Encyclopedia of fire safety

Original ceiling finishes. Contemporary ceiling finishes. Clapboard ceiling

When construction is completed country house, the most interesting and fascinating begins - interior decoration. And here, of course, it all starts with the ceilings. Before choosing certain types of materials and design options, you need to think through the entire design of the room, since the ceiling must be combined with walls and floors, and the choice of materials and styles today is very large.


Much depends on the budget that you plan to spend on ceilings. You can choose cheap options, but do everything so that it looks quite decent and stylish. If it is possible to spend money on expensive materials, then it is better to design, focusing on modern tendencies. But then you need to study well all the properties of materials and the technology of their application, if the repair is done by hand. Only after studying all the nuances, you can finally decide how to finish the ceiling.

The most common options today are:

  • whitewash;
  • painting;
  • plaster and stucco;
  • stucco mosaic;
  • suspended and stretch ceilings;

  • wood structures:
  • drywall;
  • paper or vinyl wallpaper;
  • ceramic tile;
  • foam tiles.

Finishing work in a private house are different from those performed in an apartment. Here you need to take care not only about the beauty of the ceiling, but also about thermal insulation. Only when all this is done, you can proceed directly to the design of the ceiling, otherwise in winter and the period of prolonged rains beautiful ceiling will deteriorate from moisture and frost and become unusable.

The rough surface does not require additional alignment if it is decided to make suspended ceilings. All wiring can be closed with a tension structure.

Required Tools

Before starting work, make sure that all the right tools were at hand. If something is not in the house, you need to buy it in advance, so as not to interrupt work later and not be distracted by trifles.

You will need the following tools:

  • spatulas of various sizes and thicknesses;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • level;
  • trowels;
  • Bulgarian;
  • simple pencils;
  • rulers;
  • screwdrivers.

In preparation for repair work it is better to have a few rulers, pencils and screwdrivers in stock, as these small items are constantly lost during the repair process, and it takes time to find them. Whitewashing or painting is the easiest and all famous variant, which does not require special skills and high costs. After the ceiling is well aligned, you can start whitewashing it. In this case, all objects should be covered with oilcloth or paper - lime usually causes a lot of dirt.

When choosing a painting, you need to carefully consider the choice of shade. White color is the best option, because he cannot get bored with time, and it is easy to pick up the design of walls and floors for him. Besides, bright hues always increase the space.

If preference is given to deeper and more saturated shades, then you need to focus on your own taste and other design components. It is also worth considering that with low ceilings, dark paint will visually lower them even more. But if this does not matter, then you can experiment with color.

Gypsum or plaster

Without any difficulty, you can install gypsum panels yourself. Most often they are white, but thanks to a special paint after installation, they can be painted in the shade that is more to your liking.

Looks good on surfaces in a country house decorative plaster with a smooth and textured finish on the ceiling surface. The only point that you should pay attention to in the absence of experience in working with this type of coating is the study of methods for applying plaster and their practical application. It is worth trying to apply plaster somewhere in an inconspicuous place and see what the result will be.

Textured plaster should be applied in a layer one centimeter thick. Then several more layers are applied alternately. As a result, the color should be rich and deep.

There is an option to make the ceiling even more original using a mosaic that is sold in construction stores in the form of sets. It consists of fragments from which you can add both an abstract drawing and a whole picture. This mosaic is attached to the ceiling with tile adhesive. The materials from which the sets are made can be very different: ceramics, glass, small stones.

If you want to decorate the ceiling in the form of a mosaic in the bathroom or in the kitchen, then it should be noted that during work you will need a special waterproof glue that can withstand any humidity. At the same time, he must ensure that the tile does not fall off after a while.

Suspended and stretch ceilings

Floor structures in a private house complicate the task, and you have to decide how and how to close electrical wiring, ventilation and other communication elements. In this case, plasterboard suspended structures or stretch ceilings help to solve this issue.

Plasterboard construction is attached to the frame base, which is made of a metal profile. Then the frame is sheathed with plasterboard sheets and, at the final stage, these sheets are covered with decorative coating- painting or wallpaper. You can additionally place lamps that will become good decoration room interior.

As for the stretch ceiling, there is room for design solutions, as it is possible to play with lighting by placing spotlights above a particular area of ​​the room. In this case, you can choose materials of different shades and textures. Glossy ceilings in good light, they simply shine, while matte ones look more everyday. But when using beautiful decorative elements, both finishes will look beneficial.

Many are now leaning towards frosted ceilings at least for the reason that they are much easier to care for. If the height of the premises allows, then you can try to make multi-level options for the ceiling surface.

With low ceilings, you should not overload the surface: you should not use bulky chandeliers and large lamps, as this will create an atmosphere of discomfort and pressure.


Such a traditional type of ceiling design, like wallpaper, also belongs to one of simple species finishes. The main thing is a flat surface and good glue. It is not recommended to choose too heavy wallpaper with a complex pattern - it is better to use monophonic options or with an abstract print. Worth a try different types to highlight specific areas. Wall murals will also look good, especially for a children's room.

Application to the ceiling has become relevant liquid wallpaper - it looks nice. The main thing is to properly prepare for the application process. To do this, you first need to prime the surface well, and after that it will be necessary to dry the ceiling.

Wooden structures

If the house is located in a village and is made of timber, then it would be quite appropriate to sheathe the ceiling with wood. For this purpose, plywood, lining or a panel of slats is suitable. It is quite possible that the idea will arise to build a designer hinged structure, especially if there is an intention to decorate the house in a rustic style.

The easiest way is to use lining. It is a wooden plank, which can be narrow or wide, and also vary in thickness. They are usually made from hornbeam, aspen or oak. Lining is convenient in that it is able to hide defects in the ceiling, while special surface preparation is not required, and such a structure can be mounted very quickly.

For floors in the attic and between floors, beams and shields are used, which serves as the basis. With a shield ceiling, plaster and other types of decoration are usually used.

If the ceiling will consist of battens, then you will need to sand their front side, and then varnish them. You can use "block house" slats, which do not require any special training, retain heat well and give room for various interior solutions. The only disadvantage of such rails is the high price.

original solution it can be a combination of materials - the use of inserts from stretch fabrics or plasterboard structures.

Painting will help to make a wooden ceiling truly exclusive. You can create a real artistic canvas over your head or just decorate small areas in the form of decoration. Both will radically transform the home and surprise guests.

What to insulate?

Before choosing the material for the ceiling in a private house, you need to consider the issue of insulation, which is very important, because it depends on how comfortable it will be in the house in winter, and how long the ceiling will retain its original appearance.

There are two options for laying layers for insulation - lath and using a stapler. The materials used for these purposes are expanded clay, polystyrene foam, fiberglass and mineral wool. The last option is considered optimal material, because it retains heat better than others. Glassine is laid on top of the insulation, and then sheathing is performed.

It is worth paying attention to the ventilation of the room. To avoid high humidity, it must work very well. Otherwise, it will become a direct threat to the ceilings, because mold may appear on them, which will have to be dealt with with the help of special tools. If this problem already exists, then you need to dry the room well, and then treat the affected area with a special solution and dry it again. After all this, you should think about installing additional ventilation.

If for ceilings is selected wood flooring, then it needs to be processed from time to time by special means to prevent moisture build-up.

how to finish the ceiling in a private house? This is the first question people ask after buying a house. The improvement of a private house will allow you to implement a non-standard approach to interior design and make a ceiling that will match the overall design. Considering fashion trends, it will be easy to turn flaws into virtues, hide the flaws of the rough surface, expand or reduce the space of the room. In the article, we will consider how to finish the ceilings in a private house, and what materials to use in work.

how to finish the ceiling in a private house - a budget option

Inexpensive options for decorating the ceiling are staining or whitewashing, foam tiles, gypsum stucco, decorative plaster, wallpaper.

An affordable way to update the surface is to paint or whitewash the ceiling in the house. Both options require preliminary leveling of the base base, sealing joints and cracks on the ceiling surface, and applying a primer layer.

To achieve desired shade a color of a suitable tone is added to the selected coloring composition, mixed well.

Deciding on color decorative ceiling, keep in mind that light shades visually expand the space, and dark ones visually narrow the walls, lower the ceilings, make the room smaller in size.

When choosing the type of paint, they are guided by the purpose of the room where the decoration is carried out. For example, in the bathroom it is better to use silicone or latex-based paints that are resistant to abrasion, sudden changes in temperature, and high humidity. In the bedroom or living room, the ceiling is painted with water-based or acrylic paints. These operations are easily done by hand.

Plaster, gypsum stucco and adhesive ceilings

In the photo, decorative staining of gypsum stucco

Another option to decorate the ceiling in a private house is to install gypsum panels. The classic version of stucco is white, but if necessary, the plates are repainted.

Suitable for surface finishing and decorative plaster. With the help of the composition, it will be possible to make the base base smooth, embossed or textured. If the design is used textured plaster, it is applied in a layer 1 cm thick. After the first layer has dried, several more are applied. The result is a rich color.

Adhesive ceilings include types of decorative coatings that are attached to the base surface on special adhesive compositions. A common finishing method is expanded polystyrene, the main advantage of which is its low weight, so it is easier for the glue to hold the tile.

For finishing choose polystyrene panels of the following types:

  • stamped with a simple pattern without pronounced borders. The thickness of the tiles is 9-14 mm, if desired, the glued ceiling is painted with a water-based emulsion;
  • injection 6-8 mm thick. clear drawing, different colors, imitation of natural natural materialsdistinctive features panels of this type;
  • extruded tiles, despite their small thickness (2.5-3.5 mm), are strong and dense. A special coating applied to the segments during manufacture makes the panels resistant to moisture and UV radiation. Cons: Cannot be dyed.


Photo of ceiling wallpaper in the dining room

Also considered simple and in a budgetary way finishes. The main conditions for work are a flat surface, the absence of height differences on the base base, high-quality glue.

To decorate the ceiling, it is better to give preference to plain canvases with a simple relief and light shades. Using different textures or colors, it will turn out to divide the room into functional zones. Wall murals on the ceiling will look interesting in the children's room.

Photo of a stretch ceiling in the living room with stairs

If the differences in the floor structure are 5 cm or more, suspended or stretch ceilings will help to cope with the defect.

Installation of stretch fabrics is carried out very quickly. After installation, it is not necessary to additionally finish the surface, and the coating will reliably hide the flaws of the rough base. decorative properties Stretch ceilings win over other finishing methods:

  • variety of colors, textures;
  • possibility of combination different materials and textures on one surface;
  • harmonious combination with ceiling spotlights, classic chandeliers, LED lighting.

Entrust the installation of a stretch ceiling to professional craftsmen, since the material is expensive, and with self-assembly there is a risk of damaging the canvas.

Suspended ceilings are represented by several types. The creation of such structures begins with the installation of a frame, which is then sheathed with drywall sheets, decorative slats, plastic panels, etc.

Overlapping ceilings in private houses is different from city apartments. If it is presented in apartments concrete slabs, then separately standing house the floor acts as a cover attic space. The attic is located under the roof slope and, as a rule, is not heated. Therefore, so that the interior decoration of the ceiling does not suffer, first pay attention to the supporting structure:

  • lay layers of hydro and vapor barrier.

As a heater, expanded clay, polystyrene, mineral wool, sawdust and other materials.

Only after the installation of these layers, proceed to finish the ceiling with inside at home.

Which ceiling is better

Deciding what will be the interior decoration of the ceiling of a private house, and what materials to buy for decoration, is not easy. Coatings must be resistant to climatic conditions the room where they will be used, but at the same time be attractive.

If the house is not heated in winter, then the lining with wooden clapboard or plasterboard sheets will not retain its original appearance by summer. Temperature changes, cold will have a detrimental effect on these materials, and the design will have to be redone. In this case, it is better to stay on plastic panels or.

Withstands a wide temperature range, so it is suitable for finishing the ceiling in a country house, which is rarely used in winter. But the vinyl coating, when the temperature drops below 0 ° C, will lose the declared elasticity and begin to crack.

If the house is heated, while the structure is made of wood, The best way finish the ceilings -. The material will emphasize the structure of the tree, will be combined with the interior.

It will reliably hide the electrical wiring and communications located under the rough base, the construction of drywall. But provided that the height of the room will allow you to install a false ceiling.

Thus, there are many varieties of ceiling decoration in a private house. And what to choose depends on financial capabilities, the characteristics of a particular room, the style and direction of the interior.

For the design of low ceilings, designers have come up with several rules. If you follow the recommendations, you will be able to maintain the height and visually raise the ceiling surface:

  1. choose light colors finishing materials. For example, white color or a palette of pastel shades;
  2. if the height of the room allows, install a stretch ceiling with a glossy canvas. The ability of the material to reflect light from lighting devices will play a visual increase in the volume of the room;
  3. give up bulky lamps and chandeliers, which will take away part of the compact space, as well as make the decorative structure heavier;
  4. decorate the ceiling and walls in the same color, but in different tones. Make the ceiling surface lighter than the walls, then it will turn out to visually raise the ceiling;
  5. increase the distance from floor to ceiling drawing with vertical stripes on the walls.

The following finishing methods will save the height of the room:

  • false ceilings, when the decorative coating is mounted to draft base or a frame installed to the ceiling (lining, plastic panels, drywall, plywood, MDF panels);
  • traditional design options - whitewashing or staining, decorative plaster, wallpaper).

Wooden structure

Wood is gaining popularity not only in the decoration of ceilings. Everybody more houses It is built from a natural log house - an environmentally friendly and attractive material. To maintain the "wooden" style of the interior, it is better to choose lining or block-house slats for decorating the ceiling surface.

Lining is a common type of facing material with the following advantages:

  • heat and sound insulation;
  • environmental friendliness, safety;
  • lining installation is not required pre-training ceiling;
  • the coating masks the flaws of the base;
  • service life at correct operation will be 10 years or more.

For ceilings choose lining made of pine, oak or larch.

Block house slats are a relatively new invention for wooden houses, which offer the same benefits as clapboard. At the same time, different wood species are used for the manufacture of panels. Minus - high price.

how to finish the ceiling in a private house - Drywall

If the house has an overlap with visible height differences, then the drywall construction will solve an unpleasant problem. With the help of GKL, it will be possible to achieve an even ceiling, and for coloring, choose any shade.

The main advantages of drywall include:

  • ease of processing;
  • the ability to create complex multi-level structures;
  • security.

Of the minuses note:

  • low moisture resistance;
  • the severity of the sheets requires the involvement of an assistant for the installation of the ceiling;
  • the need for further finishing after installation;
  • if the house shrinks, the plasterboard will crack, so in new-built houses it is better to choose a different way of decorating the ceiling surface.

Current trends in ceiling decoration: general ideas

Differences of a modern ceiling:

  • functionality;
  • visual openness;
  • contrasting combination of colors;
  • use of natural materials;
  • rejection of pretentious elements and techniques.
  • purchase materials that will reliably mask the flaws of the base base, will last at least five years;
  • real trends are eco- and ethno-motives. They are now at the peak of popularity;
  • give preference to saturated shades. This does not mean that the colors should be flashy. Choose soft deep tones that will add originality to the ceiling;
  • when decorating ceilings in spacious rooms, include multi-level structures, smooth transitions, complex curves and shapes in the decoration;
  • the style of the ceiling surface should be combined with the direction of the interior, and not look defiant against the background of the rest of the finish.

There are many materials for decorating ceilings on the construction market, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. What to choose depends on the purpose of the room and the style of the interior that is supposed to be created.

Video review of how to finish the ceiling in a private house

After the completion of outdoor work during the construction of a country house, you need to proceed to a difficult but necessary process - interior decoration. Usually interior design begins with the question of how to finish the ceiling in a private house. The proposed article will help determine the choice of finishing material.

Finish options

There are many decent materials for finishing the ceiling in a private house. This is both traditional and modern materials to suit the most demanding taste.

The main options for finishing the ceiling in a private house:

  • whitewash;
  • staining;
  • gypsum skirting boards with stucco;
  • decorative plaster with skirting boards;
  • suspended structures;
  • lining made of wood;
  • stretch fabrics;
  • constructions from drywall sheets;
  • wallpaper.

An important role in choosing the type of ceilings in a private house is played by the need to level the rough coating. So, if you mount a suspended structure, then it is not necessary to level the rough surface. Communications and wiring will be closed by a suspended structure.

Any of the options for finishing the ceiling of a private house has its advantages and disadvantages. Which decoration method to choose depends on the height of the ceilings, interior style, budget, taste and preferences.

Let us consider in more detail some of the materials from which ceilings are made in a private house.


One of the most simple ways decoration of the ceiling space. Classic option the surface will turn white. But, this design is hardly suitable for a bedroom or living room.

Consider the color of the paint. So, dark tones visually reduce the height of the room. But painting with light paint, on the contrary, will make the room spacious.

If, nevertheless, there is a desire to use dark tones, then it is recommended to combine them with pastel colors on the walls. You can use decorative coloring compositions with various effects.

Plaster, plaster or styrofoam

Easily mounted on the surface of the slab of expanded polystyrene, or gypsum panels and skirting boards with stucco. This coverage is usually white color, but after installation, the panel can be painted in any shade.

A good solution would be the design of the ceilings of a country house decorative plaster, which can be smooth, textured, with imitation of marble or patterned panels. But, finishing with decorative plaster requires special skills.

Suspended structures and stretch fabrics

Due to the peculiar design of the ceilings of a private house, you have to think about how to close the wiring, ventilation and various elements communications. For this purpose, a hanging drywall construction. Light fixtures can be mounted to the surface. This led strip or spotlights.

A correctly chosen suspended structure makes it possible to visually increase the space, use various design solutions.

You can combine suspended structures with stretch fabrics.


Can be pasted on the surface decorative wallpaper in the form of stripes. You can stick wallpaper of the same color in the bedroom over your head. And for the rest of the ceiling, choose a material of a different color scheme.

To paste over the surface with wallpaper, pre-align work surface. The coverage must be even. Photo wallpapers are suitable for a nursery.

You can add decorative stickers to the wallpaper that imitate a glowing starry sky, or beautiful plants.

Nuances in the design of the ceilings of a country house

When choosing what to make a ceiling in a private house from, you need to take into account the features of the device of the draft surface of suburban buildings.

To sheathe the ceiling in a private house from the inside, you must perform the following additional work for rough coating:

  1. install thermal insulation;
  2. lay hydro and vapor barrier layers;
  3. you need to take care of the insulation, and find quality material. Mineral wool, expanded clay, sawdust and other materials are used for insulation.

After installing the necessary layers on the floors, proceed to the interior decoration.

What are the best ceilings?

Sometimes it is difficult to decide and decide which ceilings are best done in a private house. After all, a well-designed ceiling space should be not only beautiful, but warm and practical, with a long service life.

Problem ceiling finish exists where rooms are not heated in winter. If in such a private house the ceilings are finished with wood or drywall, then in a damp and unheated room the coating will soon become unusable and begin to collapse. Therefore, if the house is used only in summer, then it is best to close the ceiling in a private house with a suspended structure. Plastic and PVC panels, beam suspended structures are also suitable.

It is necessary to select a facing coating that can withstand temperature changes. You can sew up the ceiling of a private house stretch fabric from vinyl film. This coating does not deform sub-zero temperatures and withstand heat.

If Vacation home heated in the cold, and they live there all year round, then the best finish for will become a tree. Wooden ceiling covering proper care behind the surface, will last a long time. In addition, this finish is safe, environmentally friendly and durable.

You can sheathe the ceiling of a private house with drywall. Such a coating allows you to hide almost any defects in the base surface. After installing drywall sheets, you can perform additional finishing. The surface can be painted, wallpapered, or decorated with plaster.

Low ceiling trim

Not always the ceilings of a country house are different great height. In many private buildings, the height of the ceilings is small. To visually increase the height, you need to seriously approach the question of how to finish a low ceiling in a private house.

  • when decorating the ceiling surface, choose only light colors;
  • can be used glossy finish if a tension web is mounted;
  • when mounting lamps in the coating, it is better to abandon bulky lighting fixtures with hanging mount. Such lamps visually reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and take away the already low height of the ceilings;
  • in the bedroom, to visually increase the height of the room, you can make a coating that differs in color from the entire ceiling.

Great value for rooms with low ceilings furniture plays. So, if the ceiling decoration is done correctly, but the furniture is high and massive, then there will be no effect that increases the height.

How to finish a wooden ceiling?

To decide on the choice of finishing materials for the ceiling of a private house made of wood, you need to take into account the features of the ceiling device:

  • floors wooden house lightweight, and made with the help of beams;
  • between the beams there is a space that is filled with insulating material. The warmed space is closed by finishing;
  • a wooden house shrinks, which affects the ceiling covering.

Finishing a wooden ceiling in a private house is best done with wood materials. natural material goes well with any style of country house, will support optimal level temperature and humidity.

Important: when choosing a tree for finishing ceilings, it is necessary to periodically treat the coating with special agents that protect against moisture.

If you mount a wooden ceiling for the bathroom and kitchen, then there is a possibility of mold fungus. In rooms with high humidity it is better to abandon the design of ceilings with wood. For the bathrooms of a wooden house, a stretch coating is suitable.

wood flooring

Lining made of wood is considered the most common type of cladding, due to the following properties:

  1. good soundproofing and heat-insulating properties;
  2. the ability to close defects in the ceiling;
  3. no surface preparation required;
  4. long service life, if you properly care for the ceiling. It is necessary to periodically impregnate the material with a special composition;
  5. fast installation;
  6. suitable for any interior design solutions.

The disadvantages of lining include the possibility of deformation during sudden temperature changes and flammability.

Usually, lining made of pine, linden and oak, larch is used for ceilings.

Plasterboard finish

Finishing plasterboard for the ceiling of a wooden house has such advantages as:

  1. well passes air, excluding the appearance of condensate on the surface;
  2. the ability to hide defects, and close the wiring with communications.

By cons drywall coating refers to the impossibility of fastening directly to a wooden ceiling. You need to pre-assemble the frame. After installation, additional work will be required. The surface is puttied and painted. You can cover the surface with wallpaper.


When choosing the material and method of fixing the ceiling for a private house, you need to take into account the height of the room, the presence of irregularities and surface defects. An important role is played by lighting, which also affects the visual increase or decrease in the height of the room.

When choosing a ceiling finish, you need to adhere to moderation in color scheme. The upper part of the room should be combined with common style country house. Ceilings should become a real interior decoration of a private house.

New trends in the design of ceilings in a private house

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Repairing an apartment or a house is a troublesome task. In order for all work to go quickly and easily, it is necessary to clearly plan them and decide on the necessary construction tools and materials. What is the best way to finish the ceiling in the apartment so that the repair does not inflate the budget, does not take a lot of effort and lasts a long time?

Cheap, beautiful, for a long time - what is the best way to finish the ceiling?

To choose a way to finish any surfaces in the apartment, you need to find a balance between your own capabilities and desires. Taken into account:

  • design project;
  • the cost of the material and its application - in the calculations, the cost of the tool is often overlooked, as well as the price further care, maintenance in its original form and the time after which replacement is necessary;
  • stability during operation under conditions various premises- eg, ceiling wallpaper not recommended for bathrooms due to humidity and possible mold;
  • durability - “set / painted and forgot”;
  • ease of installation - some cheap materials are difficult to apply, and it is better to entrust the installation of others to professionals;
  • additional work - for example, leveling surfaces.

For each room, you can choose something different. The most popular options are:

  • whitewashing, painting;
  • wallpapering;
  • applying liquid wallpaper;
  • gluing tiles;
  • hinged structures;
  • stretch fabrics.

Let's talk in more detail about their advantages and disadvantages.

Whitewashing or painting

The most inexpensive way to put the ceiling in order. The differences are in the materials, their application and surface preparation. In the case of whitewashing, use slaked lime applied by roller, brush or spray. The main disadvantages are that such a surface cannot be washed, it attracts dirt and dust well and generously stains those who touch it. In appearance, it turns out to be rough, and the only plus of whitewashing is cheapness.

Painting requires a careful approach to leveling the surface and applying compositions in several stages - puttying, priming, directly painting.

This method is good for any living space, as it is not picky about temperature and humidity, the surface is easy to clean, antifungal components prevent mold from multiplying, and tinting helps to achieve any color saturation. Finishing the ceiling cheaply and beautifully in this way is the easiest, the only caveat is the need for careful alignment and preliminary cleaning.


Wallpapering the ceiling is rarely used. This is due to the complexity of the application process, the visibility of imperfections and selection features. For example, in small rooms it is worth avoiding large drawings This will make the space even smaller.

Consult with the designer: the combination of wall and ceiling finishes can give the effect of a “box” - a shrinking space.

Smooth material requires a perfectly leveled and puttied surface, so the ceiling is more often chosen volumetric wallpaper masking irregularities. Another problem is the difficulty of combining the pattern on rolls and gluing large panels: it is almost impossible to do it alone.

An option that combines paper coating and ease of painting is liquid wallpaper. A mixture of cellulose chips with decorative compositions is applied like putty. It does not require particularly careful alignment of the ceiling, it is possible to use different colors and create patterns. The only drawback is the high price. It is also not recommended to use wallpaper in general in the bathroom and bathroom - the porous structure will become great home for mold.

Ceiling tiles

simple and inexpensive way ceiling gluing. If you need to finish the ceiling in the apartment cheaply and with a minimum of effort - that's what you need. The surface often does not need any puttying or leveling. The main substance is expanded polystyrene, which does not emit harmful substances, due to which this type of coating can be used in any residential premises. The exception is the bathroom, as the porous structure can become a “home” for the fungus.

Gluing takes a little time, for it you will need:

  • tiles (calculated by surface area);
  • glue (all options " liquid nails»);
  • marking pencil;
  • stationery knife for cutting holes or sizing;
  • ladder.

To design the transition from wall to ceiling you need ceiling plinth. Often, in order to give a noble look, the plates are painted after drying. water-based paint. Please note: when drying, the glue can release harmful substances, so at this time you should not stay in the room for a long time.

Suspended structures

Their essence is the installation of fasteners in the walls or ceiling, on which the coating plates are attached (or simply laid). Most often they are square or in the form of long stripes, but other geometric shapes are possible. The main material is plastic, metal, drywall. The main benefits include:

  • the ability to use in any room;
  • variety of textures, colors, types of coating;
  • suitable even for curved ceilings with interpanel seams, which cannot be masked;
  • under the coating you can hide extra wires, it becomes possible mounting built-in lamps and development of individual lighting schemes.

There are also disadvantages. So, suspended structures “eat up” part of the height of the room, which for small rooms may be sensitive. It is also necessary to accurately calculate the geometry of the fasteners.

Stretch ceiling

Popular finishing style modern apartments. To the advantages of suspended ones, durability, undemanding to the geometry of the room, the possibility of implementing unusual design solutions are added here. One of important features- the ability to retain water during flooding, and after draining to take its former shape. This quality is especially important both in multi-apartment and in individual residential buildings.

What is the best way to finish the ceiling in the apartment? You decide. And the consultants of the Lanskoy shopping mall will help you make the right choice.

Finishing options can be divided into several large groups, each of which we will discuss below.

plaster ceilings


    Very easy to apply

    wear resistant

    Very slow fading in the sun

    Create an interesting look


    High price

    Not suitable for wet cleaning

    Difficulty of restoration

Dropped ceilings

Most apartment owners today give their preference precisely because they are not demanding on the quality of the ceiling surface.

It is based on thin plates of steel or aluminum, which, in turn, are covered with protective layer varnish. Such a ceiling has various colors and is well suited for rooms with a small area.

Advantages of rack ceilings


    moisture resistance

    Ease of installation

    fire safety



    The susceptibility of rack plates to deformation

    Difficulty accessing the space above the ceiling

This version of suspended ceilings is optimal for do-it-yourself repairs.

Advantages of lining made of plastic or PVC

    Easy to install

    Not afraid of moisture

    Does not absorb unpleasant odors

    Have big choice colors


    fire hazard

    Sensitive to mechanical damage

    May fade if exposed to constant sunlight

This is not a particularly popular type of ceiling decoration in an apartment, most often in offices or trading floors.

Advantages of cassette ceilings

    moisture resistance

    fire safety

    Ease of installation


    High price

    Hiding room height

    Lack of soundproofing

This is the most common finish.


    Perfectly hides all surface imperfections

    Drywall is absolutely safe from an environmental point of view

    Easy to install

    Has a low cost


    Hiding the height of the room

    Lack of moisture resistance

    The need for further staining, hence the increase in costs

This type of ceiling is a decorative adhesive tile. is popular with many people, because in some cases it can replace expensive stucco on the ceiling.

Advantages of ceiling tiles

    Very practical

    Have good moisture resistance

    Easily mounts to the ceiling



This is a large PVC sheet, which is stretched over special fastening profiles.


    Stretch ceilings are waterproof

    moisture resistant


    Have high strength

    Huge variety when choosing their color


    high cost

    Difficulty of DIY installation

Based on the name, you can guess that such ceilings are a combination various kinds suspended structures. This can be, for example, a combination of a plasterboard ceiling with stretch ceiling or with a mirror. This finishing option will help create a special mood in the room and give it a twist.

Ceilings made of natural materials

If, when choosing a material for decorating a ceiling, its environmental friendliness is in the first place for you, then we advise you to pay attention to the finishes listed below.

It's natural wooden plank or MDF sheet. Such boards are attached to the ceiling with special shunt connections. Lining from natural wood can be of different shades - from very light to dark. The desired shade can also be created using stain.

Undeniable advantages wooden lining its moisture resistance, durability, strength and, of course, environmental friendliness are considered.

This type of ceiling is more suitable for a private house or cottage, but it will also look interesting in an apartment. wooden ceiling It will be not only environmentally friendly, but also a practical decor solution. But when processing it, it is very important to remember that you need to use materials that later do not prevent the ceiling from “breathing”.

The advantages of cork ceilings are very difficult to overestimate. Due to the fact that cork slabs are impregnated with wax, dust and condensate do not settle on them. Also, choosing this finish option, you can be sure of its environmental friendliness and durability.

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