, there is no need to lay it as deep as under brick house. In this ratio, only aerated concrete blocks compete with frame houses sheathed with insulated wooden panels.

Frame houses cons

Now about the disadvantages of frame houses. Although they are relatively few, they are still worth mentioning:

  • The project proposal must necessarily come from organizations with extensive experience. Otherwise, you can not even think about the durability and strength of the frame, which is the "skeleton" of your home;
  • If the house is not forced ventilation, be prepared for the fact that the room will be quite stuffy;
  • Expanded polystyrene, like polyurethane foam, are not environmentally friendly materials;
  • Lumber is flammable and this is also worth considering;
  • Frame buildings are much less resistant to snowstorms and strong wind compared to concrete. Wood frames, like concrete structures, must be tested to the same sustainability building code standards. And yet buildings made of wood are lighter.
  • You will often have to deal with termite and ant attacks, because they have a much higher wood content. Prevention in the form of special traps, baits and antiseptics will help protect your building from pests.
  • A frame house is not as resistant to water penetration. outer layer of wood frame building covered with a moisture-resistant shield that carefully hides all openings. But if water penetrates a wall made of wood, it will cause much more damage to it than a wall made of concrete or brickwork.

Video review - the pros and cons of a frame house:

If speak about fire safety wood, this can only apply to raw frames. If the wood is impregnated with a special substance, it will be too tough for fire.

In most cases, all the disadvantages of frame buildings are attributed, mainly due to the gross errors of the builders. Or because of inexperience in the details of construction technology. There are even far-fetched ones among such minuses.

The main problem that residents of frame houses face every now and then is stuffy rooms. The walls of such a house, indeed, almost do not let air through. On the one hand, this is a significant savings on heating. On the other hand, the need to install forced ventilation.

The main threat to the frame building is called:

  • wood rot;
  • termites;
  • Hurricanes.

In the last few decades, fires have also been added to them. Including cases when the fire happened in the forest, not far from residential buildings.

Modern technology in the construction of frame buildings

The technique of erecting frame buildings allows you to build a house for the maximum a short time, with a relatively small estimate. If you build the same house from concrete, beams or brickwork, the same building will end up being an order of magnitude more expensive. But you can live in such a private house for up to a hundred years!

frame panel houses construction technology

On the other hand, a lot here can depend on the details, among which are the quality of the material and climatic conditions in the construction area.

It is worth remembering that the main danger for a frame house is water. No matter how hard you try to protect the wood from water, doing it 100% will not work.

photo of frame houses using Canadian technology from sip panels

Advanced frame houses are always the best engineering design. It fully meets the intended goal of reducing the amount of lumber used and generates the least amount of waste during construction.

wooden frame Houses

Modern construction methods that use frame houses improve energy efficiency by replacing lumber with insulation while maintaining the structural integrity of the house.

Insulation of a frame house made according to the technology improves the thermal conductivity value by reducing the thermal bridge through the framing and maximizing the insulated wall area.

Features of frame houses leave their mark on the production of construction work. One of the characteristics of buildings is their weight. Among all structures, frame houses have a minimum weight, which greatly simplifies its installation. Below you can find an exemplary technology for building a frame house with your own hands (See). Photo and video materials will more accurately highlight some points.

Foundation construction

One of the simplest and cheapest options for the base under the frame a private house is construction column foundation. Such a foundation consists of several supports along the outer contour of the building.

The main supports are installed at the corners of buildings, at the intersections of walls and under load-bearing walls. Intermediate supports are installed between the main supports at a distance of 1.5 - 2.5 meters from each other. The depth of laying the supports depends on the characteristics of the soil and the depth of freezing. Usually the depth does not exceed one meter.

The supports of the columnar foundation are divided into:

  • Block;
  • Reinforced concrete;
  • Rubble.

Before starting the construction of the foundation, it is necessary to perform a number of preparatory work:

  1. Along the contour of the future house with a margin of 2 m, you need to remove the sod and level the area;
  2. In the places of future supports, pits are dug with vertical walls and a depth of 0.2 - 0.3 meters deeper than the occurrence of the supports. (In loose soil, digging holes with slopes is allowed, provided that the walls are fixed with temporary formwork)
  3. The bottom of the pits is covered with a layer of gravel or coarse sand and carefully compacted.

Before mounting the supports, the sand cushion must be covered with a waterproofing layer. Otherwise, when pouring concrete into dry soil, the concrete mixture will not gain the required strength.

The easiest way to make supports is by pouring the concrete mixture into the prepared formwork. In dense soil, formwork can only be done above ground level, and in loose soil - from the base. Reinforcement and steel bars with a diameter of 10-15 mm are placed in the prepared formwork 20 cm above the top of the supports for connection with the grillage reinforcement. The composition of the concrete mixture is classic: for 1 kg of cement grade 400, 2 kg of sand and 4 kg of crushed stone are taken.

For supports made of rubble stone, dense non-layered stones of small size are selected - so that several pieces fit in one row. The gap between the stones should be about 3 cm. Cement-sand mortar is used for masonry.

If the foundation is made without a grillage, then it is necessary to strictly monitor the horizontalness of the upper surfaces of all supports. The quality of the rest of the work will depend on the accuracy of execution.

The above-ground part of the supports can be made of well-burnt red brick on a cement-sand mortar.

After the installation of the supports is completed, the grillage can be poured. A grillage is a reinforced concrete tape that connects the surfaces of all supports and distributes the load between them.

When making a foundation without a grillage, anchors are installed in the upper surface of the supports.

One of the advantages of a columnar foundation is the ability to carry out work in stages, as funds and time are available. Readiness for further work at such a foundation occurs 3 weeks after the last operation with concrete. It is during this period that concrete gains its strength.

Strapping construction

Further work depends on the technology by which the house will be built. It could be Finnish Canadian technology or SIP panels. The fastest way to build a house is from SIP panels or a frame-panel house.

Phased technology for the construction of frame houses various types has a lot in common. In any case, the bottom trim is initially performed.

Required for tying wooden beam sizes from 150x150 mm to 150x200 mm. The bars are laid on the foundation in such a way that the joints are strictly in the middle of the supports. The connection of the bars along the perimeter and at the corners is carried out "in half a tree".

The bars are attached to the foundation with the help of pre-walled anchors. It is important not to forget to lay several layers of waterproofing over the bud, such as roofing material.

After the strapping is completed, the logs are laid. The distance between them depends on their size and should be no more than the width of the insulation sheets that will be laid on the subfloor. The lags cut into the harness in a quarter. Bars for the subfloor are attached to the lower surface of the log, which is made of boards with a thickness of 30-40 mm.

After finishing work on the arrangement of the subfloor, you can begin to install the frame. The frame begins to be erected with the installation of corner vertical racks. Racks are attached to the bottom trim using reinforced steel corners.

Intermediate ones are installed between the corner supports. Between themselves, the supports are fastened with temporary slopes. The accuracy of the slope verticals should be as achievable as possible. The strength and durability of the finished house directly depends on this. bars top harness as well as from below, they are connected half a tree and fastened with nails or self-tapping screws directly to the tops of the supports. IN ceiling beams the tree is not chosen. They lie completely on the upper trim and are fastened to it.

After the upper trim is made, permanent slopes are made on the corner supports. They increase the rigidity of the wall frame and allow you to withstand large wind loads. The slopes are flush with the outer planes of the racks.

Now all temporary slopes can be removed and the construction of the roof can begin.

Frame sheathing

The frame of the future house is sheathed from the inside with OSB or chipboard boards. OSB is preferable because it has higher strength. Sheathing plates are attached to the frame with self-tapping screws with a pitch of 200 mm.

The joints of the plates should be strictly in the middle of the racks.

A more durable structure will be obtained if the plates are laid not vertically, but horizontally in several rows. Vertical seams of adjacent rows should not be on the same support.


To insulate a frame house, you can use:

  • Styrofoam;
  • glass wool;
  • Mineral (basalt) wool.

Expanded polystyrene, which has excellent heat-insulating properties, has low noise-absorbing properties and extremely low fire resistance. Best Option insulation - the use of basalt wool.

To insulate the walls between the vertical posts, waterproofing is laid, and then sheets of cotton wool. If necessary, insulation can be laid in several layers with overlapping seams. On top of the insulation lies another layer of waterproofing and then the wall is sheathed from the outside. For sheathing, you can take boards or OSB boards. It all depends on what kind of work on the finishing of external surfaces will be carried out further.

Insulation of the floor and ceiling is done in the same way. To reduce the amount of work, the top can also be sheathed with plates.

SIP panel house

Sip panels are a puff of two sheets of OSB, between which a layer of expanded polystyrene is laid. At the ends of the plates, the expanded polystyrene is slightly recessed between the outer layers for the possibility of interconnection. The panels are connected using wooden bars with a thickness equal to the gap between OSB boards and such a width that the fastened panels touch each other. The technology of building a house from SIP panels is the simplest of all.

The assembly of a house from SIP panels also begins with the lower strapping. Then one corner support is installed and the first panel is attached to it. On the other side of the corner, the second support is installed close to the first. From it begins the installation of the second wall. The following supports are installed with opposite sides SIP panels. The accuracy of the panel manufacturing makes it easy to set the corners of the building with the required accuracy.

It is rapidly gaining popularity among individual developers. If in Canada it is a government program. In Russia, this means solving housing problems on your own, and in the shortest possible time with the lowest possible costs.

It is possible to build a frame with your own hands, even in the absence of special construction education, skills, and experience. To do this, you will have to make an effort, understand the technology, and also acquire the simplest skills for performing construction work. As a result, you can build a frame house with your own hands , and get for affordable price individual house according to your special requests, needs, needs.

Let's bring detailed description technological operations. Using technology, you can do it yourself ( step-by-step instruction, 6x6 m 2 - the dimensions of the house, which we took as a basis) qualitatively.

Frame house: step by step instructions

We list the main steps that you need to follow in order to build a new frame house with your own hands, the step-by-step instructions will give you the right idea about construction.

Scheme of the frame wall.

  1. Design - planning, thinking through the design of the house, the layout of the walls and rooms, doors and windows, plumbing fixtures, plumbing, sewerage, electrical wiring, heating. In the design process, a diagram of a frame house is drawn , which indicate the location of engineering networks and plumbing, heating devices. Working through the schemes of frame houses with your own hands , household utility rooms, it is important to consider how the house will be heated - choose a heating system, a scheme for laying its elements. By finished scheme step by step construction will be carried out.
  2. Ground work is the preparation of a pit for the foundation and the actual construction of the foundation.
  3. Assembling the frame of the walls and roof.
  4. Construction of walls and subfloor.
  5. External doors, windows and walls.
  6. Interior decoration and internal doors.

And now let's go directly to the question, with our own hands, what to consider for high-quality construction and correct execution works.

DIY frame house

Preparatory work is necessary for any construction, especially if you decide to build a frame house, you will simply need step-by-step instructions. If you thought over the project of the house on your own, then you took into account the peculiarities of the location of the building on the site. If you bought finished project and decided to implement it on the spot, then you will need to “attach” the building to your terrain. How to build a frame house, the instruction will be useful in the earliest stages of construction.

DIY frame house step by step photo.

Site preparation

What you need to do on the site where I build a frame house with my own hands:

  • Clear it of old buildings, if any, on the site, from construction debris and from stumps, snags.
  • Provide transportation options building materials, clear the way for the car and a place for a U-turn.

Canopy for storing boards.
  • Consider places for storing building materials; if the terrain is uneven, they should be located on elevations.
  • Perhaps the site needs to be leveled, for this you need to call construction equipment.
  • For some areas where frame construction is underway, the instruction will be relevant on how to build a fence to prevent the theft of materials.

Plot marking

Marking is understood as the designation of the location of the future structure on the ground. The scheme of the frame house is transferred to the area with the help of pegs and ropes. Pegs are driven into the ground and a rope is pulled between them, indicating the location of future outer walls.

Marking the site for construction.

Carefully measure all angles, observe degrees (clearly marked 90 °) and the length of the walls. Deviations of at least a few degrees are not allowed. They lead to the curvature of the structure and improper distribution of loads. As a result, it can reduce the strength of the entire structure and reduce its reliability.

Instructions for the foundation

The phased construction of a frame house with your own hands begins with the foundation. This is the basis of the house, a large, even and durable “stand”, on which the entire frame structure rests. It can be poured from concrete or assembled from ready-made concrete blocks.

Strip foundation for the frame.

frame construction called "easy". The walls of the skeleton put much less pressure on the surface of the earth than capital structures made of bricks or monoliths made of concrete. The frame is also lighter than timber wooden house. Therefore, your building will need a small, shallow foundation.

On a note

When deciding with your own hands, you invariably face the issue of choosing designs and materials. For frame structures, shallow strip foundations or slabs are constructed. In some cases, foundations are made deep for frame builders.

This happens when the soil is unsteady, mobile, loose and the building is planned on the shore of the reservoir. In such a case, which will rely on deep and immovable layers of soil.

Strip foundation

It is a stone tape, a path buried in the ground by 100-400 mm. Above the ground, the foundation rises by 100-300 mm. So the total height strip foundation for a frame house is 200-700 mm.

Strip foundation formwork with reinforcing mesh

On a note

You can make the foundation deeper and higher - but this is up to you, if you want to spend more building materials and get a more massive structure of the base of the house.

The foundation tape is poured into trenches prepared in advance. Concrete for pouring can be kneaded independently. Before pouring, a layer of sand is poured into the trenches and thus the so-called sand cushion(thickness up to 100 mm) and metal reinforcement is laid.

slab foundation

The slab foundation is also called floating. The frame house will rise and fall with it, with seasonal expansions of the soil. Therefore, the plate must be strong enough.

The slab foundation is poured from concrete and reinforcement, while the reinforcement is tied with wire. The reinforcing mesh provides the frame house slab with the necessary strength.

The foundation is poured monolithic slab

The slab base can be minimally deepened into the ground by 100-200 mm, or concrete can be poured onto a gravel pad without deepening. The total height of the slab should be 200-300 mm.

For the foundation slab, it is important to ensure resistance to the rise of ground moisture. Therefore, when mixing concrete, a water-resistant additive is added to it. This will ensure water resistance. concrete slab and dry floor inside the future premises. And also extend the durability of the foundation and the entire structure.

Pile screw foundation

To obtain a pile-screw foundation, you can use asbestos pipes or metal finished piles. For asbestos pipes, pits are prepared in which the pipe is installed and concrete is poured into it. Pre-reinforce, i.e. put metal fittings inside the pipe. Metal piles are screwed into the ground without excavating the soil, without digging a hole.

In order to make it easier and clearer, how to mount a pile-screw foundation and a frame house with your own hands step by step photo.

Set of piles for screw foundation
Screwing piles for the foundation manually
Compound screw piles foundation to each other
Pile screw foundation

Beam strapping

Horizontal beams are laid on top of the finished piles. This design is called a grillage. When they decided to build a frame house with their own hands, step sequence begins with the installation of a grillage, which is also the lower trim of the frame with vertical fastening of the racks on them.

For the lower trim, a wooden beam with a section of 150x150 mm is chosen. This - load-bearing element structure, which must be of sufficient strength to support the walls, roof, trim and internal appliances.

To connect the corners of the strapping, choose one of the methods proposed in the picture - in half a tree or in a half paw.

Half tree connection options
Connection in half-tree and in half-paw

They differ in the thickness of the wood cut for corner connection. Half-tree - exactly half the thickness of the beam is cut, half-paw - the beam is cut at an angle to each other. From above, the connection is strengthened with a metal bracket or plate. After that, the strapping angle is attached to the foundation metal anchor. After the installation is completed, the timber is treated with an antiseptic.

Instructions for the subfloor

To build a frame house, the instruction will describe in detail the entire construction process. First of all, the floor of a frame house with your own hands consists of a rough layer and a finishing coat. The subfloor is made of concrete or wood. Finish coating from wood, laminate, linoleum and other finishing materials.

Concrete subfloor

The concrete floor is poured over the ground. It is a multi-layer structure in which there is a layer of waterproofing, thermal insulation, reinforcing mesh.

Draft concrete floor - concrete screed

The bottom layer is sand 10 mm. On top - expanded clay insulation, sawdust with clay - the so-called adobe, foam. Further concrete with a waterproofing additive.

Wooden subfloor

If a tree is used to build a subfloor, then an empty space is formed under it.

Draft floor between lags

Wooden logs they are laid on top of the bottom strapping and used as a base, to which subfloor boards are nailed from below. Insulation is laid on the subfloor boards. Then the flooring is spread on the logs: laminate, linoleum, OSB, parquet.

Frame house installation

How to build a frame house with your own hands? step by step diagram construction begins with the construction of the frame - one of the most important construction operations. It is important to choose the right beams and boards (size and section) and connect them correctly. What features arise when the installation of a frame house begins: racks, beams, jibs and crossbars? You can easily start building a frame house with your own hands, the video will step by step show all the main points of installing a house.

  • Locations of racks and joints wooden elements measured with a tape measure and marked with a pencil.
  • Carefully check the verticality of the racks, the horizon of the upper trim and the angle of the connection. The angles between posts and beams should be 90°.
  • For connections of frame elements use the most reliable options- metal staples and nails.
  • Installation of a frame house is carried out from elements assembled in advance on the ground - wall templates, trusses. They are lifted, installed, temporarily supported by oblique beams and then fixed with connecting elements.

Installation of walls in a frame house

Step by step construction frame house, the wall frame assembly technology is as follows:

  1. Install the bottom trim.
  2. The frame of each wall is assembled separately (lower, upper and vertical elements) - the so-called wall template. After the assembled template is completely lifted and installed on the lower harness.
  3. A second upper trim is laid on top of the wall templates, on which the rafters for the roof are then placed.

On a note

It will take three people to lift the 6 m long wall template. The three of us to raise such a template is quite realistic. More long walls assembled from several templates and connect their joints with special threaded connections.

The assembly of a frame house, photos and videos demonstrate the progress of construction operations - the assembly of the template and its installation in the place of the future wall.


In some schemes for mounting a frame house, not only vertical and horizontal frame elements are used, but also inclined ones - the so-called jibs. They increase strength frame structure. They are made from boards 150-50 mm or 100-50 mm.

Correct location jib


Rigil is a horizontal board, which is attached next to the top trim board. The crossbar is attached to the template during the assembly process on the ground. For crossbars, wooden boards with a thickness of 50 mm or more are used.

Crossbar in the entire wall of a frame house

A crossbar is also called a horizontal support between sloping roof trusses. In general, a crossbar is any beam that works in compression.


The corners of the frame bear the maximum load. Therefore, they are assembled from two or three support boards.

Options for fixing the corners of the frame wall

Internal walls

The frame of the inner walls is assembled from wall templates in the same way as the outer walls. Internal piers do not carry heavy load, and therefore may be smaller.

The main requirement for interior walls is sound insulation. Therefore, their thickness should ensure the installation of soundproofing material during the subsequent arrangement of walls and their insulation.

Windows and doors

After assembling the frame, windows and doors are installed in the openings provided for by the scheme. This work is easier to order from the manufacturer - together with installation in window hole. As for the doors, their box can be successfully assembled independently from wooden planks 25-30 mm thick.

Instructions for proper insulation

The frame house is being built step by step, and now it is necessary to deal with the insulation of the house. High-quality insulation provides the ability to maintain comfortable temperature V winter period and also determines your future payment costs winter heating. Therefore, it is better to overdo it and insulate the frame house with your own hands well than to save money and insufficiently insulate the walls of the building. What is used for insulation:

  • Mineral wool in the form of pressed matsbest option frame structure insulation. It allows air to pass through, provides air exchange, limits heat loss due to the fact that it does not conduct heat from the house to the street, does not cake and does not lose its properties over time. When installing - it shrinks a little and then straightens out, which ensures the absence of assembly seams, slots through which heat losses also usually occur.

Wall insulation mineral wool
  • Styrofoam- rigid polyurethane foam boards. They have one advantage over mineral wool mats - they are cheaper in price. In all other respects they are inferior to cotton insulation. They do not shrink during installation and leave small gaps that must be blown out with foam. They do not let air through and do not provide air exchange. Require buildings exhaust ventilation, at permanent residence in a residential building.

Since thermal insulation with mineral wool mats has clear advantages, let's turn to this technology.

  • Mineral wool- Moisture-wicking material. Therefore, when installed inside the wall, it is closed with outer side special film. This film must be made of a membrane that will not stop air exchange. That is, the structure of the membrane must pass wet steam only on one side, i.e. do not let moisture in from the atmospheric air and let it out from the inside.

On a note

The use of polyethylene instead of a membrane negates the effort of building a "breathable" house wall. With the same success, you can insulate the wall with airtight foam.

  • Blocking the removal of moisture can also be external finishing material. Therefore, between the membrane and the outer plates, it is provided air gap- void or air layer 50 mm thick. Through it, the moist air that has accumulated in frame wall. For the construction of such a gap, a wooden crate is used - wooden planks 50x50 mm wide. They are mounted along the supports on top of the insulation. After that, the panels of the outer wall are attached to the crate.

step by step finishing

After mounting the walls, proceed to the interior wall decoration. Panels are the basis for finishing wall material, which were installed during the installation of the wall from the inside of the frame. The following materials are used as internal walls:

  • Drywall GKL - represents natural material, environmentally friendly, with absolutely flat surface, which does not need to be plastered and leveled in any way. It is necessary to close up with putty only the joints between adjacent drywall slabs.

Wall decoration with plasterboard.
  • Gypsum fiber GVL boards- a variant of a plasterboard wall with higher strength indicators.
  • OSB - wood-based material, chips connected with synthetic glue. It has a lower degree of environmental safety. In addition, it has a rough surface, requires plastering and puttying.

So, the sequence of operations when executing wall decoration next:

    1. Installation inner wall (Wall panels GKL or OSB).
    2. Seal joints between panels. If it is drywall, then puttying and gluing the joints with paper tape. If OSB - then plastering the surface of the wood board.
    3. Primer for the appropriate wall finish. For wallpapering - primer with glue. For painting - primer for paint.
    4. Direct execution of wall decoration - wallpapering, painting, decorative plastering walls of the room.

If wall panels (MDF, cork) are used as wall decoration, then they turn to another finishing technology. They do not make a draft wall, but immediately mount the interior finishing material.

Finally, we offer you an interesting training video about building a frame house with your own hands (a video with a phased demonstration of technological operations).

It is important that the result is of high quality. If I build a frame house with my own hands, then I do everything reliably and correctly.

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