Fire Safety Encyclopedia

Design and interior of the house. Effective and attractive arrangement of the yard of a private house. Luxurious interior design of private houses

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Every person dreams of creating a unique interior for his home. But sometimes, such a task seems unrealistic and difficult, especially when it comes to a private house. Due to the large area, such a room is not so easy to arrange correctly. Very often, people make mistakes and create a standard and not unique design interior country house.

In connection with this state of affairs, it is important to point out the main difficulties and highlight the most gross mistakes. First of all, it is important to understand that it is difficult to give a beautiful aesthetic appearance to a space, which means that you will need to make every effort and effort here.


Be sure to create a rough action plan that should look something like this:

  • make preliminary sketches of what you want to see in the final result;
  • decide on the theme of decoration, choose a design project for the interior of the house;
  • the area of ​​the living space is of particular importance, since the larger it is, the more varied the interior can be;
  • the color scheme of each room must necessarily have one common element that will unite the entire space into one beautiful and cozy house;
  • not the last and not unimportant task is the selection of a furniture set that can radically change appearance any room. It is she who will create a special interior design for the country house.


Following this plan, you can easily make your country house beautiful, cozy and unique. For him to be like that, you must become a designer for a while and fulfill his duties, because in this case we are talking about independently performing the specified task. To come up with an interesting and creative design the interior of a private house, you can see the photo in our article. Each photo will be useful, as you can combine any ideas.

Most often, home owners dream of making the entire interior design of a house from a bar as close to nature as possible: they use natural materials and decorate one of the rooms with flowers, plants, set up an aquarium and start, for example, a parrot. The cage and the aquarium create a living corner element that exaggerates the beautiful aesthetic effect and transforms the space. You have the opportunity to choose which of the options is right for you. Thus, the theme of the design is found. When there is a theme and an idea, the most difficult thing can be considered already completed.

If the country house is large, as in the photo, there will be many difficulties, you need to be prepared for this. If you adhere to the opinion of the majority, then the best way large-sized interior design wooden house hidden in filling it with beautiful things, objects. Carpets, vases, paintings, wood furniture are well suited. The color palette of the house should not irritate and cause aggression, therefore, bright, acidic shades should be avoided.

Pay special attention to furniture, which should be made of wood, of course, you can buy ultra-modern furniture that is fashionable, but, alas, it can largely ruin general form any country house. Tables, chairs, sofas, wardrobes, bed - should not be very large, it is very good if it is made in a classic style.

Remember that by paying attention to the little things in this matter, you are one step closer to the dream of millions of country house owners. Our photo gallery will help you create your own unique interior design for a private house.

Photo of the interior design of a country house

Modern building and finishing materials, raw materials for the manufacture of furniture and decorative elements allow us not only to design our home for comfortable and functional use, but also to embody our cherished design ideas... A private house these days is not only walls and a roof, it is a whole world for its owners, a reflection of their views on aesthetics, practicality, functionality and beauty. The experience accumulated by designers over the long years of existence of such a concept as "creating interior design" allows us to create original or traditional, practical or luxurious, avant-garde or minimalist - any options for decorating their homes, there would be a desire and means. But in the variety of ways to create a modern, stylish and at the same time practical design for private home ownership, it is easy to get confused. We offer you a small collection of practical and effective advice who will be able to assist in the design of modern private apartments. Designer's recommendations are certainly not a dogma, but they can help you make your own decisions on choosing a home design concept, decide on a color palette and style, highlight accents and ultimately create an interior of your dreams.

Actual ideas for creating a modern design for a private house

1. Alignment of functional segments. The connection within one room of several zones does not lose its popularity. In private houses, this design technique is no less widespread than in apartments. Combining several functional segments in one room allows you to maintain space and freedom of movement, even in small spaces. Typically, such studio rooms have high level natural light - two or more large-scale windows, in some cases glass doors(exit to the backyard). The combined spaces are also convenient from the point of view of operation and cleaning.

Most often, such functional areas as the living room, dining room and kitchen are to be combined. The arrangement of these three important life segments under one roof creates a practical environment and a beautiful, bright and spacious room with high aesthetic qualities. With the help of modern household appliances with high power, but low noise level, the organization of kitchen work processes does not interfere with relaxing in the living room segment or eating in the dining area.

But it's not just the kitchen, dining and living room segments that need to be combined. For example, workplace can be placed within the living room or bedroom. It is rare in which house a separate room is allocated for an office (unless the main work of one of the household members takes place in the home office). It is also rare in which private apartments there is the possibility of allocating a separate room for a library, as a rule, book shelves and wardrobes are placed in the living room or bedroom (depending on the size of the premises and the personal preferences of the owners).

2. Plain wall decoration is a topical idea of ​​interior decoration. V modern design projects it is less and less common to find the use of wallpaper with a pattern for wall decoration, unless this print imitates a concrete wall, brick or masonry. Monochrome finishing materials have become the undisputed favorites. And the point is not only that for small rooms such an approach to wall decoration is preferable - light, neutral tones help to visually enlarge the space. Even in fairly spacious rooms, designers recommend using a solid color finish. Material with a print, pattern or ornament is used only to decorate accent walls or even their individual sections.

Such a trend only "plays into the hands" of those who are not yet confident in their abilities and capabilities in the field of decorating their own home. The light, neutral tone of the finish is the perfect tone for any furnishings and decor. You do not have to rack your brains over color combinations, combinations of shades. Even the upholstery in pastel colors looks impressive on a white background, not to mention darker or brighter colors.

The use of the "accent wall" design technique has not lost its popularity, it has just undergone some modifications. If earlier in the design projects of living rooms, bedrooms, and children's rooms, dining rooms, one could find the use of two types of wallpaper from one collection, ideally complementing each other, then in modern options the design of these rooms is increasingly common various imitations. Accent wall is a brick or masonry surface finished with wood or ceramic tiles, mosaics. You can create an imitation using decorative plaster, textured or liquid wallpaper, wall panels, laminate.

So, finishing materials in a modern interior should have the following qualities:

  • be environmentally friendly, safe for humans and the environment;
  • if possible, let the air pass;
  • be easy to install so that the finishing can be done independently;
  • be unpretentious in maintenance - surfaces in rooms with high humidity and a level of possible pollution must withstand cleaning with household chemicals and not lose their aesthetic properties;
  • should be easy to combine with each other.

3. Bright, original furniture- interior accent. Given the fact that the main trend in interior decoration is neutrality, the use of plain, light-colored materials, the role of accent elements is shifted to pieces of furniture. This trend is most clearly used in the interiors of bedrooms - the bed in such rooms is most often the only accent design object. Not only the design of the bed structure itself, but also its textile design becomes a priority.

In living rooms, dining rooms, offices and libraries of private houses, upholstered furniture plays the role of accent elements. At the same time, bright, variegated or contrasting dark color upholstery upholstered furniture may be present in more than one piece of furniture. For example, in the living room, two sofas facing each other can be made in different, but equally accent colors.

4. Storage systems - rational use of space. In modern design projects, you can increasingly see storage systems located from the ceiling to the floor. This approach allows you to make the most of the available space. In kitchens, we see the upper tier of cabinets, suspended just under the ceiling (it often has two levels, different in depth). Of course, the uppermost level is not suitable for daily use; it is simply inconvenient for a person with an average height to get household items from the upper shelves. But from the point of view of storing utensils that are rarely used, this approach helps to unload storage systems in other rooms, and to keep the kitchen in order.

If we talk about storage systems in living rooms, then they are conventionally divided into two types - built-in racks with open shelves and low modules with facades. Frames are used for books, documents and photos open shelves, for everything else that the owners would like to hide from the guests' eyes, compact dressers with drawers, low modules with hinged or sliding doors.

5. Lighting devices - diffused or localized lighting. Whatever the size of the room of a modern private house, it rarely manages with only one source of artificial lighting. After all, the lighting system is not only the ability to illuminate one or another part of the room, but also the ability to create a certain atmosphere, zoning a space or highlighting especially significant segments. Well, when combining several functional zones in one space (studio room), a lighting system should be present in each.

One central chandelier is never enough in a bedroom. Even if you are not in the habit of reading before bed, lighting from local sources (wall sconces, table or floor lamps) in the bedroom is simply necessary - to create a certain atmosphere of preparation for bed. Even in a small living room, only ceiling lamps. Floor lamp or table lamp necessary in a soft seating area, a reading corner or near a coffee (coffee) table.

6. Textile decoration - laconic design. If we talk about drapery window openings, then the designers recommend using the simplest in form and execution textile solutions. Traditional curtains - straight canvases falling from the ceiling to the floor in uniform vertical folds, can appear both solo and in a company with a translucent veil (most often plain and smooth).

One more actual way textile decoration of windows in modern interiors of premises with a wide variety of functional purposes - the use of fabric roller blinds(Roman, textile blinds, Japanese curtains-screens). The design of vertical canvases in width just covering the window opening and capable of gathering into evenly distributed horizontal folds ideally suits the laconic mood of modern rooms.

If we talk about another option for using textiles for decorating a room, then the use of sofa and other decorative pillows... It is the simplest, fastest and most inexpensive way changing the character of the interior - changing the color in the performance of textile decor on the bed in the bedroom or sofas and armchairs in the living room. Replacing cushion covers is much easier than changing walls or upholstery, which is why designers and their customers love this design technique so much.

Actual color palette

As mentioned above, monochromatic wall decoration has become the undisputed favorite in the field of residential design. And it will not be news to anyone that light shades in a monochromatic version are the most common way to create a universal background for a room. A light tone helps to smooth out imperfections in architecture and surface treatment, will not focus on the flaws in the installation of window or door openings, will help to visually increase the volume of the room and will become an excellent background for accent furniture or decorative elements.

Usage white for wall decoration is also dictated by the influence of Scandinavian style on the formation of modern style. White walls combined with wood floors warm colors are one of the key motives for decorating Scandinavian homes. Maximum space and light is a priority in a room of any size. Namely, the white color, which practically does not absorb the sun's rays, is the best fit for the tasks and basic principles of the Scandinavian style.

Gray doesn't go out of style. Its relevance can be observed for several seasons. Universal, neutral, but at the same time noble and solid - gray color is perfectly combined with various interior color solutions. Depending on the selected shade, you can create a calm, dynamic and even dramatic atmosphere in the room. It is enough to choose a company gray a couple of tones (most often white and black, or snow-white surfaces and wood) and make one bright accent - original interior ready.

Black and white combinations in the design of modern rooms are not the last in the list of current ideas. On the one hand, such a design is easy to organize even in the absence of design skills, but on the other hand, you can get a truly original, dynamic and stylish image of the room. Depending on the size and purpose of the room, which will be decorated in a contrasting version, light and dark tones are used in varying degrees of intensity. Of course, for rooms of a small area, a light tone becomes the main one, a dark color is used only to emphasize geometry and highlight particularly significant interior items. In spacious and light rooms, a dark tone can be used as the main one for the execution of large furniture or finishing one of the surfaces.

Along with the relevance of using white and contrasting combinations, there is color palette which will always be used. Warm shades Brown color- from light beige, pastel shade to a deep, dark color of "bitter chocolate" always create a cozy, comfortable environment for everyone, in which you just want to relax, rest, gain strength after a hard day for new achievements. That is why the beige color scheme can be found in a wide variety of rooms - from the bathroom to the living room, from the hallway to the kitchen.

On this stage there is an acquaintance with the project and drawing up a technical task. After confirming all the points, our architect works out a planning solution, develops a plan for the arrangement of furniture, equipment, lighting and the location of communications.

  • Conducting interviews with the customer and drawing up the technical assignment for the project;
  • Departure to the object, its inspection and measurement of premises;
  • Detailed photographic recording of the current state of the object;
  • Preparation of a measurement plan with reference to engineering communications;
  • Creation of a planning solution with the arrangement of furniture in different versions;
  • Explication and zoning of premises with indication of distances and dimensions.

During an interview with a client, the architect-designer learns preferences and tastes in order to develop hand-drawn sketches of the future interior, make collages with examples of floor and wall coverings.

  • Choosing the direction of the style of the interior of the house;
  • Create collages with examples of wall and floor coverings;
  • Development of manual sketches for all rooms in houses, stairways.

It is a very difficult task to calculate the required quantity, find and select finishing materials for a large country house so that the project is fully realized according to the architect's plan. Now there are a lot of manufacturers on the market, so choosing the right one from a huge list of items requires some experience. We have a base of suppliers and we know exactly where it is more profitable to purchase high-quality materials, furniture and decor.

  • Floor, wall and ceiling coverings: parquet, laminate, tiles, porcelain stoneware, cork, plaster, putty, paint, wallpaper, plinths, stucco moldings, cornices, etc .;
  • Plastic or wooden windows and window structures;
  • Input and interior doors;
  • Wall and ceiling lighting fixtures;
  • Furniture, carpets, paintings, decorative elements, etc.

The technical stage of development of the future interior begins with the design of working drawings for dismantling, erected partitions, level marks, switches and other elements.

  • Dismantling plan (if any) and a plan of the partitions to be erected;
  • Plan of ceilings to scale with indication of level marks, types of materials used;
  • Floor plan showing finishing materials and directions of the layout;
  • Location plan lighting fixtures, switches, sockets with bindings;
  • Layout scheme for warm floors with sensor binding;
  • Plumbing equipment placement plan with bindings in the axes;
  • Specification doorways and doors.

The design of a three-dimensional model of the future interior takes place at the stage of selection of finishing materials and pieces of furniture. The customer will have the opportunity to see an example of flooring, furniture arrangement, lighting, kitchen and other decor elements. If you don't like something, you can make changes. By the way, important point that in the 3D model all the real dimensions and dimensions of the premises of the house are observed.

  • Development of 3D visualizations for all rooms
  • More than 3 angles of each room in the interior being developed;
  • Several options for styles and furniture arrangement.

Full control of the architect who developed the future interior of the customer includes tracking the progress of work for compliance created interior with a developed design project for your future home.

  • Scheduled inspection of the facility and the progress of work;
  • Control over the correct implementation according to the developed project;
  • If necessary, making adjustments to the documentation;
  • Assistance in the selection, purchase of finishing and decorative materials, furniture, lighting and plumbing;
  • Placement of decorative elements in the interior.

The architect in charge of the project, at this stage, is engaged in the selection of the necessary pieces of furniture, lighting, decor, etc. All selected interior items will match in style and color with the approved design project, as well as take into account the cost included in the project.

  • Cabinet furniture: cabinets, shelves, tables, modular structures and etc;
  • Upholstered furniture: armchairs, sofas, ottomans, etc.
  • Turnkey kitchen with equipment;
  • Plumbing and furniture for bathrooms and toilets;
  • Lighting: lamps, chandeliers, floor lamps, etc.
  • Entrance and interior doors, windows.

At the stage of selection and purchase of finishing materials for the future interior, many questions arise about the quantity, quality and delivery to the site on time. Delivery is a separate issue, since materials are often ordered in different stores and warehouses. At this stage, our specialists will carry out a whole range of works so that the future housing of the customer is realized clearly according to plan:

  • Calculation of the required amount of finishing materials: plaster, putty, paint, wallpaper, etc.
  • Search and purchase quality materials directly from suppliers at reasonable prices;
  • Delivery of all the necessary materials just in time for the start of the repair work.

To create a cozy atmosphere in the courtyard of a private house, you need to properly equip it, having thought over the design, and later this place will become your favorite corner.

First, you need to assess the available territory. With a small area, a good solution would be the design of the courtyard of a private house with a small fountain or a garden that is in currently are one of the options modern courtyards, and ideas can be seen on the photo on the Internet. If there is a lot of free space in the yard, this will allow you to reproduce the original yard with several divided zones with a center in the form of an artificial pond, gazebo or pool.

To make the courtyard look more comfortable and elegant, you can place decorative statues, small ponds, exotic plants, paths made of colored tiles on its territory. Such accessories will bring a more complete look to the yard and can improve the overall atmosphere.

If there is a desire to place a vegetable garden in the courtyard of a private house, this is not a problem, because modern design will make it very neat and interesting, and you can verify this by looking at the photos provided below.

Before proceeding with repair work in the yard, you should take into account some of the nuances:

  • the number of people living in the house;
  • are there children in the house;
  • financial opportunities.

If desired, several zones can be combined into one to save space. For the visual division of the territory, garden sculptures are installed, plantings of greenery (bushes, flowers or Christmas trees), if possible, build an artificial pond or a small lake.

The area for children's recreation and play should be located in a place that will be visible to adults, so that you can monitor and look after the kids.

It is difficult to imagine the design of a private courtyard in a modern style without paths, because this element is present on the territory of every house, and in the photo you can see how best to arrange them in the courtyard. With the help of paths, several problems will be solved at the same time: safety of movement, zoning of space and decor of the yard.

The material from which the paths will be laid out can be very different, at the discretion of the owners, for example, large-sized flat stones, ordinary bricks, fine gravel are used, while the path can be fenced with a curb or a small decorative fence.

How to arrange plants and flowers correctly?

Flowers choose different varieties so that their flowering replaces each other, thus, from approximately mid-April to October, there will be an opportunity to admire the beauty flowering plants and inhale their aromas. Special flower beds are made for flowers, they are planted in tubs or pots.

It is very convenient to take care of flowers if they are located in flower beds, so there is no need to get dirty in the ground, because lawns, paths or a pebble mound will be located around.

What is the role of lighting in the courtyard of a private house?

A lighted courtyard is, first of all, the safety of moving around the territory at night. In addition, it will allow you to enjoy in the evenings the surrounding nature and long-term communication with guests on fresh air from early spring to late autumn.

Lanterns should be positioned so that the front of the house and other existing buildings, as well as the main entrance, the space near the garage or car parking lot are well lit.

Usually, lighting fixtures are located along the paths, and are made so that the entire perimeter of the territory can be viewed without problems.

Having decided on the main lighting, you can consider the layout of the backlight for decorative purposes. Lanterns will look very impressive next to a flower bed, pond or lake. Trees and large shrubs are illuminated with LED strips.

In specialized stores there is a large number of solar-powered lighting fixtures. This will significantly save money on paying for electricity, and soft, dim lighting will be enough for safe movement in the dark.

Arranging a small backyard space

In most private houses located within the city, the courtyard area has a small area, therefore, in order to make a cozy corner for children or tea drinking and pleasant pastime in the fresh air, it is better to embody the conceived design of a modern courtyard in the area adjacent to the back of the house.

There are many different ideas and photos that will help in transforming the required space.

For small areas backyard an excellent option would be to build a base from a wooden platform or deck. Along the fence, you can plant tall bushes or plants that will curl around the fence, this will help make a small courtyard cozy and hide everything that happens in it from prying eyes.

The cheapest and often preferred furniture for the courtyards in a private house is made of plastic or artificial rattan. But they also make pieces of furniture for outdoor use from wood, wrought metal and stone.

Furniture made of plastic is very convenient, it can simply be washed with water, and rattan products should not be too wet. Furniture made of wood must be periodically varnished or protective equipment... Forged metal chairs and tables should be painted every few years.

It should also be noted that a wooden floor can be an excellent solution for extending the porch of a private house, it will be good design for modern courtyards, and for example, you can pay attention to the photo.

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Unlike small and standard apartments, where literally everyone has to save square meter, in a private home, the owners can use any design techniques that meet their ideas about the beauty, functionality and practicality of the interior of the home. In the spacious rooms of private apartments, you can make your design dreams come true, creating a truly comfortable, cozy and visually attractive design for a family nest. But large spaces are also a big responsibility. It is important not to miss the chosen concept for creating a private home ownership design, not to get drunk on the spaciousness of the premises and the opportunities that promise big square... We bring to your attention an extensive selection of design projects for private houses with the decoration of rooms for various functional purposes. And hope that actual ideas to create a modern, practical and aesthetic interior will help you make the renovation of your dreams and enjoy the fruits of your own design ideas.

Features of the design of private houses in 2017

It doesn't matter in what style you want to decorate your private home. Literally all stylistics advocate spacious and light rooms, with high ceilings, large windows (often of an original form). If it is physically impossible to increase the existing space, then it is necessary to expand it, at least visually:

  • use a light palette for finishing the ceiling and walls, contrastingly dark (bright) for decorating floors;
  • apply mirror and glossy surfaces;
  • you can use furniture made of transparent acrylic (plastic), it literally dissolves into the image of the room;
  • point lighting systems and linear illumination, evenly distributed over functional segments, helps not only to perfectly illuminate the available space, but also to visually enlarge it;
  • the open plan helps to create multifunctional rooms in which the light spreads freely, and it is easy for households to move between zones;
  • often, in order to fill the available volume of the room with the maximum amount of light, it is necessary to abandon the textile decoration of the windows (if they do not go outside, then such a measure will not harm the household).

Not new, but still relevant design technique is the use of natural motives in the design of the home. And it's not just about using natural materials for the creation of furnishings and furnishings, decorative elements and textile design. The use of a natural color palette allows you to create a comfortable, cozy and relaxing atmosphere of a home, in which it is so pleasant to take a break from the gray and noisy city, a lot of advertising billboards and illumination pressing on the psyche.

One more characteristic feature drawing up the interior of a modern private home is the combination of functional areas within one room:

  • living room, kitchen and dining room are located in one room, making up a common base of the most frequently visited places in the house for the whole family. When designing such a space, it is important to use a single concept for all segments in order to create a harmonious picture of many functional space;
  • such functional segments as a workplace, a book corner or a home library are often located in the bedroom - it all depends on the parameters of the room and its capabilities;
  • often the entrance hall does not stand out as a separate room and is connected to a studio kitchen or a combined living room;
  • a library area can be located in the corridors (book shelves fit easily even within narrow utilitarian rooms, spreading along the walls from the ceiling to the floor);
  • in private houses with two or more floors on staircases small functional segments can be arranged - home mini-offices or reading areas with bookshelves and comfortable armchairs, floor lamps.

All shades of white are often used in modern private apartments. Not just an opportunity visual magnification the volume of the premises pushes designers and their customers to use a white tone for decoration and furnishings, but also to create a light, airy, and light image of a functional space. At the same time, there are no restrictions on the choice of optional room accessories - kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms and even auxiliary spaces (corridors, hallways, verandas) are decorated in white.

The second most popular color in the design of modern homes is still gray and its shades. Neutrality, versatility and simplicity of combinatorialism of this color are pushing many to use shades of gray both as a basis for interior decoration and for the execution of basic furniture and additional interior items. A simple combination of gray shades with white and the integration of wooden surfaces (of any type of wood) can create a not only comfortable atmosphere of the premises, but also bring notes of nobility and elegance to the image of the space.

If we talk about choosing a color palette for decorating private apartments, then it is obvious that in spacious rooms it is much wider. A light space is capable of accepting rather bright accents. It can be either individual interior items - furniture upholstery or storage system facades, or entire surfaces, designed as accent ones, attracting all the attention to themselves.

Another feature of interior decoration in private houses is the use of industrial motives. Quite original in country house, for example, meet concrete or brick walls as accents for finishing a bedroom or living room, kitchen or dining room. It can be like pristine surfaces (real brickwork or concrete wall), as well as spectacular imitations made with liquid wallpaper, wall tiles or decorative plaster.

The Scandinavian style had no less influence on the formation of the modern style of interior design. Designers from all over the world offer their customers Nordic motifs as the basis for the design of bedrooms and living rooms, kitchens and utilitarian spaces. Simplicity and conciseness, mixed with comfort and coziness, seasoned with simple color combinations and the possibility of purchasing interior items by affordable prices in a network of well-known stores, pushes many Russians to choose this, of course, practical style for decorating their homes. On a large territory of our country, the climate is similar to the Scandinavian one, we also have little sun and warm days a year, our dwellings need no less light finish and the use of natural raw materials for the production of interior items.

Particular attention in the interior of modern private homes is given to the lighting system. Obviously, a stepped lighting system is required in spacious and multifunctional rooms. A central light or lighting around the perimeter of the room will not be enough. If there are several residential segments in the room, then it is necessary for each to choose the lighting option (depending on the functionality, the size of the zone and the location relative to the window openings) - Spotlights or ribbon illumination.

Another characteristic feature of the design of modern dwellings is the use of multifunctional interior items and transforming furniture. For example, beds and sofas with storage cavities, folding console tables that may not take up space at all when folded, ottomans and ottomans, inside which you can store books and magazines, kitchen corners with drawers for placing all kinds of utensils, built-in storage systems that often literally merge with the walls.

Design of various rooms in private households

A living room in a private house is most often a spacious and bright room in which not only the whole family gathers in the evenings, but it is also possible to receive guests and arrange parties. The room should functionally meet all the requirements of the family, the preferences of household members, their ways of organizing recreation. But at the same time, the interior of the living room should effectively play the role of the visiting card of the house, because it is in this room that the invited guests spend most of their time. The living room in a private house is comfortable and cozy, but at the same time modern and practical.

It is in the living room that the influence of modern style, advocating "comfortable minimalism", is felt like no other room in a private dwelling. The spaces of private houses allow you to furnish living rooms with special luxury, literally fill almost the entire volume of the room with interior items. But this season, designers recommend that it is not easy to restrain yourself in decorating the living room, but clearly define the list of necessary pieces of furniture and use functional items as decorative elements - lamps, textiles, and in rare cases, wall decor. As a result, the living room spaces will be filled with light and air, interior items will not clutter it up, making up a difficult organic environment, but a favorable emotional background for relaxation and recreation with the family.

The opposite strategy for decorating a living room in a private house is represented by the traditions of classical styles. If in "pure" form classic interior in modern design projects you can not often see, neo-classics are widespread everywhere. Adapted to the needs of the modern homeowner, traditional motives are given a second life thanks to advances in materials, furnishings and decorative items, textiles and lighting. The so-called "accessible classics" are becoming the best option decoration of premises in private apartments, the owners of which want to see elegance, a slight hint of luxury and at the same time functionality of the interior.

It is difficult to imagine a living room in a private house without a fireplace. In your own home, there is always the possibility of installing not just an electric analogue of the hearth, but a functioning fireplace with a chimney. Nothing can create a truly comfortable and cozy environment for relaxation with your family like a fire dance in beautiful fireplace... The hearth in the modern living room, following long-term traditions, becomes the focal point around which the entire furnishings of the room are built. Often, it is the hearth that becomes the starting point when creating a symmetrical, balanced image of the living room.

Cozy bedroom

The bedroom of a private household is a private room, decorated solely based on the personal preferences of the owners. It is not for nothing that modern style promotes reasonable minimalism, combined with maximum personal comfort. If it is more convenient for you to have only the necessary interior items in the bedroom space - a bed, a wardrobe and a bedside table or a bedside table, then you need to organize the furnishings of the room. If the bedroom doesn't seem complete without a dressing table, work area, or cozy corner for reading, and the space allows you to organize additional functional segments, then these zones can be successfully integrated into the existing interior.

Perhaps the bedroom is the most popular space for using the beige palette. Warmth and calmness, pacification and comfort that give beige shades is the best fit for a room in which it is customary to relax after a hard day and gain strength before new achievements. The beige finish palette can be effectively diluted with the snow-white furniture. Or create a certain accent using a dark color scheme for the bed, and storage systems.

Multifunctional kitchen

For many of our compatriots, the kitchen is the heart of the house, its functional and emotional hearth, the center of attention. Not only because the hostess spends a lot of time here preparing delicious dishes, and in the evenings the whole family gathers for meals, but also because the closest guests are often received in the kitchen. As a rule, the kitchen space of a private house boasts a sufficient area for the location of all required systems storage, household appliances, work surfaces and dining area... In a spacious kitchen, you do not need to save every centimeter, use household appliances standard sizes and clearly fulfill the requirements of ergonomics for a comfortable and safe conduct all working kitchen processes.

The advantage of spacious kitchens is that popular color schemes can be used. For example, contrasting combinations in the execution of the facades of kitchen cabinets. No one will argue with the fact that the color palette kitchen interior largely depends on the choice of shades for the execution of a furniture set, because it takes up most of the usable space. Dark facades against a light background of finishing the kitchen space look very impressive, adding respectability and chic to the interior. And the use of a dark shade for the execution of the lower tier of cabinets in combination with a light shade for hinged storage systems allows you to visually increase the height of the room.

Bathroom interior

A distinctive feature of the bathroom, located in a private apartment, is a fairly large area (in comparison with the rooms of standard and small apartments), possible presence of a window and non-standard arrangement of communication systems. In a private house, you can move the pipeline at your discretion, organize a forced exhaust system, in a word, simplify the functionality of the bathroom without coordinating your actions with various authorities. All these advantages make it possible to create a practical, comfortable, functional and at the same time beautiful interior bathroom with the lowest cost and time.

In the bathroom of a private house, you can go beyond the standard set of plumbing fixtures. In addition to the bath, you can install a shower cabin, because in most families there is always a division into those who prefer to bask in hot foam and those who prefer a contrast shower, hydromassage. In a utilitarian space, where there is no need to save every centimeter, you can install a double sink and significantly reduce the time for the morning toilet, not only for large families, but also for married couples. In addition to the toilet, you can install a bidet and use not compact models, but original design options for plumbing devices.

Hallway and corridor design

If the entrance hall in a standard apartment is most often a narrow and dark room with several doorways (to other rooms of the dwelling) or a passage to the corridor. There is simply nowhere to disperse in such a space from the point of view of implementing your design ideas. Whether the case is in the fairly spacious utilitarian spaces of private houses - after all, no one will specifically plan the construction of a dwelling with a small hallway or very narrow corridor... In such rooms, you can not be limited only to light colors(especially if there is a window in the hallway or corridor), and the choice of furniture, storage systems is much larger.

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